To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4920/

New update by mblythe
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4920


    > absolutely not forwards/backwards-compatible between the versions of 
Django used for Review Board 3.0/4.0.
    Yeah, it was pretty clear to me (from forum posts or documentation, I don't 
remember) that dumbdb/loaddb were only suitable for changing DB backends within 
the same version of Django and Review Board.  And that was my use case - I 
wanted to migrate from postgresql to MySQL.
    > guidance on alternatives
    At least for postgresql->MySQL migration, I had good luck with this process:
    1) use `pg_dump` to snapshot the existing DB (data only, not table 
    2) use https://github.com/ChrisLundquist/pg2mysql to convert it into a 
MySQL-compatible format (this required a bit of manual tweaking as well, mostly 
to the table names in the INSERT statements, and the syntax for binary values 
(i.e. '\x0123456789abcdef' to X'0123456789abcdef') )
    3) use 'rb-site install' to set up the new MySQL database
    4) truncate the MySQL tables & load the data from the MySQL-compatible 
snapshot (need to disable foreign key checks during this step)
    I can understand you might be reluctant to 'bless' this flow by adding it 
to the documentation, but it would be nice if this were documented somewhere.

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