
I tried switching to ReviewBoard 1.7.6 again (easy_install -U
ReviewBoard==1.7.6) and then tried "rb-site upgrade". This time, I get
even more failures:

# rb-site upgrade /path/to/site
Rebuilding directory structure
Updating database. This may take a while.

The log output below, including warnings and errors,
can be ignored unless upgrade fails.

------------------ <begin log output> ------------------
Creating tables ...
Upgrading Review Board from 1.0.6 to 1.7.6
There are unapplied evolutions for auth.
There are unapplied evolutions for contenttypes.
There are unapplied evolutions for sessions.
There are unapplied evolutions for accounts.
There are unapplied evolutions for changedescs.
There are unapplied evolutions for diffviewer.
There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
Adding baseline version for new models
Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
Registering new SCM Tool Plastic SCM
(reviewboard.scmtools.plastic.PlasticTool) in database
The stored evolutions do not completely resolve all model changes.
Run `./manage.py evolve --hint` to see a suggestion for the changes required.

The following are the changes that could not be resolved:
In model reviews.DefaultReviewer:
    In field 'repository':
        Property 'null' has changed
In model reviews.ReviewRequest:
    In field 'repository':
        Property 'null' has changed
    Meta property 'unique_together' has changed
In model reviews.Group:
    Meta property 'unique_together' has changed
In model scmtools.Repository:
    Meta property 'unique_together' has changed
In model accounts.ReviewRequestVisit:
    Meta property 'unique_together' has changed
Error: Your models contain changes that Django Evolution cannot
resolve automatically.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to recall how I managed to setup RB 1.7.6
last year. Has anyone else "successfully" jumped from 1.0.x over to

Any hints as to how I can go about resolving these errors? Even hints
/ tips on how to debug the issue would be very helpful.


On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 10:39 PM, Srinidhi B S <srinidhi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm (finally!) preparing to upgrade our very old ReviewBoard instance
> from 1.0.6 to 2.0.12. I've been worried / concerned about the upgrade
> path.
> Around this time last year, I did attempt an upgrade from 1.0.6
> directly to 1.7.6 and things seemed to have worked out fine. But I
> couldn't find any way of "verifying" the upgrade other than accessing
> the dashboards.
> When searching in this list, I found the following post where
> Christian says that "theoretically, you can upgrade from 1.0 straight
> to 2.0":
>     https://groups.google.com/d/msg/reviewboard/jJMHfZRW7CM/F8ZcuL-SqRQJ
> But this is failing for me. Here are the steps followed:
> 1. Run "mysqldump -p --opt --quote-names --default-character-set=utf8
> <database> > reviewboard.sql" on old server running ReviewBoard 1.0.6
> 2. Edit reviewboard.sql and change all instances of MyISAM to InnoDB
> 3. Transfer reviewboard.sql to new machine running ReviewBoard 2.0.12
> 4. Run "mysql --default-character-set=utf-8 <database> < reviewboard.sql"
> 5. Run "rb-site upgrade /path/to/site"
> Here's the output:
> --------------------------- %< ---------------------------
> Rebuilding directory structure
> Updating database. This may take a while.
> The log output below, including warnings and errors,
> can be ignored unless upgrade fails.
> ------------------ <begin log output> ------------------
> Creating tables ...
> Creating table extensions_registeredextension
> Creating table accounts_localsiteprofile
> Creating table attachments_fileattachment
> Creating table diffviewer_filediffdata
> Creating table hostingsvcs_hostingserviceaccount
> Creating table reviews_fileattachmentcomment
> Creating table site_localsite_users
> Creating table site_localsite_admins
> Creating table site_localsite
> Upgrading Review Board from 1.0.6 to 2.0.12
> There are unapplied evolutions for auth.
> There are unapplied evolutions for contenttypes.
> There are unapplied evolutions for sessions.
> There are unapplied evolutions for accounts.
> There are unapplied evolutions for attachments.
> There are unapplied evolutions for changedescs.
> There are unapplied evolutions for diffviewer.
> There are unapplied evolutions for hostingsvcs.
> There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
> There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
> There are unapplied evolutions for site.
> Adding baseline version for new models
> Evolutions in attachments baseline: file_attachment_orig_filename,
> file_attachment_file_max_length_512, file_attachment_repo_info,
> file_attachment_repo_path_no_index,
> file_attachment_repo_revision_max_length_64
> Evolutions in hostingsvcs baseline: account_hosting_url,
> account_hosting_url_max_length_255, account_unique_together_baseline
> Evolutions in site baseline: localsite_public
> Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
> Installing custom SQL ...
> Installing indexes ...
> Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
> Registering new SCM Tool Plastic SCM
> (reviewboard.scmtools.plastic.PlasticTool) in database
> The stored evolutions do not completely resolve all model changes.
> Run `./manage.py evolve --hint` to see a suggestion for the changes required.
> The following are the changes that could not be resolved:
> The application markup has been deleted
> In model reviews.DefaultReviewer:
>     In field 'repository':
>         Property 'null' has changed
> In model reviews.ReviewRequest:
>     In field 'repository':
>         Property 'null' has changed
> CommandError: Your models contain changes that Django Evolution cannot
> resolve automatically.
> --------------------------- >% ---------------------------
> In another mail thread, it was suggested never to run "evolve --hint".
> So I don't want to run that command without asking here first.
> Follow-up questions:
> 1. Should I perform an incremental upgrade? As in, 1.0.6 -> 1.7.6 -> 2.0.12.
> 2. I'm not able to run "rb-site manage /path/to/site dumpdata >
> dump.json" on ReviewBoard 1.0.6 because MySQL client is running out of
> memory. Would there be any problem if I use mysql dumps instead of
> RB's json dump?
> Any help here would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has attempted a
> similar upgrade, I would like to hear their learning / suggestions too
> :)
> Regards,
> Srinidhi.

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