I tried to migrate reviewboard from an old server to a VM.

The older server:
OS: SUSE 11.4 
reviewboard: 1.6.3

The new server:
centos 7 or ubuntu 16.04
reviewboard: Review Board 2.5.16 

What is the best approach to achieve this? 

I have tested the following approach:

1. create the db backup on the old server (ok)
2. cp the db backup and restore the db on the new server (ok)
3. cp the rb site data /var/www/mysite on the new server (ok)
4. run "rb-site upgrade /var/www/mysite" 

I failed at this step with the following error on both centos and ubuntu 

Applying database evolutions for auth...
Applying database evolutions for contenttypes...
Applying database evolutions for accounts...
Applying database evolutions for attachments...
Applying database evolutions for changedescs...
Applying database evolutions for diffviewer...
Applying database evolutions for reviews...
Database evolutions for reviews failed!
The SQL statement was: ALTER TABLE `reviews_reviewrequest_depends_on` ADD 
CONSTRAINT `from_reviewrequest_id_refs_id_623cfa96` FOREIGN KEY 
(`from_reviewrequest_id`) REFERENCES `reviews_reviewrequest` (`id`);
The database error was: (1005, 'Can\'t create table 
`reviewboard`.`#sql-48c6_5e` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is 
incorrectly formed")')

CommandError: Error applying evolution for reviews: (1005, 'Can\'t create 
table `reviewboard`.`#sql-48c6_5e` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is 
incorrectly formed")')

Could you advice what I missed and how to resolve the issue? Will it be 
better when doing "rb-site upgrade" on the old server first, then migrate?

Sharon Chen

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