GideonPotok commented on PR #45738:

   @uros-db what do you think of it? Anything else you want me to test for? I 
also did some ad-hoc testing of these functions in spark shell and pyspark 
shell, all looks good..
         ____              __
        / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
       _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
      /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
   Using Scala version 2.13.13 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 17.0.10)
        |  import org.apache.spark.sql._
        |  import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
        |  import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
        |  val df = spark.range(1000 * 1000).toDF("id")
        |  val dff = df.withColumn("random_string", 
        |, 200, true)
        |  val dfff = dff.withColumn("my_substring", 
substring(col("random_string"), 5, 5))
        |  .withColumn("my_leftstring", left(col("random_string"), lit(5)))
        |  .withColumn("my_rightstring", right(col("random_string"), lit(5)))
        |     .withColumn("my_concat", concat(col("my_substring"), 
col("my_leftstring"), col("my_rightstring")))
        |, 50, true)
   -RECORD 0----------------------------------------------------
    id            | 0                                           
    random_string | ᯻箲䨂䡶栣䌳벣ሰ‸ꠂ昊룃쉳믠䭐沂各䬙j穯೑顆첤鞅ల 
   only showing top 1 rows
   -RECORD 0-----------------------------------------------------
    id             | 0                                           
    random_string  | ᯻箲䨂䡶栣䌳벣ሰ‸ꠂ昊룃쉳믠䭐沂各䬙j穯೑顆첤鞅ల 
    my_substring   | 栣䌳벣ሰ‸                                    
    my_leftstring  | ᯻箲䨂䡶栣                                   
    my_rightstring | ೑顆첤鞅ల                                    
    my_concat      | 栣䌳벣ሰ‸᯻箲䨂䡶栣೑顆첤鞅ల                                
   only showing top 1 rows
   import scala.util.Random
   import org.apache.spark.sql._
   import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
   import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
   val df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint]
   val dff: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, random_string: string]
   val dfff: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, random_string: 
string ... 4 more fields]
   scala>, 50, true)
        |     dfff.registerTempTable("mytable")
        |     spark.sql("select * from mytable").show(1)
        |     spark.sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.collation.enabled", "true")
        |     spark.sql("select COLLATION( random_string), COLLATION( 
my_substring), COLLATION( my_leftstring), COLLATION( my_rightstring), 
COLLATION( my_concat) from mytable").show(1)
   warning: 1 deprecation (since 2.0.0); for details, enable `:setting 
-deprecation` or `:replay -deprecation`
   -RECORD 0-----------------------------------------------------
    id             | 0                                           
    random_string  | ᯻箲䨂䡶栣䌳벣ሰ‸ꠂ昊룃쉳믠䭐沂各䬙j穯೑顆첤鞅ల 
    my_substring   | 栣䌳벣ሰ‸                                    
    my_leftstring  | ᯻箲䨂䡶栣                                   
    my_rightstring | ೑顆첤鞅ల                                    
    my_concat      | 栣䌳벣ሰ‸᯻箲䨂䡶栣೑顆첤鞅ల                                    
   only showing top 1 rows
   | id|                    
   |  0|᯻箲䨂䡶栣䌳벣ሰ‸ꠂ昊룃쉳믠䭐沂各...|    栣䌳벣ሰ‸|    ᯻箲䨂䡶栣|      ೑顆첤鞅ల|栣䌳벣ሰ‸᯻箲䨂䡶栣೑顆첤鞅ల|
   only showing top 1 rows
   |             UTF8_BINARY|            UTF8_BINARY|             UTF8_BINARY|  
            UTF8_BINARY|         UTF8_BINARY|
   only showing top 1 rows
   scala>     spark.sql("select collate(my_concat, 'unicode') as 
unicode_myconcat, collate(my_concat, 'utf8_binary') as utf8_binary_myconcat, 
collate(my_concat, 'utf8_binary_lcase') as utf8_binary_lcase_myconcat, 
collate(my_concat, 'unicode_ci') as unicode_ci_myconcat from mytable").show(1)
   |         unicode_myconcat|     
utf8_binary_myconcat|utf8_binary_lcase_myconcat|      unicode_ci_myconcat|
   |栣䌳벣ሰ‸᯻箲䨂䡶栣೑顆첤鞅ల|栣䌳벣ሰ‸᯻箲䨂䡶栣೑顆첤鞅ల| 栣䌳벣ሰ‸᯻箲䨂䡶栣೑顆첤鞅ల|栣䌳벣ሰ‸᯻箲䨂䡶栣೑顆첤鞅ల|
   only showing top 1 rows
   scala>     spark.sql("select left(collate(my_concat, 'unicode'), 5) as 
unicode_myconcat, right(collate(my_concat, 'utf8_binary'), 5) as 
utf8_binary_myconcat, substr(collate(my_concat, 'utf8_binary_lcase'), 5, 5) as 
utf8_binary_lcase_myconcat, left(collate(my_concat, 'unicode_ci'), 1) as 
    from mytable").show(1)
   |        栣䌳벣ሰ‸|            ೑顆첤鞅ల|                  ‸᯻箲䨂䡶|                 栣|
   only showing top 1 rows
   scala>      spark.sql("select COLLATION(left(collate(my_concat, 'unicode'), 
5)) as unicode_myconcat, COLLATION(right(collate(my_concat, 'utf8_binary'), 5)) 
as utf8_binary_myconcat, COLLATION(substr(collate(my_concat, 
'utf8_binary_lcase'), 5, 5)) as utf8_binary_lcase_myconcat, 
   at, 'unicode_ci'), 1)) as unicode_ci_myconcat from mytable").show(1)
   |         UNICODE|         UTF8_BINARY|         UTF8_BINARY_LCASE|         
   only showing top 1 rows
   scala>     spark.sql("select COLLATION(left(collate(my_concat, 'unicode'), 
5)) as unicode_myconcat, COLLATION(right(collate(my_concat, 'utf8_binary'), 5)) 
as utf8_binary_myconcat, COLLATION(substr(collate(my_concat, 
'utf8_binary_lcase'), 5, 5)) as utf8_binary_lcase_myconcat, 
   t, 'unicode_ci'), 1)) as unicode_ci_myconcat from mytable").write 
   val res5: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = 
   scala>     spark.sql("select left(collate(my_concat, 'unicode'), 5) as 
unicode_myconcat, right(collate(my_concat, 'utf8_binary'), 5) as 
utf8_binary_myconcat, substr(collate(my_concat, 'utf8_binary_lcase'), 5, 5) as 
utf8_binary_lcase_myconcat, left(collate(my_concat, 'unicode_ci'), 1) as 
    from mytable")
        |     .write.mode("overwrite").parquet("mytable.parquet")
   24/04/02 10:10:24 WARN MemoryManager: Total allocation exceeds 95.00% 
(1,020,054,720 bytes) of heap memory 
   scala>     val readdf ="mytable.parquet")
   val readdf: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [unicode_myconcat: string 
collate UNICODE, utf8_binary_myconcat: string ... 2 more fields]
   scala>, 50, true)
   -RECORD 0------------------------------
    unicode_myconcat           | 栣䌳벣ሰ‸ 
    utf8_binary_myconcat       | ೑顆첤鞅ల 
    utf8_binary_lcase_myconcat | ‸᯻箲䨂䡶 
    unicode_ci_myconcat        | 栣    
   only showing top 1 rows
   scala>     readdf.createOrReplaceTempView("mytable2")
   scala>         spark.sql("select COLLATION(unicode_myconcat), 
COLLATION(utf8_binary_myconcat), COLLATION(utf8_binary_lcase_myconcat), 
COLLATION(unicode_ci_myconcat) from mytable2").show(1)
   |                    UNICODE|                    UTF8_BINARY|                
    UTF8_BINARY_LCASE|                    UNICODE_CI|
   only showing top 1 rows
   gideon@Gideon's MacBook Pro spark % ./bin/pyspark 
   Python 3.9.6 (default, Feb  3 2024, 15:58:27) 
   [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)] on darwin
   >>> df = spark.range(1000 * 1000).toDF("id")
   >>> import pyspark.sql.functions as F
   >>> import random
   >>> import string
   >>> dff = df.withColumn("random_string", 
F.lit("".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(25)])))
   >>>, 100, True)
   -RECORD 0----------------------------------
    id            | 0                         
    random_string | fWuOlqjSthNLbHQUuxGizXuKX 
   only showing top 1 rows
   >>> dfff = dff.withColumn("my_substring", 
F.substring(F.col("random_string"), 5, 5)) \
   ...     .withColumn("my_leftstring", F.left(F.col("random_string"),  
F.lit(5))) \
   ...     .withColumn("my_rightstring", F.right(F.col("random_string"), 
F.lit(5))) \
   ...     .withColumn("my_concat", F.concat(F.col("my_substring"), 
F.col("my_leftstring"), F.col("my_rightstring")))
   >>>, 100, True)
   -RECORD 0-----------------------------------
    id             | 0                         
    random_string  | fWuOlqjSthNLbHQUuxGizXuKX 
    my_substring   | lqjSt                     
    my_leftstring  | fWuOl                     
    my_rightstring | zXuKX                     
    my_concat      | lqjStfWuOlzXuKX           
   only showing top 1 rows
   >>> dfff.createOrReplaceTempView("mytable")
   >>> spark.sql("select * from mytable").show(1)
   | id|       random_string|my_substring|my_leftstring|my_rightstring|      
   |  0|fWuOlqjSthNLbHQUu...|       lqjSt|        fWuOl|         
   only showing top 1 rows
   >>> spark.sql("select COLLATION( random_string), COLLATION( my_substring), 
COLLATION( my_leftstring), COLLATION( my_rightstring), COLLATION( my_concat) 
from mytable").show()
   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
     File "/Users/gideon/repos/spark/python/pyspark/sql/", line 1711, 
in sql
       return DataFrame(self._jsparkSession.sql(sqlQuery, litArgs), self)
 line 1322, in __call__
"/Users/gideon/repos/spark/python/pyspark/errors/exceptions/", line 
221, in deco
       raise converted from None
[UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE.COLLATION] The feature is not supported: Collation is not 
yet supported. SQLSTATE: 0A000;
   Project [collation(random_string#4) AS collation(random_string)#107, 
collation(my_substring#29) AS collation(my_substring)#108, 
collation(my_leftstring#33) AS collation(my_leftstring)#109, 
collation(my_rightstring#38) AS collation(my_rightstring)#110, 
collation(my_concat#44) AS collation(my_concat)#111]
   +- SubqueryAlias mytable
      +- View (`mytable`, [id#2L, random_string#4, my_substring#29, 
my_leftstring#33, my_rightstring#38, my_concat#44])
         +- Project [id#2L, random_string#4, my_substring#29, my_leftstring#33, 
my_rightstring#38, concat(my_substring#29, my_leftstring#33, my_rightstring#38) 
AS my_concat#44]
            +- Project [id#2L, random_string#4, my_substring#29, 
my_leftstring#33, right(random_string#4, 5) AS my_rightstring#38]
               +- Project [id#2L, random_string#4, my_substring#29, 
left(random_string#4, 5) AS my_leftstring#33]
                  +- Project [id#2L, random_string#4, 
substring(random_string#4, 5, 5) AS my_substring#29]
                     +- Project [id#2L, fWuOlqjSthNLbHQUuxGizXuKX AS 
                        +- Project [id#0L AS id#2L]
                           +- Range (0, 1000000, step=1, splits=Some(16))    
   >>> spark.conf.set("spark.sql.collation.enabled", "true")
   >>> spark.sql("select COLLATION( random_string), COLLATION( my_substring), 
COLLATION( my_leftstring), COLLATION( my_rightstring), COLLATION( my_concat) 
from mytable").show(1)
   |             UTF8_BINARY|            UTF8_BINARY|             UTF8_BINARY|  
            UTF8_BINARY|         UTF8_BINARY|
   only showing top 1 rows

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