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(Updated Nov. 13, 2015, 1:21 a.m.)

Review request for mesos, Jie Yu, Michael Park, and Neil Conway.

Bugs: MESOS-3065

Repository: mesos


Fixed handling of multiple offer operations in 



Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/40256/diff/

Testing (updated)

This is the last in a chain of 7 patches. This patch was required in order to 
fix the `PersistentVolumeTest.SendingCheckpointResourcesMessage` test, which 
was broken by the addition of authorization to the `CREATE` and `DESTROY` offer 
operations. The test was previously both creating and destroying a persistent 
volume in a single `acceptOffer` message. However, our `validate` method for 
`DESTROY` offer operations correctly enforces that in order to delete a volume, 
the volume should be present in the checkpointed resources of the relevant 
Agent. This is clearly impossible if the `CREATE` and `DESTROY` operations are 
both in the same message.

`make check` was used to test after all patches were applied.

Note that this chain of patches touches many of the same files as another chain 
beginning with Review #39985 and ending with Review #39989, which is currently 
in review as well. To avoid conflicts, the beginning of this chain begins on 
top of Review #39989.

There is one more patch with documentation changes forthcoming.


Greg Mann

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