I addition to my question, the reason I'm asking such thing is that we have 
our instance of ReviewBoard (and any other tool hosted at us) behind proxy, 
and all outgoing request must be channeled through this proxy. As in this 
case, proxy is bypassed (not consulted), and all outgoing public network 
request are discarded. Because of this, application is slow (for example, 
posting a comment in review takes up to 3 mins) and application is barely 

As a continuation on first question, is there a possibility to run 
reviewboard in such "eco-system" (where every public http request must go 
through proxy)? 

What we tried is to set env variable http_proxy and https_proxy to point at 
out proxy. Running command 'lynx gooogle.com' on CentOS that backs 
ReviewBoard went through proxy and response was received. But repeating 
comment publishing on review resulted in same manner as first time, a 
direct request to cloudfront was made instead of going through proxy. 

On Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 4:02:22 PM UTC+1, Antonio Soldo wrote:
> Hi all
> Is there a reason why is ReviewBoard trying to connect to the 
> server-54-192-186-70.cdg51.r.cloudfront.net after every change that is 
> published on review?
> I was monitoring my net traffic and noticed this connection and did not 
> find anything specific why this server would be contacted. In my admin 
> dashboard I defined that all files are hosted locally.
> Also, inspecting web server configuration did not give me any clue. I'm 
> attaching captured traffic so everybody could see request made to above 
> mentioned server.
> I'm hosting ReviewBoard locally, and currently running version 2.5.7 on 
> CentOS 7.3.1611. ReviewBoard is run on Apache web server.
> Thank you in advance

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