How old was your previous install? That table was added to the database many
months ago, and I haven't heard of it causing any problems. Did you at any
point upgrade, then downgrade to an older version?


Christian Hammond -
VMware, Inc.

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:54 PM, mary <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to upgrade to the latest and greatest reviewboard svn code
> base as I routinely do but, when I run the database evolution I get
> the following error:
> Error applying evolution: (1050, "Table
> 'reviews_reviewrequest_changedescs' already exists")
> Full error below...
> [reviewboard]$ sudo ./ syncdb
> There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
> There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
> There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
> There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
> Adding baseline version for new models
> Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
> Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
> Installing json fixture 'initial_data' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
> packages/reviewboard/scmtools/fixtures'.
> Installed 6 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
> [reviewboard]$ sudo ./ evolve --execute
> You have requested a database evolution. This will alter tables
> and data currently in the 'reviewboard' database, and may result in
> IRREVERSABLE DATA LOSS. Evolutions should be *thoroughly* reviewed
> prior to execution.
> Are you sure you want to execute the evolutions?
> Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: yes
> Error applying evolution: (1050, "Table
> 'reviews_reviewrequest_changedescs' already exists")
> I updated to revision #1668.  I have Django 1.0 installed.
> Any help?
> Thanks!
> Mary
> >

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