I attempted the same, moving from SQLite to MySQL. It didn't go well.... 
First I was asked to install a django package, then it tried but failed on 
a LOT of FK constraints:

sudo rb-site manage `pwd` dumpdb > ~/database.json

(change settings_local.py)

sudo rb-site manage `pwd` loaddb ~/database.json
CommandError: Before using this command, you need to install the 
'django-reset' package
[dave.anderson@tools rb.com]$ sudo pip install django-reset
Collecting django-reset
  Downloading django-reset-0.2.0.tar.gz
Building wheels for collected packages: django-reset
  Running setup.py bdist_wheel for django-reset ... done
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/54/4a/77/
Successfully built django-reset
Installing collected packages: django-reset
Successfully installed django-reset-0.2.0
[dave.anderson@tools rb.com]$ sudo rb-site manage `pwd` loaddb ~

This will wipe out your existing database prior to loading. It is highly
recommended that you have a full SQL database dump in case things go wrong.

You should only use this if you're migrating from one type of database to
another, with the same version of Review Board on each.

Are you sure you want to continue?"

Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: yes
sh: ./reviewboard/manage.py: No such file or directory
Importing new style dump format (v1)
Error: (1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint 
fails (`reviewboard`.`django_admin_log`, CONSTRAINT 
`content_type_id_refs_id_93d2d1f8` FOREIGN KEY (`content_type_id`) 
REFERENCES `django_content_type` (`id`))')
Line 0: '{"pk": 55, "model": "admin.logentry", "fields": {"action_flag": 2, 
"action_time": "2017-05-25T18:46:10.674Z", "object_repr": "SysTools", 
"object_id": "1", "change_message": "Changed mailing_list, email_list_only, 
users and extra_data.", "user": 1, "content_type": 24}}

And so on, for about 2500 lines. This is MySQL 5.5.53. I had created a 
"reviewboard" schema before attempting the loaddb. Any thoughts

On Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 1:44:35 AM UTC-7, Joe wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> It worked when I gave without the "--no-initial-data".
> So following are the steps I followed:
> I have assumed the /path/to/reviewboard in my case as /var/www/reviewboard
> 1. Stop reviewboard
> 2. # rb-site manage /var/www/reviewboard dumpdb > database.json
> 3. In reviewboard folder go into /conf and change the settings_local.py to 
> point from sqlite3 to mysql
> In settings_local.py change
>     'default': {
>         'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
>         'NAME': '/var/www/reviewboard/data/reviewboard.db',
>     },
> }
> to
>     'default': {
>         'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
>         'NAME': 'reviewboard_mysql',
>         'USER': 'root',
>         'PASSWORD': '',
>         'HOST': 'localhost',
>         'PORT': ''
>     },
> }
> 4. # rb-site manage /var/www/reviewboard syncdb --
> 5. # rb-site manage /var/www/reviewboard loaddb 
> /path/to/dumpfile/database.json
> Done.
> Best regards,  
> Joe.
> On Thursday, April 24, 2014 10:20:25 AM UTC+2, Joe wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks for the details. 
>> When I run the below command I get the error --no-initial-data is not an 
>> avaialble option. Am I missing something here:
>> # rb-site manage /var/www/reviewboard syncdb -- --no-initial-data
>> Usage: 
>> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ReviewBoard-1.7.22-py2.6.egg/reviewboard/cmdline/rbsite.pyc
>> syncdb [options]
>> Create the database tables for all apps in INSTALLED_APPS whose tables 
>> haven't already been created.
>> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ReviewBoard-1.7.22-py2.6.egg/reviewboard/cmdline/rbsite.pyc:
>> error: no such option: --no-initial-data
>> Best regards,  
>> Joe.
>> On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 9:34:26 PM UTC+2, Christian Hammond wrote:
>>> loaddb and loaddata both require that you have an existing database 
>>> schema in place.
>>> You'll need to first use the version of Review Board you were using for 
>>> the sqlite database. I'm assuming in this case that it's the same one and 
>>> that you aren't also trying trying to upgrade the software. If you are, 
>>> you'll first need to update the sqlite database.
>>> Then, once you've configured your site to use MySQL (by modifying the 
>>> settings_local.py file), you can create the initial schema by doing:
>>>     $ rb-site manage /path/to/site syncdb -- --no-initial-data
>>> (Note the extra "--" in there.)
>>> If you already had data in the database, you'll need to wipe it before 
>>> doing that.
>>> You should then be able to do the import.
>>> Christian
>>> -- 
>>> Christian Hammond - chi...@chipx86.com
>>> Review Board - http://www.reviewboard.org
>>> Beanbag, Inc. - http://www.beanbaginc.com
>>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 5:08 AM, Joe <jothi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Anyone who can say what could be the issue that I have mentioned below.
>>>> Best regards,  
>>>> Joe.
>>>> On Monday, April 14, 2014 3:45:48 PM UTC+2, Joe wrote:
>>>>> David:
>>>>> When I tried this, I get the following errors:
>>>>> 1. rb-site manage /path/to/site dumpdb > database.json
>>>>> Success. Database.json was created
>>>>> 2. rb-site manage /path/to/site loaddb database.json
>>>>> Interestingly it said that database.json doesn't exist, while it 
>>>>> exists.
>>>>> It started running when I gave the full path
>>>>> rb-site manage /path/to/site loaddb /home/rbusr/backup/database.json
>>>>> 3. But this loaddb command did not complete. It got failed with the 
>>>>> following error:
>>>>> ine 2019: '{"pk": "2cb7881974e3b16dc27d181a7afad869", "model": 
>>>>> "sessions.session", "fields": {"expire_date": "2015-03-19T05:43:49.644Z", 
>>>>> "session_data": "gAJ9cQFVCnRlc3Rjb29raWVxAlUGd2
>>>>> 9ya2VkcQNzLjViMGE0ODQwNDRhMjdjY2UyNDhjODgxYWIx\nZjlkZDky\n"}}
>>>>> 'Error: (1146, "Table 'reviewboard_mysqldb.django_session' doesn't 
>>>>> exist")
>>>>> Line 2020: '{"pk": "57e2c5013b1a55003e2df355c69bc722", "model": 
>>>>> "sessions.session", "fields": {"expire_date": "2015-03-19T06:25:37.154Z", 
>>>>> "session_data": "gAJ9cQEoVRJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2JhY2
>>>>> tlbmRxAlUpZGphbmdvLmNvbnRyaWIuYXV0aC5iYWNrZW5k\
>>>>> ncy5Nb2RlbEJhY2tlbmRxA1UNX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9pZHEES4t1LmNhYTJlZmF
>>>>> mMzM0YWY5NDY1ZjAx\nNjM3ZjA3NTA1M2Rl\n"}}
>>>>> 'Error: (1146, "Table 'reviewboard_mysqldb.django_session' doesn't 
>>>>> exist")
>>>>> Line 2021: '{"pk": "f5039c679f6f5d0fcd4e1ce45375d2c9", "model": 
>>>>> "sessions.session", "fields": {"expire_date": "2015-04-01T05:35:47.003Z", 
>>>>> "session_data": "gAJ9cQEoVRJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2JhY2
>>>>> tlbmRxAlUpZGphbmdvLmNvbnRyaWIuYXV0aC5iYWNrZW5k\
>>>>> ncy5Nb2RlbEJhY2tlbmRxA1UNX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9pZHEES2R1LjA3ODVlNzk
>>>>> 1YzNkYmExMmJmY2Fm\nMTNmMmMzODI0MmFh\n"}}
>>>>> 'Error: (1146, "Table 'reviewboard_mysqldb.django_session' doesn't 
>>>>> exist")
>>>>> Line 2022: '{"pk": "b9da809d942c8ab930c14843aabd5d9b", "model": 
>>>>> "sessions.session", "fields": {"expire_date": "2015-03-20T22:06:59.624Z", 
>>>>> "session_data": "gAJ9cQEoVQ1fYXV0aF91c2VyX2lkcQ
>>>>> JLKFUSX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9iYWNrZW5kcQNVKWRqYW5nby5j\
>>>>> nb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kcQR1LjIzNzk5MzQ
>>>>> wY2ZhODUwMWNmMzU5\nMWY4MWUyNmY5YjIx\n"}}
>>>>> 'Error: (1146, "Table 'reviewboard_mysqldb.django_session' doesn't 
>>>>> exist")
>>>>> Line 2023: '{"pk": "ba719abc8094a9bc8cc3b677cbc3db1d", "model": 
>>>>> "sessions.session", "fields": {"expire_date": "2015-03-20T00:34:54.056Z", 
>>>>> "session_data": "gAJ9cQEoVRJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2JhY2
>>>>> tlbmRxAlUpZGphbmdvLmNvbnRyaWIuYXV0aC5iYWNrZW5k\
>>>>> ncy5Nb2RlbEJhY2tlbmRxA1UNX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9pZHEES311LjZmZWI3MGM
>>>>> 5NzUyNTIxOGM2OTk1\nNjg1NGQyOTE5NDc1\n"}}
>>>>> 'Error: (1146, "Table 'reviewboard_mysqldb.django_session' doesn't 
>>>>> exist")
>>>>> Line 2024: '{"pk": "b7ef1ec805fba7b77c567fe403ffcc80", "model": 
>>>>> "sessions.session", "fields": {"expire_date": "2015-03-20T00:36:22.807Z", 
>>>>> "session_data": "gAJ9cQFVCnRlc3Rjb29raWVxAlUGd2
>>>>> 9ya2VkcQNzLjViMGE0ODQwNDRhMjdjY2UyNDhjODgxYWIx\nZjlkZDky\n"}}
>>>>> 'Error: (1146, "Table 'reviewboard_mysqldb.django_session' doesn't 
>>>>> exist")
>>>>> Line 2025: '{"pk": "4eefe47bedaa52c81faaf65f3fec65e7", "model": 
>>>>> "sessions.session", "fields": {"expire_date": "2015-03-20T00:37:22.556Z", 
>>>>> "session_data": "gAJ9cQFVCnRlc3Rjb29raWVxAlUGd2
>>>>> 9ya2VkcQNzLjViMGE0ODQwNDRhMjdjY2UyNDhjODgxYWIx\nZjlkZDky\n"}}
>>>>> Line 2166: '{"pk": "0fb6592d2c2784aafd9fa256f522dd52", "model": 
>>>>> "sessions.session", "fields": {"expire_date": "2015-04-14T10:18:01.105Z", 
>>>>> "session_data": "MTgzOTdhYTQzYzIzMWUyNTJhOTcwYz
>>>>> k3ODQwNTE0MDFjN2JhNzYxYjqAAn1xAShVEl9hdXRoX3Vz\
>>>>> nZXJfYmFja2VuZHECVTFyZXZpZXdib2FyZC5hY2NvdW50cy5iYWNrZW5kcy5
>>>>> TdGFuZGFyZEF1dGhC\nYWNrZW5kcQNVDV9hdXRoX3VzZXJfaWRxBEsQdS4=\n"}}
>>>>> 'Problem installing '/home/rbusr/reviewboard/database.json': (1146, 
>>>>> "Table 'reviewboard_mysqldb.django_site' doesn't exist")
>>>>> Any thoughts on how to fix this..
>>>>> Best regards,  
>>>>> Joe.
>>>>> On Saturday, April 12, 2014 8:29:54 AM UTC+2, David Trowbridge wrote:
>>>>>> Joe,
>>>>>> There are two management commands you can use for this. They aren't 
>>>>>> well-documented, but there's an example of how to use them at 
>>>>>> http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/reviewboard/1.6.4/
>>>>>> I don't think there's a strong reason to choose either over the 
>>>>>> other. It usually comes down more to what expertise people have.
>>>>>> -David
>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Joe <jothi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I believe I'm still running my review board in sqlite3 (how to 
>>>>>>> confirm it)
>>>>>>> Are there any scripts from review board to convert this database to 
>>>>>>> MySQL or PostgreSQL.
>>>>>>> Also which one (MySQL or PostgreSQL) is better option.
>>>>>>> Best regards,  
>>>>>>> Joe.
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Get the Review Board Power Pack at http://www.reviewboard.org/
>>>>>>> powerpack/
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Sign up for Review Board hosting at RBCommons: 
>>>>>>> https://rbcommons.com/
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Happy user? Let us know at http://www.reviewboard.org/users/
>>>>>>> --- 
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>>>>>>> Groups "reviewboard" group.
>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>>>>>>> send an email to reviewboard...@googlegroups.com.
>>>>>>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
>>>>>> -- 
>>>> Get the Review Board Power Pack at 
>>>> http://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
>>>> ---
>>>> Sign up for Review Board hosting at RBCommons: https://rbcommons.com/
>>>> ---
>>>> Happy user? Let us know at http://www.reviewboard.org/users/
>>>> --- 
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>>> Groups "reviewboard" group.
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>>>> an email to reviewboard...@googlegroups.com.
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