cloud-fan commented on code in PR #45708:

@@ -53,3 +66,311 @@ case class ParseJson(child: Expression)
   override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): ParseJson 
     copy(child = newChild)
+object VariantPathParser extends RegexParsers {
+  // A path segment in the `VariantGet` expression represents either an object 
key access or an
+  // array index access.
+  type PathSegment = Either[String, Int]
+  private def root: Parser[Char] = '$'
+  // Parse index segment like `[123]`.
+  private def index: Parser[PathSegment] =
+    for {
+      index <- '[' ~> "\\d+".r <~ ']'
+    } yield {
+      scala.util.Right(index.toInt)
+    }
+  // Parse key segment like `.name`, `['name']`, or `["name"]`.
+  private def key: Parser[PathSegment] =
+    for {
+      key <- '.' ~> "[^\\.\\[]+".r | "['" ~> "[^\\'\\?]+".r <~ "']" |
+        "[\"" ~> "[^\\\"\\?]+".r <~ "\"]"
+    } yield {
+      scala.util.Left(key)
+    }
+  private val parser: Parser[List[PathSegment]] = phrase(root ~> rep(key | 
+  def parse(str: String): Option[Array[PathSegment]] = {
+    this.parseAll(parser, str) match {
+      case Success(result, _) => Some(result.toArray)
+      case _ => None
+    }
+  }
+ * The implementation for `variant_get` and `try_variant_get` expressions. 
Extracts a sub-variant
+ * value according to a path and cast it into a concrete data type.
+ * @param child The source variant value to extract from.
+ * @param path A literal path expression. It has the same format as the JSON 
+ * @param targetType The target data type to cast into. Any non-nullable 
annotations are ignored.
+ * @param failOnError Controls whether the expression should throw an 
exception or return null if
+ *                    the cast fails.
+ * @param timeZoneId A string identifier of a time zone. It is required by 
timestamp-related casts.
+ */
+case class VariantGet(
+    child: Expression,
+    path: Expression,
+    targetType: DataType,
+    failOnError: Boolean,
+    timeZoneId: Option[String] = None)
+    extends BinaryExpression
+    with TimeZoneAwareExpression
+    with NullIntolerant
+    with ExpectsInputTypes
+    with CodegenFallback
+    with QueryErrorsBase {
+  override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
+    val check = super.checkInputDataTypes()
+    if (check.isFailure) {
+      check
+    } else if (!path.foldable) {
+      DataTypeMismatch(
+        errorSubClass = "NON_FOLDABLE_INPUT",
+        messageParameters = Map(
+          "inputName" -> toSQLId("path"),
+          "inputType" -> toSQLType(path.dataType),
+          "inputExpr" -> toSQLExpr(path)))
+    } else if (!VariantGet.checkDataType(targetType)) {
+      DataTypeMismatch(
+        errorSubClass = "CAST_WITHOUT_SUGGESTION",
+        messageParameters =
+          Map("srcType" -> toSQLType(VariantType), "targetType" -> 
+    } else {
+      TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess
+    }
+  }
+  override lazy val dataType: DataType = targetType.asNullable
+  @transient private lazy val parsedPath = {
+    val pathValue = path.eval().toString
+    VariantPathParser.parse(pathValue).getOrElse {
+      throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidVariantGetPath(pathValue, prettyName)
+    }
+  }
+  final override def nodePatternsInternal(): Seq[TreePattern] = 
+  override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(VariantType, StringType)
+  override def prettyName: String = if (failOnError) "variant_get" else 
+  override def nullable: Boolean = true
+  protected override def nullSafeEval(input: Any, path: Any): Any = {
+    VariantGet.variantGet(
+      input.asInstanceOf[VariantVal],
+      parsedPath,
+      dataType,
+      failOnError,
+      timeZoneId)
+  }
+  override def left: Expression = child
+  override def right: Expression = path
+  override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
+      newChild: Expression,
+      newPath: Expression): VariantGet = copy(child = newChild, path = newPath)
+  override def withTimeZone(timeZoneId: String): VariantGet = copy(timeZoneId 
= Option(timeZoneId))
+case object VariantGet {
+  /**
+   * Returns whether a data type can be cast into/from variant. For scalar 
types, we allow a subset
+   * of them. For nested types, we reject map types with a non-string key type.
+   */
+  def checkDataType(dataType: DataType): Boolean = dataType match {
+    case _: NumericType | BooleanType | StringType | BinaryType | 
TimestampType | DateType |
+        VariantType =>
+      true
+    case ArrayType(elementType, _) => checkDataType(elementType)
+    case MapType(StringType, valueType, _) => checkDataType(valueType)
+    case StructType(fields) => fields.forall(f => checkDataType(f.dataType))
+    case _ => false
+  }
+  /** The actual implementation of the `VariantGet` expression. */
+  def variantGet(
+      input: VariantVal,
+      parsedPath: Array[VariantPathParser.PathSegment],
+      dataType: DataType,
+      failOnError: Boolean,
+      zoneId: Option[String]): Any = {
+    var v = new Variant(input.getValue, input.getMetadata)
+    for (path <- parsedPath) {
+      v = path match {
+        case scala.util.Left(key) if v.getType == Type.OBJECT => 
+        case scala.util.Right(index) if v.getType == Type.ARRAY => 
+        case _ => null
+      }
+      if (v == null) return null
+    }
+    VariantGet.cast(v, dataType, failOnError, zoneId)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Cast a variant `v` into a target data type `dataType`. If the variant 
represents a variant
+   * null, the result is always a SQL NULL. The cast may fail due to an 
illegal type combination
+   * (e.g., cast a variant int to binary), or an invalid input valid (e.g, 
cast a variant string
+   * "hello" to int). If the cast fails, throw an exception when `failOnError` 
is true, or return a
+   * SQL NULL when it is false.
+   */
+  def cast(v: Variant, dataType: DataType, failOnError: Boolean, zoneId: 
Option[String]): Any = {
+    def invalidCast(): Any =
+      if (failOnError) throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidVariantCast(v.toJson, 
dataType) else null
+    val variantType = v.getType
+    if (variantType == Type.NULL) return null
+    dataType match {
+      case VariantType => new VariantVal(v.getValue, v.getMetadata)
+      case _: AtomicType =>
+        variantType match {
+          case Type.OBJECT | Type.ARRAY =>
+            if (dataType == StringType) UTF8String.fromString(v.toJson) else 
+          case _ =>
+            val input = variantType match {
+              case Type.BOOLEAN => v.getBoolean
+              case Type.LONG => v.getLong
+              case Type.STRING => UTF8String.fromString(v.getString)
+              case Type.DOUBLE => v.getDouble
+              case Type.DECIMAL => Decimal(v.getDecimal)
+              // We have handled other cases and should never reach here. This 
case is only intended
+              // to by pass the compiler exhaustiveness check.
+              case _ => throw QueryExecutionErrors.unreachableError()
+            }
+            // We mostly use the `Cast` expression to implement the cast. 
However, `Cast` silently
+            // ignores the overflow in the long/decimal -> timestamp cast, and 
we want to enforce
+            // strict overflow checks.
+            input match {
+              case l: Long if dataType == TimestampType =>
+                try Math.multiplyExact(l, MICROS_PER_SECOND)
+                catch {
+                  case _: ArithmeticException => invalidCast()
+                }
+              case d: Decimal if dataType == TimestampType =>
+                try {
+                  d.toJavaBigDecimal
+                    .multiply(new java.math.BigDecimal(MICROS_PER_SECOND))
+                    .toBigInteger
+                    .longValueExact()
+                } catch {
+                  case _: ArithmeticException => invalidCast()
+                }
+              case _ =>
+                val result = Cast(Literal(input), dataType, zoneId, 

Review Comment:
   It's risky to evaluate Cast on the fly, as we do not apply any analysis 
checks. Can we define the allowed type mapping before creating `Cast`.

@@ -53,3 +66,311 @@ case class ParseJson(child: Expression)
   override protected def withNewChildInternal(newChild: Expression): ParseJson 
     copy(child = newChild)
+object VariantPathParser extends RegexParsers {
+  // A path segment in the `VariantGet` expression represents either an object 
key access or an
+  // array index access.
+  type PathSegment = Either[String, Int]
+  private def root: Parser[Char] = '$'
+  // Parse index segment like `[123]`.
+  private def index: Parser[PathSegment] =
+    for {
+      index <- '[' ~> "\\d+".r <~ ']'
+    } yield {
+      scala.util.Right(index.toInt)
+    }
+  // Parse key segment like `.name`, `['name']`, or `["name"]`.
+  private def key: Parser[PathSegment] =
+    for {
+      key <- '.' ~> "[^\\.\\[]+".r | "['" ~> "[^\\'\\?]+".r <~ "']" |
+        "[\"" ~> "[^\\\"\\?]+".r <~ "\"]"
+    } yield {
+      scala.util.Left(key)
+    }
+  private val parser: Parser[List[PathSegment]] = phrase(root ~> rep(key | 
+  def parse(str: String): Option[Array[PathSegment]] = {
+    this.parseAll(parser, str) match {
+      case Success(result, _) => Some(result.toArray)
+      case _ => None
+    }
+  }
+ * The implementation for `variant_get` and `try_variant_get` expressions. 
Extracts a sub-variant
+ * value according to a path and cast it into a concrete data type.
+ * @param child The source variant value to extract from.
+ * @param path A literal path expression. It has the same format as the JSON 
+ * @param targetType The target data type to cast into. Any non-nullable 
annotations are ignored.
+ * @param failOnError Controls whether the expression should throw an 
exception or return null if
+ *                    the cast fails.
+ * @param timeZoneId A string identifier of a time zone. It is required by 
timestamp-related casts.
+ */
+case class VariantGet(
+    child: Expression,
+    path: Expression,
+    targetType: DataType,
+    failOnError: Boolean,
+    timeZoneId: Option[String] = None)
+    extends BinaryExpression
+    with TimeZoneAwareExpression
+    with NullIntolerant
+    with ExpectsInputTypes
+    with CodegenFallback
+    with QueryErrorsBase {
+  override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
+    val check = super.checkInputDataTypes()
+    if (check.isFailure) {
+      check
+    } else if (!path.foldable) {
+      DataTypeMismatch(
+        errorSubClass = "NON_FOLDABLE_INPUT",
+        messageParameters = Map(
+          "inputName" -> toSQLId("path"),
+          "inputType" -> toSQLType(path.dataType),
+          "inputExpr" -> toSQLExpr(path)))
+    } else if (!VariantGet.checkDataType(targetType)) {
+      DataTypeMismatch(
+        errorSubClass = "CAST_WITHOUT_SUGGESTION",
+        messageParameters =
+          Map("srcType" -> toSQLType(VariantType), "targetType" -> 
+    } else {
+      TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess
+    }
+  }
+  override lazy val dataType: DataType = targetType.asNullable
+  @transient private lazy val parsedPath = {
+    val pathValue = path.eval().toString
+    VariantPathParser.parse(pathValue).getOrElse {
+      throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidVariantGetPath(pathValue, prettyName)
+    }
+  }
+  final override def nodePatternsInternal(): Seq[TreePattern] = 
+  override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(VariantType, StringType)
+  override def prettyName: String = if (failOnError) "variant_get" else 
+  override def nullable: Boolean = true
+  protected override def nullSafeEval(input: Any, path: Any): Any = {
+    VariantGet.variantGet(
+      input.asInstanceOf[VariantVal],
+      parsedPath,
+      dataType,
+      failOnError,
+      timeZoneId)
+  }
+  override def left: Expression = child
+  override def right: Expression = path
+  override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
+      newChild: Expression,
+      newPath: Expression): VariantGet = copy(child = newChild, path = newPath)
+  override def withTimeZone(timeZoneId: String): VariantGet = copy(timeZoneId 
= Option(timeZoneId))
+case object VariantGet {
+  /**
+   * Returns whether a data type can be cast into/from variant. For scalar 
types, we allow a subset
+   * of them. For nested types, we reject map types with a non-string key type.
+   */
+  def checkDataType(dataType: DataType): Boolean = dataType match {
+    case _: NumericType | BooleanType | StringType | BinaryType | 
TimestampType | DateType |
+        VariantType =>
+      true
+    case ArrayType(elementType, _) => checkDataType(elementType)
+    case MapType(StringType, valueType, _) => checkDataType(valueType)
+    case StructType(fields) => fields.forall(f => checkDataType(f.dataType))
+    case _ => false
+  }
+  /** The actual implementation of the `VariantGet` expression. */
+  def variantGet(
+      input: VariantVal,
+      parsedPath: Array[VariantPathParser.PathSegment],
+      dataType: DataType,
+      failOnError: Boolean,
+      zoneId: Option[String]): Any = {
+    var v = new Variant(input.getValue, input.getMetadata)
+    for (path <- parsedPath) {
+      v = path match {
+        case scala.util.Left(key) if v.getType == Type.OBJECT => 
+        case scala.util.Right(index) if v.getType == Type.ARRAY => 
+        case _ => null
+      }
+      if (v == null) return null
+    }
+    VariantGet.cast(v, dataType, failOnError, zoneId)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Cast a variant `v` into a target data type `dataType`. If the variant 
represents a variant
+   * null, the result is always a SQL NULL. The cast may fail due to an 
illegal type combination
+   * (e.g., cast a variant int to binary), or an invalid input valid (e.g, 
cast a variant string
+   * "hello" to int). If the cast fails, throw an exception when `failOnError` 
is true, or return a
+   * SQL NULL when it is false.
+   */
+  def cast(v: Variant, dataType: DataType, failOnError: Boolean, zoneId: 
Option[String]): Any = {
+    def invalidCast(): Any =
+      if (failOnError) throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidVariantCast(v.toJson, 
dataType) else null
+    val variantType = v.getType
+    if (variantType == Type.NULL) return null
+    dataType match {
+      case VariantType => new VariantVal(v.getValue, v.getMetadata)
+      case _: AtomicType =>
+        variantType match {
+          case Type.OBJECT | Type.ARRAY =>
+            if (dataType == StringType) UTF8String.fromString(v.toJson) else 
+          case _ =>
+            val input = variantType match {
+              case Type.BOOLEAN => v.getBoolean
+              case Type.LONG => v.getLong
+              case Type.STRING => UTF8String.fromString(v.getString)
+              case Type.DOUBLE => v.getDouble
+              case Type.DECIMAL => Decimal(v.getDecimal)
+              // We have handled other cases and should never reach here. This 
case is only intended
+              // to by pass the compiler exhaustiveness check.
+              case _ => throw QueryExecutionErrors.unreachableError()
+            }
+            // We mostly use the `Cast` expression to implement the cast. 
However, `Cast` silently
+            // ignores the overflow in the long/decimal -> timestamp cast, and 
we want to enforce
+            // strict overflow checks.
+            input match {
+              case l: Long if dataType == TimestampType =>
+                try Math.multiplyExact(l, MICROS_PER_SECOND)
+                catch {
+                  case _: ArithmeticException => invalidCast()
+                }
+              case d: Decimal if dataType == TimestampType =>
+                try {
+                  d.toJavaBigDecimal
+                    .multiply(new java.math.BigDecimal(MICROS_PER_SECOND))
+                    .toBigInteger
+                    .longValueExact()
+                } catch {
+                  case _: ArithmeticException => invalidCast()
+                }
+              case _ =>
+                val result = Cast(Literal(input), dataType, zoneId, 

Review Comment:
   It's risky to evaluate Cast on the fly, as we do not apply any analysis 
checks for this Cast. Can we define the allowed type mapping before creating 

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