To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4932/

New update by dkmorgan
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4932


    Hi, I ran into the same issue with a simple diff (attached) on 4.0.3.
            if parsed_file.modified_file_details is not None and 
    also works for me as a workaround.
    This error occurs on linenum=4 started with "@@", just after the first 
parse of diff header.
    The line is not distinguished as "is_diff_header" by the DiffParser class 
and modified_file_details remains None. However SVNDiffParser tries to invoke 
modified_file_details.endswith() and results in an AttributeError exception.

    - main.c.patch

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