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(Updated Nov. 18, 2018, 10:48 p.m.)

Review request for mesos, Alexander Rukletsov, Alexander Rojas, and Benjamin 


Fixed nits in comments.

Bugs: MESOS-9317

Repository: mesos


This test reproduces the scenario as described in MESOS-9317. The test
attempts to create a persistent volume by a web request to the
authorized V1 operator endpoint. The test assures that the underlying
authorization request fails as it can in production due to failures in
the authorization backend.

Without fixing MESOS-9317, this test crashes the master process as the
code-path involved will attempt to access the contents of the awaited
future even though the future had failed.

Diffs (updated)

  src/tests/master_tests.cpp ac6bf379c5906cf9612284911c121c9457f648a0 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/69368/diff/3/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/69368/diff/2-3/


`make check` before applying the fix for MESOS-9317 and after doing so.


Till Toenshoff

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