Github user harishreedharan commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -71,6 +72,16 @@ class CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler: 
TaskSchedulerImpl, val actorSyste
       // Executors we have requested the cluster manager to kill that have not 
died yet
       private val executorsPendingToRemove = new HashSet[String]
    +  /**
    +   * Send new credentials to executors. This is the method that is called 
when the scheduled
    +   * login completes, so the new credentials can be sent to the executors.
    +   * @param credentials
    +   */
    +  def sendNewCredentialsToExecutors(credentials: SerializableBuffer): Unit 
= {
    +    // We don't care about the reply, so going to deadLetters is fine.
    --- End diff --
    The message has to reach all executors. But the issue is that if the 
message does not reach the executors, they don't have a way to ask for it. 
    We could change it to a pull based mechanism where an executor asks for 
"new credentials" -- but that would mean that both the executor and the AM need 
to have expiration (since the AM would renew credentials when executor asks for 
it, if it is old). I am open to this approach as well. This is not required if 
akka's "!" actually guarantees delivery, else we could switch to this one.

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