
I'm trying to setup 2 Review Board sites on one linux machine with one 
Apache server, one memcached etc...

My machine is running Debian GNU/Linux 8.8 (jessie). I'm installing the 
site following this 
guide: https://www.reviewboard.org/docs/manual/dev/admin/installation/linux/

The first site I installed runs perfectly. It's configured with Apache + 
mod_wsgi, MySql database and memcached server.

I created a second database in mysql for the second site, ran rb-site 
install /var/www/site2../  and the first site stopped working. 

When i delete the second site installation folder the first site starts 
working again with no data loss. Also after deleting the second site some 
process (with user www-data, so probably apache) continues to automatically 
folder and I'm not sure why it does that and how to stop it.

Can you please point me to some tutorial on how to install 2 or more Review 
Board sites on one machine.

If this is not something easily done can someone at least tell me how to 
remove traces of the second installation - particularly the rbintegrations 
folder that gets recreated in /var/www/site2.../....  


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