Github user JoshRosen commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: dev/ ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
    +#!/usr/bin/env python2
    +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    +# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    +# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    +# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    +# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    +# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    +# limitations under the License.
    +import os
    +import re
    +import sys
    +import shutil
    +import subprocess
    +from collections import namedtuple
    +SPARK_HOME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 
    +USER_HOME = os.environ.get("HOME")
    +def get_error_codes(err_code_file):
    +    """Function to retrieve all block numbers from the ``
    +    file to maintain backwards compatibility with the `run-tests-jenkins`
    +    script"""
    +    with open(err_code_file, 'r') as f:
    +        err_codes = [e.split()[1].strip().split('=')
    +                     for e in f if e.startswith("readonly")]
    +        return dict(err_codes)
    +ERROR_CODES = get_error_codes(os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, 
    +def exit_from_command_with_retcode(cmd, retcode):
    +    print "[error] running", cmd, "; received return code", retcode
    +    sys.exit(int(os.environ.get("CURRENT_BLOCK", 255)))
    +def rm_r(path):
    +    """Given an arbitrary path properly remove it with the correct python
    +    construct if it exists
    +    - from:""";
    +    if os.path.isdir(path):
    +        shutil.rmtree(path)
    +    elif os.path.exists(path):
    +        os.remove(path)
    +def run_cmd(cmd):
    +    """Given a command as a list of arguments will attempt to execute the
    +    command from the determined SPARK_HOME directory and, on failure, print
    +    an error message"""
    +    if not isinstance(cmd, list):
    +        cmd = cmd.split()
    +    try:
    +        subprocess.check_call(cmd)
    +    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    +        exit_from_command_with_retcode(e.cmd, e.returncode)
    +def is_exe(path):
    +    """Check if a given path is an executable file
    +    - from:""";
    +    return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)
    +def which(program):
    +    """Find and return the given program by its absolute path or 'None'
    +    - from:""";
    +    fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
    +    if fpath:
    +        if is_exe(program):
    +            return program
    +    else:
    +        for path in os.environ.get("PATH").split(os.pathsep):
    +            path = path.strip('"')
    +            exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
    +            if is_exe(exe_file):
    +                return exe_file
    +    return None
    +def determine_java_executable():
    +    """Will return the path of the java executable that will be used by 
    +    tests or `None`"""
    +    # Any changes in the way that Spark's build detects java must be 
    +    # here. Currently the build looks for $JAVA_HOME/bin/java then falls 
back to
    +    # the `java` executable on the path
    +    java_home = os.environ.get("JAVA_HOME")
    +    # check if there is an executable at $JAVA_HOME/bin/java
    +    java_exe = which(os.path.join(java_home, "bin", "java")) if java_home 
else None
    +    # if the java_exe wasn't set, check for a `java` version on the $PATH
    +    return java_exe if java_exe else which("java")
    +JavaVersion = namedtuple('JavaVersion', ['major', 'minor', 'patch', 
    +def determine_java_version(java_exe):
    +    """Given a valid java executable will return its version in named 
tuple format
    +    with accessors '.major', '.minor', '.patch', '.update'"""
    +    raw_output = subprocess.check_output([java_exe, "-version"],
    +                                         stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    +    raw_version_str = raw_output.split('\n')[0]  # eg 'java version 
    +    version_str = raw_version_str.split()[-1].strip('"')  # eg '1.8.0_25'
    +    version, update = version_str.split('_')  # eg ['1.8.0', '25']
    +    # map over the values and convert them to integers
    +    version_info = [int(x) for x in version.split('.') + [update]]
    +    return JavaVersion(major=version_info[0],
    +                       minor=version_info[1],
    +                       patch=version_info[2],
    +                       update=version_info[3])
    +def set_title_and_block(title, err_block):
    +    os.environ["CURRENT_BLOCK"] = ERROR_CODES[err_block]
    +    line_str = '=' * 72
    +    print
    +    print line_str
    +    print title
    +    print line_str
    +def run_apache_rat_checks():
    +    set_title_and_block("Running Apache RAT checks", "BLOCK_RAT")
    +    run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "check-license")])
    +def run_scala_style_checks():
    +    set_title_and_block("Running Scala style checks", "BLOCK_SCALA_STYLE")
    +    run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "lint-scala")])
    +def run_python_style_checks():
    +    set_title_and_block("Running Python style checks", 
    +    run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "lint-python")])
    +def build_spark_documentation():
    +    set_title_and_block("Building Spark Documentation", 
    +    os.environ["PRODUCTION"] = "1 jekyll build"
    +    os.chdir(os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "docs"))
    +    jekyll_bin = which("jekyll")
    +    if not jekyll_bin:
    +        print "[error] Cannot find a version of `jekyll` on the system; 
    +        print "install one and retry to build documentation."
    +        sys.exit(int(os.environ.get("CURRENT_BLOCK", 255)))
    +    else:
    +        run_cmd([jekyll_bin, "build"])
    +    os.chdir(SPARK_HOME)
    +def exec_maven(mvn_args=[]):
    +    """Will call Maven in the current directory with the list of mvn_args 
    +    in and returns the subprocess for any further processing"""
    +    run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "build", "mvn")] + mvn_args)
    +def exec_sbt(sbt_args=[]):
    +    """Will call SBT in the current directory with the list of mvn_args 
    +    in and returns the subprocess for any further processing"""
    +    sbt_cmd = [os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "build", "sbt")] + sbt_args
    +    sbt_output_filter = re.compile("^.*[info].*Resolving" + "|" +
    +                                   "^.*[warn].*Merging" + "|" +
    +                                   "^.*[info].*Including")
    +    # NOTE: echo "q" is needed because sbt on encountering a build file
    +    # with failure (either resolution or compilation) prompts the user for
    +    # input either q, r, etc to quit or retry. This echo is there to make 
    +    # not block.
    +    echo_proc = subprocess.Popen(["echo", "\"q\n\""], 
    +    sbt_proc = subprocess.Popen(sbt_cmd,
    +                                stdin=echo_proc.stdout,
    +                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    +    echo_proc.wait()
    +    for line in iter(sbt_proc.stdout.readline, ''):
    +        if not sbt_output_filter.match(line):
    +            print line,
    +    retcode = sbt_proc.wait()
    +    if retcode > 0:
    +        exit_from_command_with_retcode(sbt_cmd, retcode)
    +def get_hadoop_profiles(hadoop_version):
    +    """Return a list of profiles indicating which Hadoop version to use 
    +    a Hadoop version tag."""
    +    sbt_maven_hadoop_profiles = {
    +        "hadoop1.0": ["-Phadoop-1", "-Dhadoop.version=1.0.4"],
    +        "hadoop2.0": ["-Phadoop-1", "-Dhadoop.version=2.0.0-mr1-cdh4.1.1"],
    +        "hadoop2.2": ["-Pyarn", "-Phadoop-2.2"],
    +        "hadoop2.3": ["-Pyarn", "-Phadoop-2.3", "-Dhadoop.version=2.3.0"],
    +    }
    +    if hadoop_version in sbt_maven_hadoop_profiles:
    +        return sbt_maven_hadoop_profiles[hadoop_version]
    +    else:
    +        print "[error] Could not find", hadoop_version, "in the list. 
Valid options",
    +        print "are", sbt_maven_hadoop_profiles.keys()
    +        sys.exit(int(os.environ.get("CURRENT_BLOCK", 255)))
    +def get_build_profiles(hadoop_version="hadoop2.3",
    +                       enable_base_profiles=True,
    +                       enable_hive_profiles=False,
    +                       enable_doc_profiles=False):
    +    """Returns a list of hadoop profiles to be used as looked up from the 
passed in hadoop profile
    +    key with the option of adding on the base and hive profiles."""
    +    base_profiles = ["-Pkinesis-asl"]
    +    hive_profiles = ["-Phive", "-Phive-thriftserver"]
    +    doc_profiles = []
    +    hadoop_profiles = get_hadoop_profiles(hadoop_version)
    +    build_profiles = hadoop_profiles
    +    if enable_base_profiles:
    +        build_profiles += base_profiles
    +    if enable_hive_profiles:
    +        build_profiles += hive_profiles
    +    if enable_doc_profiles:
    +        build_profiles += doc_profiles
    +    return build_profiles
    +def build_spark_maven(hadoop_version):
    +    # we always build with Hive support even if we skip Hive tests in most 
    +    build_profiles = get_build_profiles(hadoop_version, 
    +    mvn_goals = ["clean", "package", "-DskipTests"]
    +    profiles_and_goals = build_profiles + mvn_goals
    +    print "[info] Building Spark (w/Hive 0.13.1) using Maven with these 
    +    print " ".join(profiles_and_goals)
    +    exec_maven(profiles_and_goals)
    +def build_spark_sbt(hadoop_version):
    +    build_profiles = get_build_profiles(hadoop_version, 
    +    sbt_goals = ["package",
    +                 "assembly/assembly",
    +                 "streaming-kafka-assembly/assembly"]
    +    profiles_and_goals = build_profiles + sbt_goals
    +    print "[info] Building Spark (w/Hive 0.13.1) using SBT with these 
    +    print " ".join(profiles_and_goals)
    +    exec_sbt(profiles_and_goals)
    +def build_apache_spark(build_tool, hadoop_version):
    +    """Will build Spark against Hive v0.13.1 given the passed in build 
tool (either `sbt` or
    +    `maven`). Defaults to using `sbt`."""
    +    set_title_and_block("Building Spark", "BLOCK_BUILD")
    +    rm_r("lib_managed")
    +    if build_tool == "maven":
    +        build_spark_maven(hadoop_version)
    +    else:
    +        build_spark_sbt(hadoop_version)
    +def detect_binary_inop_with_mima():
    +    set_title_and_block("Detecting binary incompatibilities with MiMa", 
    +    run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "mima")])
    +def identify_changed_modules(test_env):
    +    """Given the passed in environment will determine the changed modules 
    +    return them as a set. If the environment is local, will simply run all 
    +    If run under the `amplab_jenkins` environment will determine the 
changed files
    +    as compared to the `ghprbTargetBranch` and execute the necessary set 
of tests
    +    to provide coverage for the changed code."""
    +    changed_modules = set()
    +    if test_env == "amplab_jenkins":
    +        target_branch = os.environ["ghprbTargetBranch"]
    +        run_cmd(['git', 'fetch', 'origin', 
    +        raw_output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff', 
'--name-only', target_branch])
    +        # remove any empty strings
    +        changed_files = [f for f in raw_output.split('\n') if f]
    +        sql_files = [f for f in changed_files
    +                     if any(f.startswith(p) for p in
    +                            ["sql/",
    +                             "bin/spark-sql",
    +                             "sbin/",
    +        mllib_files = [f for f in changed_files
    +                       if any(f.startswith(p) for p in
    +                               "data/mllib/",
    +                               "mllib/"])]
    +        streaming_files = [f for f in changed_files
    +                           if any(f.startswith(p) for p in
    +                                  ["examples/scala-2.10/",
    +                                   "external/",
    +                                   "extras/java8-tests/",
    +                                   "extras/kinesis-asl/",
    +                                   "streaming/"])]
    +        graphx_files = [f for f in changed_files
    +                        if any(f.startswith(p) for p in
    +                                "graphx/"])]
    +        doc_files = [f for f in changed_files if f.startswith("docs/")]
    +        # union together all changed top level project files
    +        top_level_project_files = set().union(*[set(f) for f in [sql_files,
    +        changed_core_files = 
    +        if changed_core_files:
    +            changed_modules.add("CORE")
    +        if sql_files:
    +            print "[info] Detected changes in SQL. Will run Hive test 
    +            changed_modules.add("SQL")
    +        if mllib_files:
    +            print "[info] Detected changes in MLlib. Will run MLlib test 
    +            changed_modules.add("MLLIB")
    +        if streaming_files:
    +            print "[info] Detected changes in Streaming. Will run 
Streaming test suite."
    +            changed_modules.add("STREAMING")
    +        if graphx_files:
    +            print "[info] Detected changes in GraphX. Will run GraphX test 
    +            changed_modules.add("GRAPHX")
    +        if doc_files:
    +            print "[info] Detected changes in documentation. Will build 
spark with documentation."
    +            changed_modules.add("DOCS")
    +        return changed_modules
    +    else:
    +        # we aren't in the Amplab environment so simply run all tests
    +        changed_modules.add("ALL")
    +        return changed_modules
    +def run_scala_tests_maven(test_profiles):
    +    mvn_test_goals = ["test", "--fail-at-end"]
    +    profiles_and_goals = test_profiles + mvn_test_goals
    +    print "[info] Running Spark tests using Maven with these arguments:",
    +    print " ".join(profiles_and_goals)
    +    exec_maven(profiles_and_goals)
    +def run_scala_tests_sbt(test_modules, test_profiles):
    +    # declare the variable for reference
    +    sbt_test_goals = None
    --- End diff --
    Hotfixed in 165f52f2f9d2d75a4b55b6443ca0354d5e66e14e

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