viirya commented on a change in pull request #31413:

File path: 
@@ -591,20 +590,34 @@ case class FileSourceScanExec(
     logInfo(s"Planning scan with bin packing, max size: $maxSplitBytes bytes, 
" +
       s"open cost is considered as scanning $openCostInBytes bytes.")
+    // Filter files with bucket pruning if possible
+    val filePruning: Path => Boolean = optionalBucketSet match {
+      case Some(bucketSet) =>
+        filePath => bucketSet.get(BucketingUtils.getBucketId(filePath.getName)
+          .getOrElse(sys.error(s"Invalid bucket file $filePath")))

Review comment:
       It looks not good to fail the query here. The scan node actually reads 
bucket implicitly because bucket scan is disabled for this path. Instead of 
query failure, maybe log warning?

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