ueshin commented on code in PR #46063:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/46063#discussion_r1566391570

@@ -123,45 +98,16 @@ package object sql {
     if (CurrentOrigin.get.stackTrace.isDefined) {
     } else {
-      val origin = Origin(stackTrace = Some(captureStackTrace()))
-      CurrentOrigin.withOrigin(origin)(f)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * This overloaded helper function captures the call site information 
specifically for PySpark,
-   * using provided PySpark logging information instead of capturing the 
current Java stack trace.
-   *
-   * This method is designed to enhance the debuggability of PySpark by 
including PySpark-specific
-   * logging information (e.g., method names and call sites within PySpark 
scripts) in debug logs,
-   * without the overhead of capturing and processing Java stack traces that 
are less relevant
-   * to PySpark developers.
-   *
-   * The `pysparkErrorContext` parameter allows for passing PySpark call site 
information, which
-   * is then included in the Origin context. This facilitates more precise and 
useful logging for
-   * troubleshooting PySpark applications.
-   *
-   * This method should be used in places where PySpark API calls are made, 
and PySpark logging
-   * information is available and beneficial for debugging purposes.
-   *
-   * @param pysparkErrorContext Optional PySpark logging information including 
the call site,
-   *                            represented as a (String, String).
-   *                            This may contain keys like "fragment" and 
"callSite" to provide
-   *                            detailed context about the PySpark call site.
-   * @param f                   The function that can utilize the modified 
Origin context with
-   *                            PySpark logging information.
-   * @return The result of executing `f` within the context of the provided 
PySpark logging
-   *         information.
-   */
-  private[sql] def withOrigin[T](
-      pysparkErrorContext: Option[(String, String)] = None)(f: => T): T = {
-    if (CurrentOrigin.get.stackTrace.isDefined) {
-      f
-    } else {
-      val origin = Origin(
-        stackTrace = Some(captureStackTrace()),
-        pysparkErrorContext = pysparkErrorContext
-      )
+      val st = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace
+      var i = 0
+      // Find the beginning of Spark code traces
+      while (i < st.length && !sparkCode(st(i))) i += 1
+      // Stop at the end of the first Spark code traces
+      while (i < st.length && sparkCode(st(i))) i += 1
+      val origin = Origin(stackTrace = Some(st.slice(
+        from = i - 1,
+        until = i + SQLConf.get.stackTracesInDataFrameContext)),
+        pysparkErrorContext = CurrentOrigin.get.pysparkErrorContext)

Review Comment:
   I guess we can use `object PySparkCurrentOrigin` in the previous PR 
 but consume the `pysparkErrorContext` here, instead of when creating 
   We may want to change what's stored there from `mutable.Map[String, String]` 
to `Option[Tuple[String, String]]`, though.

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