Scratch that, patch.exe that came with cygwin works. I think I've been
running PATCH.EXE under c:\WINDOWS. Hope this isn't netbus but thats
my problem and another discussion.

So now that PATCH.EXE is gone I can post a review by hand and view the
diff properly. Thanks for the help. Somewhat indirect but I never
would have noticed this otherwise.

I'll give an update on whether works when I try it.

Thanks again and sorry I'm such a noob.

On Jan 8, 10:38 am, SamClark <> wrote:
> Okay, I noticed something interesting. I think I've been running the
> patch.exe in cygwin\bin (GnuWin32\bin and cygwin\bin are both on my
> PATH but GnuWin32\bin doesn't contain patch). I think I'm using the
> same diffutils package as you but it doesn't come with the patch tool.
> Anyway that would explain the goofy behaviour and why diff works but
> I'm wondering where you got your patch tool since even the .zip
> folders on:
> Don't contain a 'patch' exec.
> While we're at it what does review board use to perform diffs? Would
> it be trying to use my hooped cygwin patchutils tools?
> On Jan 8, 7:20 am, "Muhammad Haggag" <> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:43 PM, SamClark <> wrote:
> > > Well if I hack the file to look exactly like the svn diff output I get
> > > the 'patch didn't apply cleanly' issue, which is expected i guess.
> > > The patch command doesn't output anything. It just fails silently and
> > > doesn't leave me with any additional file (I'm assuming the patched
> > > file would appear in the same directory the patch command was run in).
> > > As a side note I'm using diff and patch from diffutils, should
> > > I try patchutils under cygwin (Is that even possible? my cygwin
> > > experience is zilch)
> > Yes, the patched file should appear in the same directory. Can you try
> > running patch without the --output=patched option? It should output to
> > stdout.
> > I use diff/patch from gnuwin32 (, but it
> > shouldn't make a difference.
> > > Maybe off-topic but is it possible that tortoiseSVN touching my
> > > repository messed things up?
> > Doesn't sound like it. There's something fundamentally wrong here if
> > we can't get patch to use the patch generated by diff. If we work out
> > what's going on here, we'll be able to get this to work.
> > > Ok maybe I missed a step somewhere. I haven't touched Cygwin except to
> > > install patchutils? All I have done is (beyond installing many
> > > dependencies):
> > > [snip]
> > > Am I missing something?
> > Looks alright to me.
> > Regards
> > --
> > Muhammad Haggag- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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