cloud-fan commented on code in PR #45934:

@@ -489,3 +492,67 @@ object SchemaOfVariant {
   def mergeSchema(t1: DataType, t2: DataType): DataType =
     JsonInferSchema.compatibleType(t1, t2, VariantType)
+// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
+  usage = "_FUNC_(v) - Returns the merged schema in the SQL format of a 
variant column.",
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json(j)) FROM VALUES ('1'), ('2'), ('3') AS tab(j);
+       BIGINT
+      > SELECT _FUNC_(parse_json(j)) FROM VALUES ('{"a": 1}'), ('{"b": 
true}'), ('{"c": 1.23}') AS tab(j);
+       STRUCT<a: BIGINT, b: BOOLEAN, c: DECIMAL(3,2)>
+  """,
+  since = "4.0.0",
+  group = "variant_funcs")
+// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
+case class SchemaOfVariantAgg(
+    child: Expression,
+    override val mutableAggBufferOffset: Int,
+    override val inputAggBufferOffset: Int)
+    extends TypedImperativeAggregate[DataType]
+    with ExpectsInputTypes
+    with QueryErrorsBase
+    with UnaryLike[Expression] {
+  def this(child: Expression) = this(child, 0, 0)
+  override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(VariantType)
+  override def dataType: DataType = StringType
+  override def nullable: Boolean = false
+  override def createAggregationBuffer(): DataType = NullType
+  override def update(buffer: DataType, input: InternalRow): DataType = {
+    val inputVariant = child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[VariantVal]
+    if (inputVariant != null) {
+      val v = new Variant(inputVariant.getValue, inputVariant.getMetadata)
+      SchemaOfVariant.mergeSchema(buffer, SchemaOfVariant.schemaOf(v))
+    } else {
+      buffer
+    }
+  }
+  override def merge(buffer: DataType, input: DataType): DataType =
+    SchemaOfVariant.mergeSchema(buffer, input)
+  override def eval(buffer: DataType): Any = UTF8String.fromString(buffer.sql)
+  override def serialize(buffer: DataType): Array[Byte] = 

Review Comment:
   can we make sure the `.sql` method won't truncate the string? BTW, why not 
use `.json`? JSON is more like a serde format and we store table schema JSON 
string in the hive metastore as well, instead of the SQL string.

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