The hints are not something you should ever have to do with Review Board. In
fact, doing so can break things badly.

First, I hope you have a backup of the database, in case things go wrong.

Can you tell me what version of django-evolution is installed on that
system? You can check by doing:

    $ python
    >>> import django_evolution
    >>> django_evolution.__version__

Let me know what that says.

Is this the same system that ran the old Review Board instance?


Christian Hammond -
Review Board -
VMware, Inc. -

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 12:07 AM, mxbraun <> wrote:

> I'm trying to evolve a very old database (Beta 0.8) to version 1.5,
> and running into a problem.  When I try the command: rb-site manage /
> site/www/legacyrb evolve -- --execute
> I get the message:
>        The stored evolutions do not completely resolve all model changes.
>        Run `./ evolve --hint` to see a suggestion for the changes
> required.
>        The following are the changes that could not be resolved:
>        In model reviews.DefaultReviewer:
>            Field 'repository' has been added
>        In model reviews.ReviewRequest:
>            Field 'changedescs' has been added
>            Field 'shipit_count' has been added
>            Field 'last_review_timestamp' has been added
>            In field 'repository':
>                Property 'null' has changed
>       ...
>        In model diffviewer.FileDiff:
>            Field 'status' has been added
>            Field 'parent_diff' has been added
>            Field 'diff' has been added
>            Field 'diff_base64' has been deleted
>            In field 'source_file':
>                Property 'max_length' has changed
>            In field 'dest_file':
>                Property 'max_length' has changed
> Question 1: Ummm...why couldn't those changes be resolved?  Will they
> be resolved with a syncdb?
> So I follow the command's advice, and execute "evolve --hint", which
> tells me (among other things):
>        #----- Evolution for diffviewer
>        from django_evolution.mutations import *
>        from django.db import models
>        MUTATIONS = [
>            AddField('DiffSet', 'basedir', models.CharField, initial=u'',
> max_length=256),
>            AddField('FileDiff', 'status', models.CharField, initial=<<USER
> VALUE REQUIRED>>, max_length=1),
>            AddField('FileDiff', 'parent_diff', models.Base64Field,
> initial='', db_column='parent_diff_base64'),
>            AddField('FileDiff', 'diff', models.Base64Field, initial=<<USER
> VALUE REQUIRED>>, db_column='diff_base64'),
> So I figure, "Okay, we have the hints--we just need to execute them."
> So I ran:
>        # rb-site manage /infrastructure/www/legacyrb evolve -- --hint --
> execute
>        Cannot use hinted evolution: AddField or ChangeField mutation for
> 'FileDiff.status' in 'diffviewer' requires user-specified initial
> value.
> So, questions:
> 2) How can I specify an appropriate user value?
> 3) The evolution file for filediff.status, where a USER VALUE REQUIRED
> says:
>    MUTATIONS = [
>        AddField('FileDiff', 'status', models.CharField, initial='M',
> max_length=1)
>    ]
> Looks to me like an initial value is there, and it's an 'M'.  What's
> the problem?
> 4) Can I use evolution in this case, or do I need to resort to just
> making the required changes at the SQL level?  If so, how are the
> 'db_column' parameters handled?
> Thanks,
> m@
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