akshatb1 commented on a change in pull request #28258:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28258#discussion_r422640716

File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/Client.scala
@@ -124,38 +127,57 @@ private class ClientEndpoint(
-  /* Find out driver status then exit the JVM */
+  /**
+   * Find out driver status then exit the JVM. If the waitAppCompletion is set 
to true, monitors
+   * the application until it finishes, fails or is killed.
+   */
   def pollAndReportStatus(driverId: String): Unit = {
     // Since ClientEndpoint is the only RpcEndpoint in the process, blocking 
the event loop thread
     // is fine.
     logInfo("... waiting before polling master for driver state")
     logInfo("... polling master for driver state")
-    val statusResponse =
-    if (statusResponse.found) {
-      logInfo(s"State of $driverId is ${statusResponse.state.get}")
-      // Worker node, if present
-      (statusResponse.workerId, statusResponse.workerHostPort, 
statusResponse.state) match {
-        case (Some(id), Some(hostPort), Some(DriverState.RUNNING)) =>
-          logInfo(s"Driver running on $hostPort ($id)")
-        case _ =>
-      }
-      // Exception, if present
-      statusResponse.exception match {
-        case Some(e) =>
-          logError(s"Exception from cluster was: $e")
-          e.printStackTrace()
-          System.exit(-1)
-        case _ =>
-          System.exit(0)
+    while (true) {

Review comment:
       Hi @Ngone51 , I tried putting periodic messages in the loop in 
`pollAndReportStatus` but it doesn't seem to receive message until the loop 
sending is completed (checked with a `for` loop, will be stuck in an infinite 
loop in case of current `while(true)` loop). Hence, I have implemented it based 
on sending an async message from the `pollAndReportStatus` method and if need 
be, send the message again while receiving the message. Please let me know what 
you think of this approach. I have tested for the common scenarios and I could 
see `onNetworkError` method getting called on shutting down Spark master when 
an application is running. 

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