Github user JoshRosen commented on the pull request:
    Hi @squito,
    I took a quick pass through this PR and design doc. I like the overall 
approach here:
    - Structuring the hierarchy around applications / jobs / stages / tasks is 
a good design.
    - Using our existing binary-compatibility checking tools to ensure JSON 
compatibility is a good idea.  The end-to-end "golden file" tests are good, 
too, since this guards against breakage unexpected changes in the JSON 
serialization / translation layer.
    - Building explicit versioning into the API from day one is a good idea.
    A couple of high-level questions:
    - Does this work significantly differently in the HistoryServer versus a 
live application UI?
    - How do the JSON endpoints respond to invalid requests or requests for 
stages / jobs / tasks whose information has been garbage-collected?  We should 
add a test to ensure that these endpoints return the right HTTP error codes.
    - Will adding / changing the Jackson dependency create a dependency-hell 
mess for us?  Should we pre-emptively resort to shading or a different 
packaging strategy?
    General code review comments:
    - I don't think that the public JSON response classes should be case 
classes: the addition of new fields will break binary compatiblity (since 
`apply / unapply` will have their signatures change, breaking users' ability to 
pattern-match on these objects).  We've already hit this problem with 
SparkListenerEvent, so I think we should seek to avoid it here.
    - Restrict the visibility of components as much as possible.  For example, 
`JsonRoute` and all of its subclasses should probably be `private[ui]`.
    - Imports need to be re-organized in several files.
    - The `WorkerJsonRoute.scala` file is empty.
    - I haven't been following the mailing list thread about enumerations very 
closely, but we should figure out whether the new `enum` is compatible with 
that decision.
    - The debugging `println`s should become log statements or be removed.
    - Minor code style nit, but there are a bunch of style violations here that 
aren't caught by our checker.  In general, you need extra whitespace around 
operators, braces, etc, e.g. `.map{case(k,v) => k` should be `.map { case (k, 
v) => k`.
    - I see unit tests for the individual components, but it would nice to add 
some end-to-end tests which can also serve as usage examples.  Take a look at 
the tests in `UISeleniumSuite` for inspiration.  It might be nice to add a test 
which spins up a driver, runs some long-running tasks / jobs, and polls the 
REST api to get their statuses.

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