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(Updated July 17, 2016, 9:15 p.m.)

Review request for mesos, Vinod Kone and Zhitao Li.


Added a comment around making `HttpConnection` a RAII class. NNFR

Bugs: MESOS-5812

Repository: mesos

Description (updated)

This FD leak would only surface when running tests. We hold on to
a reference of the `Connection` object in the client so that it is
not destroyed while the connection is active. When running tests,
the IP:Port of libprocess remain the same which means the objects
keep on accumulating. In a real world cluster, we remove the
subscriber upon noticing a _disconnection_ i.e. this means the
socket has already been already closed upstream by Libprocess on
the server side.

Diffs (updated)

  src/master/master.hpp ac998b1f5b305a9bff9d9e5cd205a6c3481f9b38 
  src/master/master.cpp 79e3d78ba45060bc2f2532fdc3d105d1cc888d0f 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/49844/diff/


make check (gtest_repeat=1000) no FD leaks


Anand Mazumdar

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