beliefer commented on a change in pull request #31293:

File path: 
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.errors
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.SqlBaseParser._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.Origin
+ * Object for grouping all error messages of the query parsing.
+ * Currently it includes all ParseException.
+ */
+object QueryParsingErrors {
+  def invalidInsertIntoError(ctx: InsertIntoContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("Invalid InsertIntoContext", ctx)
+  }
+  def insertOverwriteDirectoryUnsupportedError(ctx: InsertIntoContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY is not supported", ctx)
+  }
+  def columnAliasInOperationNotAllowedError(op: String, ctx: 
TableAliasContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Columns aliases are not allowed in $op.", 
+  }
+  def emptySourceForMergeError(ctx: MergeIntoTableContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("Empty source for merge: you should specify a source" +
+      " table/subquery in merge.", ctx.source)
+  }
+  def unrecognizedMatchedActionError(ctx: MatchedClauseContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(
+      s"Unrecognized matched action: ${ctx.matchedAction().getText}",
+      ctx.matchedAction())
+  }
+  def insertValueNumberNotMatchFieldNumberError(ctx: NotMatchedClauseContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("The number of inserted values cannot match the 
+      ctx.notMatchedAction())
+  }
+  def unrecognizedNotMatchedActionError(ctx: NotMatchedClauseContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(
+      s"Unrecognized not matched action: ${ctx.notMatchedAction().getText}",
+      ctx.notMatchedAction())
+  }
+  def mergeStatementNotExistWhenClauseError(ctx: MergeIntoTableContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("There must be at least one WHEN clause in a MERGE 
statement", ctx)
+  }
+  def nonLastMatchedClauseOmitConditionError(ctx: MergeIntoTableContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("When there are more than one MATCHED clauses in a 
+      "statement, only the last MATCHED clause can omit the condition.", ctx)
+  }
+  def nonLastNotMatchedClauseOmitConditionError(ctx: MergeIntoTableContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("When there are more than one NOT MATCHED clauses in a 
+      "statement, only the last NOT MATCHED clause can omit the condition.", 
+  }
+  def emptyPartitionKeyError(key: String, ctx: PartitionSpecContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Found an empty partition key '$key'.", ctx)
+  }
+  def combinationQueryResultClausesUnsupportedError(ctx: 
QueryOrganizationContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(
+      "Combination of ORDER BY/SORT BY/DISTRIBUTE BY/CLUSTER BY is not 
supported", ctx)
+  }
+  def distributeByUnsupportedError(ctx: QueryOrganizationContext): Throwable = 
+    new ParseException("DISTRIBUTE BY is not supported", ctx)
+  }
+  def transformWithSerdeUnsupportedError(ctx: ParserRuleContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("TRANSFORM with serde is only supported in hive mode", 
+  }
+  def lateralWithPivotInFromClauseNotAllowedError(ctx: FromClauseContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("LATERAL cannot be used together with PIVOT in FROM 
clause", ctx)
+  }
+  def windowRepetitiveError(name: String, ctx: WindowClauseContext): Throwable 
= {
+    new ParseException(s"The definition of window '$name' is repetitive", ctx)
+  }
+  def invalidWindowReferenceError(name: String, ctx: WindowClauseContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Window reference '$name' is not a window 
specification", ctx)
+  }
+  def cannotResolveWindowReferenceError(name: String, ctx: 
WindowClauseContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Cannot resolve window reference '$name'", ctx)
+  }
+  def joinCriteriaUnimplementedError(join: JoinCriteriaContext, ctx: 
RelationContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Unimplemented joinCriteria: $join", ctx)
+  }
+  def naturalCrossJoinUnsupportedError(ctx: RelationContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("NATURAL CROSS JOIN is not supported", ctx)
+  }
+  def emptyInputForTableSampleError(ctx: ParserRuleContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("TABLESAMPLE does not accept empty inputs.", ctx)
+  }
+  val byteLengthLiteralMsg = "byteLengthLiteral"
+  val bucketOutOfColumnMsg = "BUCKET x OUT OF y ON colname"
+  val bucketOutOfFunctionMsg = "BUCKET x OUT OF y ON function"
+  def tableSampleByBytesUnsupportedError(msg: String, ctx: 
SampleMethodContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"TABLESAMPLE($msg) is not supported", ctx)
+  }
+  def invalidByteLengthLiteralError(bytesStr: String, ctx: 
SampleByBytesContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"$bytesStr is not a valid byte length literal, " +
+        "expected syntax: DIGIT+ ('B' | 'K' | 'M' | 'G')", ctx)
+  }
+  def invalidEscapeStringError(ctx: PredicateContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("Invalid escape string. Escape string must contain only 
one character.", ctx)
+  }
+  def trimOptionUnsupportedError(trimOption: Int, ctx: TrimContext): Throwable 
= {
+    new ParseException("Function trim doesn't support with " +
+      s"type $trimOption. Please use BOTH, LEADING or TRAILING as trim type", 
+  }
+  def functionUnsupportedError(functionName: String, ctx: ParserRuleContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Unsupported function name '$functionName'", ctx)
+  }
+  def cannotParseValueTypeError(
+      valueType: String, value: String, ctx: TypeConstructorContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Cannot parse the $valueType value: $value", ctx)
+  }
+  def cannotParseIntervalValueError(value: String, ctx: 
TypeConstructorContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Cannot parse the INTERVAL value: $value", ctx)
+  }
+  def literalOfTypeUnsupportedError(valueType: String, ctx: 
TypeConstructorContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Literals of type '$valueType' are currently not 
supported.", ctx)
+  }
+  def parsingValueTypeError(
+      e: IllegalArgumentException, valueType: String, ctx: 
TypeConstructorContext): Throwable = {
+    val message = Option(e.getMessage).getOrElse(s"Exception parsing 
+    new ParseException(message, ctx)
+  }
+  def numericLiteralOutTypeRangeError(rawStrippedQualifier: String, minValue: 
+      maxValue: BigDecimal, typeName: String, ctx: NumberContext): Throwable = 
+    new ParseException(s"Numeric literal $rawStrippedQualifier does not " +
+      s"fit in range [$minValue, $maxValue] for type $typeName", ctx)
+  }
+  def moreThanOneFromToUnitInIntervalLiteralError(ctx: ParserRuleContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("Can only have a single from-to unit in the interval 
literal syntax", ctx)
+  }
+  def invalidIntervalLiteralError(ctx: IntervalContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("at least one time unit should be given for interval 
literal", ctx)
+  }
+  def invalidIntervalFormError(value: String, ctx: MultiUnitsIntervalContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("Can only use numbers in the interval value part for" +
+      s" multiple unit value pairs interval form, but got invalid value: 
$value", ctx)
+  }
+  def fromToUnitIsStringError(ctx: IntervalValueContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("The value of from-to unit must be a string", ctx)
+  }
+  def fromToIntervalUnsupportedError(
+      from: String, to: String, ctx: UnitToUnitIntervalContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Intervals FROM $from TO $to are not supported.", ctx)
+  }
+  def dataTypeUnsupportedError(dataType: String, ctx: 
PrimitiveDataTypeContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"DataType $dataType is not supported.", ctx)
+  }
+  def partitionTransformNotExpectedError(
+      name: String, describe: String, ctx: ApplyTransformContext): Throwable = 
+    new ParseException(s"Expected a column reference for transform $name: 
$describe", ctx)
+  }
+  def tooManyArgumentsForTransformError(name: String, ctx: 
ApplyTransformContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Too many arguments for transform $name", ctx)
+  }
+  def notEnoughArgumentsForTransformError(name: String, ctx: 
ApplyTransformContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Not enough arguments for transform $name", ctx)
+  }
+  def invalidBucketsNumberError(describe: String, ctx: ApplyTransformContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Invalid number of buckets: $describe", ctx)
+  }
+  def invalidTransformArgumentError(ctx: TransformArgumentContext): Throwable 
= {
+    new ParseException("Invalid transform argument", ctx)
+  }
+  val locationMsg = "please use the LOCATION clause to specify it"
+  val ownerMsg = "it will be set to the current user"
+  def cannotCleanReservedNamespaceProperty(
+      property: String, ctx: ParserRuleContext, msg: String): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"$property is a reserved namespace property, $msg.", 
+  }
+  def propertiesAndDbPropertiesBothSpecifiedError(ctx: 
CreateNamespaceContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("Either PROPERTIES or DBPROPERTIES is allowed.", ctx)
+  }
+  def fromOrInNotAllowedInShowDatabasesError(ctx: ShowNamespacesContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"FROM/IN operator is not allowed in SHOW DATABASES", 
+  }
+  val providerMsg = "please use the USING clause to specify it"
+  def cannotCleanReservedTableProperty(
+      property: String, ctx: ParserRuleContext, msg: String): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"$property is a reserved table property, $msg.", ctx)
+  }
+  def duplicatedTablePathsFoundError(
+      pathOne: String, pathTwo: String, ctx: ParserRuleContext): Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Duplicated table paths found: '$pathOne' and 
'$pathTwo'. LOCATION" +
+      s" and the case insensitive key 'path' in OPTIONS are all used to 
indicate the custom" +
+      s" table path, you can only specify one of them.", ctx)
+  }
+  def storedAsAndStoredByBothSpecifiedError(ctx: CreateFileFormatContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("Expected either STORED AS or STORED BY, not both", ctx)
+  }
+  def operationInHiveStyleCommandUnsupportedError(operation: String,
+      command: String, ctx: StatementContext, msgOpt: Option[String] = None): 
Throwable = {
+    val basicError = s"$operation is not supported in Hive-style $command"
+    val msg = if (msgOpt.isDefined) {
+      s"$basicError, ${msgOpt.get}."
+    } else {
+      basicError
+    }
+    new ParseException(msg, ctx)
+  }
+  val notNullOperation = "NOT NULL"
+  val alterColumnCommand = "ALTER COLUMN"
+  val replaceColumnsCommand = "REPLACE COLUMNS"
+  val alterTablePartitionReplaceColumnMsg =
+  def operationNotAllowedError(message: String, ctx: ParserRuleContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException(s"Operation not allowed: $message", ctx)
+  }
+  def descColumnForPartitionUnsupportedError(ctx: DescribeRelationContext): 
Throwable = {
+    new ParseException("DESC TABLE COLUMN for a specific partition is not 
supported", ctx)
+  }
+  def incompletePartitionSpecificationError(
+      key: String, ctx: DescribeRelationContext): Throwable = {

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