One of my users created a review and in the 'Testing Done' field she
pasted in the contents of a large, complex shell script that was used
for the testing. When we try to access the main page for the review,
we see this:

Something broke! (Error 500)

It appears something broke when you tried to go to here. This is
either a bug in Review Board or a server configuration error. Please
report this to your administrator.

The message I get in the log is:

SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string

and it's clear from the context that RB wasn't able to parse what had
been pasted into the description field (lot's of nested quotes in the
script). I had the user remove all that from the description, but the
problem remains because apparently RB saves diffs on that field. So
the error now looks like:

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Djblets-0.6.11-py2.4.egg/
djblets/util/", line 205, in loads
    val = eval(val)

  File "<string>", line 1

    {"diff": {"added": [["Diff r4", "/r/33599/diff/4/", 71332]]},
"testing_done": {"new": ["I used a script that I wrote to test out
which headers are returned for various types of content SNIPPED REST\n
\n\n\n\n"], "old": ["I used a script that I wrote to test out which
headers are returned for various types of content SCRIPT CONTENT HERE

SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string

We'd like to avoid creating a new RB request, and the only solution I
could come up with is to hack the database to remove the 'Testing
Done' stuff entirely. Is that feasible? Advisable? Is there another
way to fix this?



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