Github user andrewor14 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/history/FsHistoryProvider.scala ---
    @@ -187,47 +200,74 @@ private[history] class FsHistoryProvider(conf: 
SparkConf) extends ApplicationHis
             .flatMap { entry =>
               try {
    -            Some(replay(entry, new ReplayListenerBus()))
    +            Some((getModificationTime(entry).get, entry))
               } catch {
                 case e: Exception =>
                   logError(s"Failed to load application log data from 
$entry.", e)
    -        .sortWith(compareAppInfo)
    +        .sortWith(_._1 >= _._1)
    +        .map { case (_, file) => file }
    +      logInfos.sliding(20, 20).foreach { batch =>
    +        replayExecutor.submit(new Runnable {
    +          override def run(): Unit = mergeApplicationListing(batch)
    +        })
    +      }
           lastModifiedTime = newLastModifiedTime
    +    } catch {
    +      case e: Exception => logError("Exception in checking for event log 
updates", e)
    +    }
    +  }
    -      // When there are new logs, merge the new list with the existing 
one, maintaining
    -      // the expected ordering (descending end time). Maintaining the 
order is important
    -      // to avoid having to sort the list every time there is a request 
for the log list.
    -      if (!logInfos.isEmpty) {
    -        val newApps = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, 
    -        def addIfAbsent(info: FsApplicationHistoryInfo) = {
    -          if (!newApps.contains( ||
newApps( &&
    -              !info.logPath.endsWith(EventLoggingListener.IN_PROGRESS)) {
    -            newApps += ( -> info)
    -          }
    -        }
    +  /**
    +   * Replay the log files in the list and merge the list of old 
applications with new ones
    +   */
    +  private def mergeApplicationListing(logs: Seq[FileStatus]): Unit = {
    +    def addIfAbsent(
    +        newApps: mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, FsApplicationHistoryInfo],
    +        info: FsApplicationHistoryInfo): Unit = {
    +      if (!newApps.contains( ||
newApps( &&
    +          !info.logPath.endsWith(EventLoggingListener.IN_PROGRESS)) {
    +        newApps += ( -> info)
    +      }
    +    }
    -        val newIterator = logInfos.iterator.buffered
    -        val oldIterator = applications.values.iterator.buffered
    -        while (newIterator.hasNext && oldIterator.hasNext) {
    -          if (compareAppInfo(newIterator.head, oldIterator.head)) {
    -            addIfAbsent(
    -          } else {
    -            addIfAbsent(
    -          }
    -        }
    -        newIterator.foreach(addIfAbsent)
    -        oldIterator.foreach(addIfAbsent)
    +    def mergeApps(list: Seq[FsApplicationHistoryInfo]): Unit = {
    --- End diff --
    there's no reason for this to be in its own sub-method, since it's only 
called once at the end of `mergeApplicationListing`. I would just extract the 
content of this method out.

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