> On Sept. 2, 2015, 4:45 p.m., Bill Farner wrote:
> > src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/ExecutorSettingsLoader.java,
> >  line 87
> > <https://reviews.apache.org/r/37818/diff/3/?file=1061926#file1061926line87>
> >
> >     This code will be easier to maintain long-term with 2 goals in mind:
> >     - keep json-related code within this class (no annotations on 
> > ExecutorSettings)
> >     - avoid hand-rolling deserializers
> >     
> >     This sounds like more work, but it's not that bad.  The major 
> > difference is that you'll create a class in this file that defines the JSON 
> > structure, and does so in a way that the json deserializer can work with.
> >     
> >     Maxim just did something very similar, which you can crib from:
> >     
> > https://github.com/apache/aurora/blob/89da936f3d28743e307c7c4fed0bff6fead7ceca/src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/SchedulerModule.java#L132-L147
> >     
> > https://github.com/apache/aurora/blob/89da936f3d28743e307c7c4fed0bff6fead7ceca/src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/TierManager.java#L47-L55
> Bill Farner wrote:
>     Oh, the detail i neglected to mention - i suggest you then write code to 
> translate your config schema object into ExecutorSettings.  This can provides 
> compile-time guarantees that we don't have with the current code, making it 
> easier to maintain.
> Renan DelValle wrote:
>     Can you expend on this? I don't have any experience with Jackson. I'm 
> looking through what Maxim did and I'll definitely crib here and there but I 
> can't find anything related to getting this done at compile time.
> Bill Farner wrote:
>     Don't be thrown by the mention of compile time, i'm just referring to 
> refactor safety if/when the structures changed.  The concise way to put it is 
> - use a different class for your config domain object.  This way you don't 
> need to change ExecutorSettings to compensate for the fact that some code in 
> another part of the system is using a json mapper.
>     Start by defining a class that matches your config schema:
>     ```
>     class ExecutorConfig {
>       String command;
>       List<Resources> resource;
>       ...
>     }
>     class Resource {
>       String value;  // note - i would like to see this renamed to uri
>       boolean executable;
>       boolean extract;
>       boolean cache;
>     }
>     ...
>     ```
>     (that's just a quick example, feel free to adjust as you see fit)
>     Jackson is very similar to gson, there's just a behavior nuance that is 
> desirable.  You'll use an `ObjectMapper` to parse the json to an 
> `ExecutorConfig`, then write a function to transform your `ExecutorConfig` 
> into `ExecutorSettings`.
>     ```
>     private static ExecutorSettings configToSettings(ExecutorConfig config) {
>       return new ExecutorSettings(...);
>     }
>     ```
> Bill Farner wrote:
>     I took a quick stab at illustrating this, take a look here: 
> https://github.com/wfarner/aurora/commit/a53c215432b34ba95238121581375bde24b88a1e
>     The remaining work is to complete filling out constructor fields:
> https://github.com/wfarner/aurora/blob/a53c215432b34ba95238121581375bde24b88a1e/src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/ExecutorSettingsLoader.java#L53-L61
>     This is really a matter of writing functions to translate from types in 
> `ExecutorConfig` to the corresponding types in `ExecutorSettings`.
>     Depending on your bandwidth over the next few days, i may take over this 
> patch if you don't mind.
> Renan DelValle wrote:
>     Thanks for the examples, in particular the entry transformer really 
> helped speed things along.
>     I've almost got this done, and I'm having an issue with using optionals, 
> which in my opinion are necessary if we want to leave the defaults set on the 
> URI resource configuration if nothing is specified. I.e: If executable is not 
> in the schema for a URI, then its better to not set it than to set a default 
> value, IMO.
>     I've looked around and Jackson has support for them if we load a new 
> module:
>     https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-datatype-jdk8
>     However, I can't find where the jackson dependecy is. And the fact the 
> jackson pacakges still point to codehaus lead me to believe were using an old 
> version.
>     Here are some relevant files:
> https://github.com/rdelval/aurora/blob/AURORA-1376-1d/src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/ExecutorConfiguration.java
> https://github.com/rdelval/aurora/blob/AURORA-1376-1d/src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/ExecutorSettingsLoader.java
>     We're almost there.
> Bill Farner wrote:
>     Perhaps we should go a step further and try to directly parse 
> `ExecutorInfo`?  That way we don't have to maintain parity between the 
> protobuf schema and our own.  Jackson can't directly deserialize 
> protobuf-generated objects, but a quick search turned up this promising 
> project: https://github.com/HubSpot/jackson-datatype-protobuf
>     The deps are defined in build.gradle.  You're right about the old jackson 
> library (pulled in by an old jersey-json).  However, the fact that they 
> changed packages plays in our favor - we can add an explicit dep on the new 
> jackson version and use the new one in this part of the code.
> Bill Farner wrote:
>     I put together a proof of concept of this idea here: 
> https://github.com/wfarner/aurora/commit/04e1ff6ad566755823b624303cfd66541076785b
>     You'll notice that this makes the json more verbose, but it becomes a 1:1 
> association with the protobuf message.

Awesome, thanks for that. It's a WIP at the moment, but I just wanted to share 
what I have so far so I'm not going off on some trail I shouldn't be going on.

I cribbed some of the code from your POC and came up with this. I'm still 
working on fixing all the tests that changing the ExecutorSettings broke, but 
after that it should be good to go.


You'll notice I condensed the command list and URIs into a CommandBuilder and I 
changed the Volume from the Aurora one to the Mesos Protobuf one, I hope this 
last change isn't an issue, if it is, let me know.

With these changes IMO, 
src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/base/CommandUtil.java is no longer 
needed, at least I haven't found anywhere where it would be a benefit to have 

- Renan

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On Sept. 8, 2015, 4:32 p.m., Renan DelValle wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/37818/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Sept. 8, 2015, 4:32 p.m.)
> Review request for Aurora and Bill Farner.
> Repository: aurora
> Description
> -------
> This is the first stage in a series of patches to create support for custom 
> executors. In an effort to expedite the review process, I have decided to 
> break down my patch into multiple pieces that when/if commited won't break 
> the trunk.
> This patch includes the ability to load configuration from a JSON file. A 
> JSON example file is included in examples/vagrant/executors-config.json
> Command line arguments have been eliminated and moved over to the JSON file. 
> GSON is leveraged and does most of the work with the aid of a few custom 
> deserializers that were needed. 
> Note that right now a global container mount that does not follow 
> specification will cause the scheduler to detect the error an exit early. It 
> is up for discussion if this is the desired behavior or if we should just 
> ignore said mount.
> Diffs
> -----
>   examples/vagrant/executors-config.json PRE-CREATION 
>   examples/vagrant/upstart/aurora-scheduler-kerberos.conf 
> 4f43892723db4744db205ea7dd107e9e9ce9d5db 
>   examples/vagrant/upstart/aurora-scheduler.conf 
> e909451892f117e9e6eb80994079661827a0914c 
>   src/jmh/java/org/apache/aurora/benchmark/SchedulingBenchmarks.java 
> c210c0db07bb1f4b3f76668178dcd7e2de56a4ac 
>   src/jmh/java/org/apache/aurora/benchmark/StatusUpdateBenchmark.java 
> 197184b6edc0768d677636341b5737f262abdf7d 
>   src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/app/SchedulerMain.java 
> 8047622e206c9827e5cd8e40152a278d495bd0ff 
>   src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/base/CommandUtil.java 
> aa5ce8b2f14c7dbd0eae120018ee41387c26059f 
> src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/ExecutorSettingsLoader.java
>   src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/mesos/ExecutorSettings.java 
> b3c913892248e4a9a8111412307463985f5ca97f 
>   src/main/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/mesos/MesosTaskFactory.java 
> f6ba2c40aea555d3e0ab774218bfe08d7e1c984b 
>   src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/ResourceSlotTest.java 
> 6fad3344042dc6a75cdf74ce79d388fcd4fc9861 
>   src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/app/SchedulerIT.java 
> 1a25924d789295c5950947f5e302e1d1fbec68f2 
>   src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/base/CommandUtilTest.java 
> cd0295780d41bc4e914583f195b37eaed28a46dc 
> src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/ExecutorSettingsLoaderTest.java
> src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/mesos/MesosTaskFactoryImplTest.java 
> dddf7952d3f0e508cd736d5fb95e573267708d43 
>   src/test/java/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/mesos/TaskExecutors.java 
> d0987251b058988fcbfab16c1b138c37e0c5b8c6 
> src/test/resources/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/executor-settings-thermos-no-observer.json
> src/test/resources/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/multiple-executor-example.json
> src/test/resources/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/no-value-URI.json
> src/test/resources/org/apache/aurora/scheduler/configuration/single-executor-example.json
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/37818/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> ./build-support/jenkins/build.sh: directory sandbox failed but it may be a 
> flaky test
> bash src/test/sh/org/apache/aurora/e2e/test_end_to_end.sh
> Thanks,
> Renan DelValle

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