
my company using your RB since long time and they are very happy using
the same. Presently we are using 1.0 RB server which i guess is
absolute. But we are planning to upgrade stable release version of RB
server, I guess 1.5.5. Please correct me if i am wrong or suggest if
there is any other stable release. Are there any risk to upgrade of RB
server to new version from RB 1.0 if yes then please let us know.

There is requirement from our management that to perform md5 checksum
of the diff file and perform some validation check, hence we wanted to
know do we perform md5 sum of diff generated by postreview tools, if
no can you provide us pointer where we can add these check. As i am
new to python and new to this tool any help on this would appreciated.

Thanks again.


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