holdenk commented on a change in pull request #28708:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28708#discussion_r455188725

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala
@@ -1866,13 +1903,57 @@ class BlockManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with 
Matchers with BeforeAndAfterE
     assert(master.getLocations(blockIdLarge) === Seq(store1.blockManagerId))
     assert(master.getLocations(blockIdSmall) === Seq(store1.blockManagerId))
-    store1.decommissionRddCacheBlocks()
+    val decomManager = new BlockManagerDecommissioner(conf, store1)
+    decomManager.decommissionRddCacheBlocks()
     // Smaller block offloaded to store2
     assert(master.getLocations(blockIdSmall) === Seq(store2.blockManagerId))
     // Larger block still present in store1 as it can't be offloaded
     assert(master.getLocations(blockIdLarge) === Seq(store1.blockManagerId))
+  test("test migration of shuffle blocks during decommissioning") {
+    val shuffleManager1 = makeSortShuffleManager()
+    val bm1 = makeBlockManager(3500, "exec1", shuffleManager = shuffleManager1)
+    shuffleManager1.shuffleBlockResolver._blockManager = bm1
+    val shuffleManager2 = makeSortShuffleManager()
+    val bm2 = makeBlockManager(3500, "exec2", shuffleManager = shuffleManager2)
+    shuffleManager2.shuffleBlockResolver._blockManager = bm2
+    val blockSize = 5
+    val shuffleDataBlockContent = Array[Byte](0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+    val shuffleData = ShuffleDataBlockId(0, 0, 0)
+    Files.write(bm1.diskBlockManager.getFile(shuffleData).toPath(), 
+    val shuffleIndexBlockContent = Array[Byte](5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
+    val shuffleIndex = ShuffleIndexBlockId(0, 0, 0)
+    Files.write(bm1.diskBlockManager.getFile(shuffleIndex).toPath(), 
+    mapOutputTracker.registerShuffle(0, 1)
+    val decomManager = new BlockManagerDecommissioner(conf, bm1)
+    try {
+      mapOutputTracker.registerMapOutput(0, 0, MapStatus(bm1.blockManagerId, 
Array(blockSize), 0))
+      assert(mapOutputTracker.shuffleStatuses(0).mapStatuses(0).location === 
+      val env = mock(classOf[SparkEnv])
+      when(env.conf).thenReturn(conf)
+      SparkEnv.set(env)
+      decomManager.refreshOffloadingShuffleBlocks()
+      eventually(timeout(1.second), interval(10.milliseconds)) {
+        assert(mapOutputTracker.shuffleStatuses(0).mapStatuses(0).location === 

Review comment:
       refreshOffloadingShuffleBlocks triggers the migration. We don't ever 
explicitly trigger a delete of the file on bm1 since this is for 

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