Hello Aman Sinha, Tamas Mate, Kurt Deschler, Impala Public Jenkins, I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit
http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/18080 to look at the new patch set (#8). Change subject: IMPALA-11056: Create option to fail query on Java UDF exceptions ...................................................................... IMPALA-11056: Create option to fail query on Java UDF exceptions This commit will create a new query option, "abort_java_udf_on_exception". The current and default behavior is that when the Java UDF throws an exception, a warning is logged and the function returns NULL. If the query option is set to true, the query will fail. Change-Id: Ifece20cf16a6575f1c498238f754440e870e2ce9 --- M be/src/exprs/hive-udf-call-ir.cc M be/src/exprs/hive-udf-call.cc M be/src/runtime/runtime-state.h M be/src/service/query-options.cc M be/src/service/query-options.h M common/thrift/ImpalaService.thrift M common/thrift/Query.thrift M testdata/workloads/functional-query/queries/QueryTest/java-udf.test 8 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) git pull ssh://gerrit.cloudera.org:29418/Impala-ASF refs/changes/80/18080/8 -- To view, visit http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/18080 To unsubscribe, visit http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/settings Gerrit-Project: Impala-ASF Gerrit-Branch: master Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset Gerrit-Change-Id: Ifece20cf16a6575f1c498238f754440e870e2ce9 Gerrit-Change-Number: 18080 Gerrit-PatchSet: 8 Gerrit-Owner: Steve Carlin <scar...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Aman Sinha <amsi...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Impala Public Jenkins <impala-public-jenk...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Kurt Deschler <kdesc...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Steve Carlin <scar...@cloudera.com> Gerrit-Reviewer: Tamas Mate <tm...@cloudera.com>