otterc commented on a change in pull request #32140:

File path: 
@@ -1124,4 +1392,298 @@ object ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator {
   case class DeferFetchRequestResult(fetchRequest: FetchRequest) extends 
+  /**
+   * Result of a fetch from a remote merged block unsuccessfully.
+   * Instead of treating this as a FailureFetchResult, we ignore this failure
+   * and fallback to fetch the original unmerged blocks.
+   * @param blockId block id
+   * @param address BlockManager that the merged block was attempted to be 
fetched from
+   * @param size size of the block, used to update bytesInFlight.
+   * @param isNetworkReqDone Is this the last network request for this host in 
this fetch
+   *                         request. Used to update reqsInFlight.
+   */
+  private[storage] case class IgnoreFetchResult(blockId: BlockId,
+      address: BlockManagerId,
+      size: Long,
+      isNetworkReqDone: Boolean) extends FetchResult
+  /**
+   * Result of a successful fetch of meta information for a merged block.
+   *
+   * @param shuffleId        shuffle id.
+   * @param reduceId         reduce id.
+   * @param blockSize        size of each merged block.
+   * @param numChunks        number of chunks in the merged block.
+   * @param bitmaps          bitmaps for every chunk.
+   * @param address          BlockManager that the merged status was fetched 
+   */
+  private[storage] case class MergedBlocksMetaFetchResult(
+      shuffleId: Int,
+      reduceId: Int,
+      blockSize: Long,
+      numChunks: Int,
+      bitmaps: Array[RoaringBitmap],
+      address: BlockManagerId,
+      blockId: BlockId = DUMMY_SHUFFLE_BLOCK_ID) extends FetchResult
+  /**
+   * Result of a failure while fetching the meta information for a merged 
+   *
+   * @param shuffleId shuffle id.
+   * @param reduceId  reduce id.
+   * @param address   BlockManager that the merged status was fetched from.
+   */
+  private[storage] case class MergedBlocksMetaFailedFetchResult(
+      shuffleId: Int,
+      reduceId: Int,
+      address: BlockManagerId,
+      blockId: BlockId = DUMMY_SHUFFLE_BLOCK_ID) extends FetchResult
+ * Helper class that encapsulates all the push-based functionality to fetch 
merged block meta
+ * and merged shuffle block chunks.
+ */
+private class PushBasedFetchHelper(
+    private val iterator: ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator,
+    private val shuffleClient: BlockStoreClient,
+    private val blockManager: BlockManager,
+    private val mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTracker) extends Logging {
+  private[this] val startTimeNs = System.nanoTime()
+  private[this] val localShuffleMergerBlockMgrId = BlockManagerId(
+    blockManager.blockManagerId.port, blockManager.blockManagerId.topologyInfo)
+  /** A map for storing merged block shuffle chunk bitmap */
+  private[this] val chunksMetaMap = new mutable.HashMap[ShuffleBlockChunkId, 
+  /**
+   * Returns true if the address is for a push-merged block.
+   */
+  def isMergedShuffleBlockAddress(address: BlockManagerId): Boolean = {
+    SHUFFLE_MERGER_IDENTIFIER.equals(address.executorId)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns true if the address is not of executor local or merged local 
block. false otherwise.
+   */
+  def isNotExecutorOrMergedLocal(address: BlockManagerId): Boolean = {
+    (isMergedShuffleBlockAddress(address) && != ||
+      (!isMergedShuffleBlockAddress(address) && address != 
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns true if the address if of merged local block. false otherwise.
+   */
+  def isMergedLocal(address: BlockManagerId): Boolean = {
+    isMergedShuffleBlockAddress(address) && ==
+  }
+  def getNumberOfBlocksInChunk(blockId : ShuffleBlockChunkId): Int = {
+    chunksMetaMap(blockId).getCardinality
+  }
+  def removeChunk(blockId: ShuffleBlockChunkId): Unit = {
+    chunksMetaMap.remove(blockId)
+  }
+  def createChunkBlockInfosFromMetaResponse(
+      shuffleId: Int,
+      reduceId: Int,
+      blockSize: Long,
+      numChunks: Int,
+      bitmaps: Array[RoaringBitmap]): ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, Long, Int)] = {
+    val approxChunkSize = blockSize / numChunks
+    val blocksToRequest: ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, Long, Int)] =
+      new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, Long, Int)]()
+    for (i <- 0 until numChunks) {
+      val blockChunkId = ShuffleBlockChunkId(shuffleId, reduceId, i)
+      chunksMetaMap.put(blockChunkId, bitmaps(i))
+      logDebug(s"adding block chunk $blockChunkId of size $approxChunkSize")
+      blocksToRequest += ((blockChunkId, approxChunkSize, SHUFFLE_PUSH_MAP_ID))
+    }
+    blocksToRequest
+  }
+  def sendFetchMergedStatusRequest(req: FetchRequest): Unit = {
+    val sizeMap = {
+      case FetchBlockInfo(blockId, size, _) =>
+        val shuffleBlockId = blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]
+        ((shuffleBlockId.shuffleId, shuffleBlockId.reduceId), size)}.toMap
+    val address = req.address
+    val mergedBlocksMetaListener = new MergedBlocksMetaListener {
+      override def onSuccess(shuffleId: Int, reduceId: Int, meta: 
MergedBlockMeta): Unit = {
+        logInfo(s"Received the meta of merged block for ($shuffleId, 
$reduceId)  " +
+          s"from ${}:${req.address.port}")
+        try {
+          iterator.addToResultsQueue(MergedBlocksMetaFetchResult(shuffleId, 
+            sizeMap(shuffleId, reduceId), meta.getNumChunks, 
meta.readChunkBitmaps(), address))
+        } catch {
+          case _: Throwable =>
+            iterator.addToResultsQueue(
+              MergedBlocksMetaFailedFetchResult(shuffleId, reduceId, address))
+        }
+      }
+      override def onFailure(shuffleId: Int, reduceId: Int, exception: 
Throwable): Unit = {
+        logError(s"Failed to get the meta of merged blocks for ($shuffleId, 
$reduceId) " +
+          s"from ${}:${req.address.port}", exception)
reduceId, address))
+      }
+    }
+    req.blocks.foreach(block => {
+      val shuffleBlockId = block.blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]
+      shuffleClient.getMergedBlockMeta(, address.port, 
+        shuffleBlockId.reduceId, mergedBlocksMetaListener)
+    })
+  }
+  // Fetch all outstanding merged local blocks
+  def fetchAllMergedLocalBlocks(
+      mergedLocalBlocks: mutable.LinkedHashSet[BlockId]): Unit = {
+    if (mergedLocalBlocks.nonEmpty) {
+      blockManager.hostLocalDirManager.foreach(fetchMergedLocalBlocks(_, 
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fetch the merged blocks dirs if they are not in the cache and eventually 
fetch merged local
+   * blocks.
+   */
+  private def fetchMergedLocalBlocks(
+      hostLocalDirManager: HostLocalDirManager,
+      mergedLocalBlocks: mutable.LinkedHashSet[BlockId]): Unit = {
+    val cachedMergerDirs = hostLocalDirManager.getCachedHostLocalDirs.get(
+    if (cachedMergerDirs.isDefined) {
+      logDebug(s"Fetching local merged blocks with cached executors dir: " +
+        s"${cachedMergerDirs.get.mkString(", ")}")
+      mergedLocalBlocks.foreach(blockId =>
+        fetchMergedLocalBlock(blockId, cachedMergerDirs.get, 
+    } else {
+      logDebug(s"Asynchronous fetching local merged blocks without cached 
executors dir")
+      hostLocalDirManager.getHostLocalDirs(,
+        localShuffleMergerBlockMgrId.port, Array(SHUFFLE_MERGER_IDENTIFIER)) {
+        case Success(dirs) =>
+          mergedLocalBlocks.takeWhile {
+            blockId =>
+              logDebug(s"Successfully fetched local dirs: " +
+                s"${dirs.get(SHUFFLE_MERGER_IDENTIFIER).mkString(", ")}")
+              fetchMergedLocalBlock(blockId, dirs(SHUFFLE_MERGER_IDENTIFIER),
+                localShuffleMergerBlockMgrId)
+          }
+          logDebug(s"Got local merged blocks (without cached executors' dir) 
in " +
+            s"${TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - 
startTimeNs)} ms")
+        case Failure(throwable) =>
+          // If we see an exception with getting the local dirs for local 
merged blocks,
+          // we fallback to fetch the original unmerged blocks. We do not 
report block fetch
+          // failure.
+          logWarning(s"Error occurred while getting the local dirs for local 
merged " +
+            s"blocks: ${mergedLocalBlocks.mkString(", ")}. Fetch the original 
blocks instead",
+            throwable)
+          mergedLocalBlocks.foreach(
+            blockId => iterator.addToResultsQueue(
+              IgnoreFetchResult(blockId, localShuffleMergerBlockMgrId, 0, 
isNetworkReqDone = false))
+          )
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fetch a single local merged block generated.
+   * @param blockId ShuffleBlockId to be fetched
+   * @param localDirs Local directories where the merged shuffle files are 
+   * @param blockManagerId BlockManagerId
+   * @return Boolean represents successful or failed fetch
+   */
+  private[this] def fetchMergedLocalBlock(
+      blockId: BlockId,
+      localDirs: Array[String],
+      blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = {
+    try {
+      val shuffleBlockId = blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]
+      val chunksMeta = blockManager.getMergedBlockMeta(shuffleBlockId, 
+        .readChunkBitmaps()
+      // Fetch local merged shuffle block data as multiple chunks
+      val bufs: Seq[ManagedBuffer] = 
blockManager.getMergedBlockData(shuffleBlockId, localDirs)
+      // Update total number of blocks to fetch, reflecting the multiple local 
+      iterator.foundMoreBlocksToFetch(bufs.size - 1)
+      for (chunkId <- bufs.indices) {
+        val buf = bufs(chunkId)
+        buf.retain()
+        val shuffleChunkId = ShuffleBlockChunkId(shuffleBlockId.shuffleId,
+          shuffleBlockId.reduceId, chunkId)
+        iterator.addToResultsQueue(
+          SuccessFetchResult(shuffleChunkId, SHUFFLE_PUSH_MAP_ID, 
blockManagerId, buf.size(), buf,
+            isNetworkReqDone = false))
+        chunksMetaMap.put(shuffleChunkId, chunksMeta(chunkId))
+      }
+      true
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        // If we see an exception with reading a local merged block, we 
fallback to
+        // fetch the original unmerged blocks. We do not report block fetch 
+        // and will continue with the remaining local block read.
+        logWarning(s"Error occurred while fetching local merged block, " +
+          s"prepare to fetch the original blocks", e)
+        iterator.addToResultsQueue(
+          IgnoreFetchResult(blockId, blockManagerId, 0, isNetworkReqDone = 
+        false
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Initiate fetching fallback blocks for a merged block (or a merged block 
chunk) that's failed
+   * to fetch.
+   * It calls out to map output tracker to get the list of original blocks for 
+   * given merged blocks, split them into remote and local blocks, and process 
+   * accordingly.
+   * The fallback happens when:
+   * 1. There is an exception while creating shuffle block chunk from local 
merged shuffle block.
+   *    See fetchLocalBlock.
+   * 2. There is a failure when fetching remote shuffle block chunks.
+   * 3. There is a failure when processing SuccessFetchResult which is for a 
shuffle chunk
+   *    (local or remote).
+   *
+   * @return number of blocks processed
+   */
+  def initiateFallbackBlockFetchForMergedBlock(
+      blockId: BlockId,
+      address: BlockManagerId): Int = {
+    logWarning(s"Falling back to fetch the original unmerged blocks for merged 
block $blockId")
+    // Increase the blocks processed since we will process another block in 
the next iteration of
+    // the while loop in
+    var blocksProcessed = 1
+    val fallbackBlocksByAddr: Iterator[(BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, 
Int)])] =
+      if (blockId.isShuffle) {
+        val shuffleBlockId = blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]
+        mapOutputTracker.getMapSizesForMergeResult(
+          shuffleBlockId.shuffleId, shuffleBlockId.reduceId)
+      } else {
+        val shuffleChunkId = blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockChunkId]
+        val chunkBitmap: RoaringBitmap = 
+        if (isNotExecutorOrMergedLocal(address)) {

Review comment:
       Added comments. PTAL.

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