To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4883/

New ticket #4883 by david
For Beanbag, Inc. > Djblets

Status: New
Tags: Priority:Medium, Project:RBTools

List item view is using the wrong CSS class name

# What version of Djblets are you using?
djblets release-2.0.x

# Which module(s) have the problem?
JS ListItemView

# What steps will reproduce the problem?
UIs which use Djblets' ListItemView on the client side are applying the wrong 
CSS class to items. This can be seen in Review Board's user preferences page, 
in sections such as "Groups" or "Authentication > API Tokens".

The JS code is applying the class `djblets-c-config-forms-list-item`, but it 
ought to be `djblets-c-config-forms-list__item`


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