Taras Bobrovytsky has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: Preview: IMPALA-4467: Add support for CRUD operations in stress 

Patch Set 1:


File tests/stress/concurrent_select.py:

Line 680:     # Query to run before worst_case_sql to get the worst case 
> What's worst_case_sql? Can you give a little more flavor to the comment? I'
I updated the patch significantly (based on our discussion), this is no longer 

Line 688:     self.options = {}
> needs a comment

Line 691:     self.modifies_table = False
> let's introduce a stmt_type enum that can have values like SELECT/INSERT/UP

Line 694:     self.MIN_INT = 10
> var names are not very telling, what are these numbers?
This not relevant any more. Removed.

PS1, Line 695:     self.MIN_INT = 20
> You've defined self.MIN_INT twice.
Yeah, like I said it was a rough patch. These numbers are not needed any more.

PS1, Line 698:   def sql(self):
> This whole set of methods could use docstrings to explain to someone roughl
This method was removed.

PS1, Line 701:       return str(randint(10, 20))
> I would like for us to make our randomized tests more repeatable. To that e
After talking to Alex, I removed any randomness from the Query class. Now 1 
query object always represents a single sql statement.

PS1, Line 713:     result = re.sub(pattern, "10", self._sql)
> Was the hard coding of 10 here meant to actually be self.MIN_INT?
Yes exactly, that was the intention. However, this is no longer relevant.

Line 832:       raise
> seems like we intentionally did not raise before?
this was a mistake, removed.

Line 942:           LOG.debug("Result set empty for query with id %s",
> Another possible use of stmt_type
No longer relevant.

Line 1239:     try:
> we can use the stmt_type here to only run explain for those stmts that supp

Line 1356: def clean_up_database(cursor):
> reset_database?

Line 1357:   LOG.info("Cleaning up {0} database".format(cursor.db_name))
> needs comment
Added method docstring.

Line 1360:     if not table.name.endswith("_original"):
> seems simpler to move the modified tables into a new database, then you don
I am not sure if it's simpler. It seems to me it's simpler to have everything 
in a single database. We can maybe discuss this offline.

Line 1371:       if len(table.primary_keys) < 1:
> add comment: only run for Kudu tables which must have a primary key

Line 1373:       # For now we will not handle the case in a special way where 
several columns are a
> Why? Seems easy enough to do.
I am not really sure if it's necessary to handle this in some special way. Do 
you have any suggestions?

Line 1376:       if primary_key.exact_type not in (TinyInt, SmallInt, BigInt):
> Why this restriction?
We want to be able to apply the "modulo operation". Added comment. Added 

PS1, Line 1379:       query.modifies_table = False
> Why is this False?
It's relative to the original state. For example, if we run a query  If we have 
an unmodified lineitem item table, then we run an upsert query on it, it should 
remain unchanged. Added comment in class.

Line 1383:       if table.name + "_original" in set(table.name for table in 
> What's the motivation for this? We might be able to achieve the same thing 
As discussed in person, I agree that 1 Query object should represent 1 query. 

PS1, Line 1392: def generate_delete_queries(cursor):
> Lots of duplicated logic here and in generate_upsert_queries(). I think add
Rewrote to eliminate code duplication.

Line 1433:       drop_query.sql = "DROP STATS {0}".format(table.name)
> why drop? we're not checking the results anyway

Line 1438:       compute_query.name = "compute_stats_{0}".format(table.name)
> can you add the mt_dop option as part of the name?

PS1, Line 1664:     if query._sql in 
> It doesn't seem right to be examining a private attribute from the outside.
Yeah, I agree, this was a rough patch. Fixed now.

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ia2aafdc6851cc0e1677a3c668d3350e47c4bfe40
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: Impala-ASF
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Taras Bobrovytsky <tbobrovyt...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Alex Behm <alex.b...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matthew Jacobs <m...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Michael Brown <mi...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Taras Bobrovytsky <tbobrovyt...@cloudera.com>
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes

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