zhengruifeng commented on pull request #32857:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/32857#issuecomment-858366098

     test("sparse gemm") {
       val rng = new scala.util.Random(0)
       val m = 1e3.toInt
       val n = 1e3.toInt
       val k = 1e3.toInt
       val alpha = rng.nextDouble
       val beta = rng.nextDouble
       val a = Array.tabulate(m * k) { _ =>
         if (rng.nextDouble < 0.9) 0.0 else rng.nextDouble
       val A = Matrices.dense(m, k, a).toSparse
       val B = Matrices.dense(k, n, Array.fill(k * n)(rng.nextDouble)).toDense
       val C = Matrices.dense(m, n, Array.fill(k * n)(rng.nextDouble)).toDense
       val tic1 = System.nanoTime
       Iterator.range(0, 1000).foreach { i => BLAS.gemm(alpha, A, B, beta, C) }
       val toc1 = System.nanoTime
       // scalastyle:off println
       println(f"new sparse gemm duration: ${(toc1 - tic1) * 1e-9}%.3f")
       // scalastyle:on println
   results:  master: 92.080;          this pr: 79.319

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