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Review request for Ambari, Nate Cole, Sebastian Toader, and Sid Wagle.

Bugs: AMBARI-19364

Repository: ambari


Recently I noticed that collections coming back from JPA were using a 
{{Vector}} as their concrete collection. This seems very wrong as {{Vector}} is 
a completely synchronized collection. 

Tracing through EclipseLink, it seems like this really only affects 
 Essentially, EclipseLink uses  a 
 to determine how the result set should be collected. There are policies for 
{{Vector}}, {{ArrayList}}, {{HashSet}}, etc. 

The interesting part here is that this really only affects the {{ReadAllQuery}} 
which is used by JPA's {{Query#getResultList()}} ... anytime it needs to create 
a collection of entities, it's going to use a {{Vector}}.

There's actually very little documentation on this. In fact, the only way to 
change this is either set a global value for the default container policy, or 
set a per-query policy. An example of setting the global policy would be:

public class EclipseLinkSessionCustomizer implements SessionCustomizer {

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * <p/>
   * This class exists for quick customization purposes.
  public void customize(Session session) throws Exception {
    // ensure db behavior is same as shared cache
    DatabaseLogin databaseLogin = (DatabaseLogin) session.getDatasourceLogin();

    // for some reason, read-all queries use a Vector as their container for
    // result items - this seems like an unnecessary performance hit since
    // Vectors are synchronized and there's no apparent reason to provide a
    // thread-safe collection on a read all query

This indeed causes collections returned by queries to be backed by ArrayLists. 

There is some discussion on this topic already:

It seems like this was kept as a {{Vector}} purely for backward compatibility 



Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/55178/diff/


Ran a full deployment and didn't see any issues. Verfied that ArrayList are 
returned in `ReadAllQuery` instead of Vector.


Jonathan Hurley

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