Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 2640 by I can not upload diff file when connect to clearcase repository

* NOTE: Do not post confidential information in this bug report. *
*       If you need immediate support, please contact            *
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What version are you running?
reviewboadr 1.6.9

What operating system are you using? What browser?

I install reviewboard in window system, open it by IE8

What's the URL of the page containing the problem?

I connect to clearcase for our repository. when add the repository, the configur path

is "\\bstvob7\ccstg_f\VOBs\se-test_2012.vbs"

so, when use post-review upload review request,
my review request still exists, but the diff is not attached.

The log is follow information:

HTTP PUTting to {'target_people': 'admin'}
Uploading diff, size: 443
--- E:\view\jm.liang_view\se-test_2012\test\g.c@@\main\3 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800 +++ E:\view\jm.liang_view\se-test_2012\test\g.c 2012-06-19 11:20:21.865146200 +0800 ==== 6426fa2c.51944151.8f5c.89:b4:f7:ab:53:72 d8302a00.599d4c3e.93ea.a1:f8:eb:ec:a2:63 ====
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+       int a=0;
+       printf("hello world\n");
+       return 0
\ No newline at end of file

HTTP POSTing to {'basedir': 'E:\\view\\jm.liang_view\\se-test_2012'}
Got API Error 105 (HTTP code 400): One or more fields had errors
Error data: {u'fields': {u'path': [u'[Error 267] ']}, u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'One or more fields had errors', u'code': 105}}

The reviewboard server log:

[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] oid 6426fa2c.51944151.8f5c.89:b4:f7:ab:53:72 [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] self.repopath \\\\bstvob7\\ccstg_f\\VOBs\\se-test_2012.vbs [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] ERROR:root:Error uploading new diff: [Error 267]
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "C:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages\\reviewboard-1.6.9-py2.6.egg\\reviewboard\\webapi\\", line 1510, in create [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] request.FILES.get('parent_diff_path')) [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "c:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages\\ReviewBoard-1.6.9-py2.6.egg\\reviewboard\\reviews\\", line 295, in create
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error]     history)
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "C:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages\\reviewboard-1.6.9-py2.6.egg\\reviewboard\\diffviewer\\", line 88, in create [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] diff_file, basedir, check_existance=(not parent_diff_file))) [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "C:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages\\reviewboard-1.6.9-py2.6.egg\\reviewboard\\diffviewer\\", line 161, in _process_files [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] for f in tool.get_parser( [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "c:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages\\ReviewBoard-1.6.9-py2.6.egg\\reviewboard\\diffviewer\\", line 49, in parse [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] next_linenum, new_file = self.parse_change_header(i) [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "c:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages\\ReviewBoard-1.6.9-py2.6.egg\\reviewboard\\diffviewer\\", line 75, in parse_change_header [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] linenum = self.parse_diff_header(linenum, info) [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "C:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages\\reviewboard-1.6.9-py2.6.egg\\reviewboard\\scmtools\\", line 217, in parse_diff_header [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] info['origFile'] = self._oid2filename( [Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "C:\\Python26\\lib\\site-packages\\reviewboard-1.6.9-py2.6.egg\\reviewboard\\scmtools\\", line 246, in _oid2filename
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error]     cwd=self.repopath)
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "C:\\Python26\\lib\\", line 595, in __init__
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error]     errread, errwrite)
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] File "C:\\Python26\\lib\\", line 821, in _execute_child
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error]     startupinfo)
[Tue Jun 19 13:32:12 2012] [error] WindowsError: [Error 267]

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