Github user hvanhovell commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/Window.scala ---
    @@ -38,443 +68,645 @@ case class Window(
         child: SparkPlan)
       extends UnaryNode {
    -  override def output: Seq[Attribute] =
    -    (projectList ++ windowExpression).map(_.toAttribute)
    +  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = projectList ++
    -  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    +  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] = {
         if (windowSpec.partitionSpec.isEmpty) {
    -      // This operator will be very expensive.
    +      // Only show warning when the number of bytes is larger than 100 MB?
    +      logWarning("No Partition Defined for Window operation! Moving all 
data to a single "
    +        + "partition, this can cause serious performance degradation.")
           AllTuples :: Nil
    -    } else {
    -      ClusteredDistribution(windowSpec.partitionSpec) :: Nil
    -    }
    -  // Since window functions are adding columns to the input rows, the 
child's outputPartitioning
    -  // is preserved.
    -  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
    -  override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] = {
    -    // The required child ordering has two parts.
    -    // The first part is the expressions in the partition specification.
    -    // We add these expressions to the required ordering to make sure 
input rows are grouped
    -    // based on the partition specification. So, we only need to process a 
single partition
    -    // at a time.
    -    // The second part is the expressions specified in the ORDER BY cluase.
    -    // Basically, we first use sort to group rows based on partition 
specifications and then sort
    -    // Rows in a group based on the order specification.
    -    (, Ascending)) ++ 
windowSpec.orderSpec) :: Nil
    +    } else ClusteredDistribution(windowSpec.partitionSpec) :: Nil
    -  // Since window functions basically add columns to input rows, this 
    -  // will not change the ordering of input rows.
    -  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering
    +  override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] =
    +    Seq(, Ascending)) ++ 
    -  case class ComputedWindow(
    -    unbound: WindowExpression,
    -    windowFunction: WindowFunction,
    -    resultAttribute: AttributeReference)
    -  // A list of window functions that need to be computed for each group.
    -  private[this] val computedWindowExpressions = windowExpression.flatMap { 
window =>
    -    window.collect {
    -      case w: WindowExpression =>
    -        ComputedWindow(
    -          w,
    -          BindReferences.bindReference(w.windowFunction, child.output),
    -          AttributeReference(s"windowResult:$w", w.dataType, w.nullable)())
    -    }
    -  }.toArray
    -  private[this] val windowFrame =
    -    windowSpec.frameSpecification.asInstanceOf[SpecifiedWindowFrame]
    +  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering
    -  // Create window functions.
    -  private[this] def windowFunctions(): Array[WindowFunction] = {
    -    val functions = new 
    -    var i = 0
    -    while (i < computedWindowExpressions.length) {
    -      functions(i) = 
    -      functions(i).init()
    -      i += 1
    +  /**
    +   * Create a bound ordering object for a given frame type and offset. A 
bound ordering object is
    +   * used to determine which input row lies within the frame boundaries of 
an output row. There
    +   * are two types of boundaries that can be evaluated:
    +   * - Row Based: A row based boundary is based on the position of the row 
within the partition.
    +   *   The offset indicates the number of rows above or below the current 
row, the frame for the
    +   *   current row starts or ends. For instance, given a row based sliding 
frame with a lower bound
    +   *   offset of -1 and a upper bound offset of +2. The frame for row with 
index 5 would range from
    +   *   index 4 to index 6.
    +   * - Range based: A range based boundary is based on the actual value of 
    +   *   expression(s). The offset is used to alter the value of the ORDER 
BY expression, for
    +   *   instance if the current order by expression has a value of 10 and 
the lower bound offset
    +   *   is -3, the resulting lower bound for the current row will be 10 - 3 
= 7. This however puts a
    +   *   number of constraints on the ORDER BY expressions: there can be 
only one expression and this
    +   *   expression must have a numerical data type. An exception can be 
made when the offset is 0,
    +   *   because no value modification is needed, in this case multiple and 
non-numeric ORDER BY
    +   *   expression are allowed.
    +   *
    +   * @param frameType to evaluate. This can either be Row or Range based.
    +   * @param offset with respect to the row.
    +   * @return a bound ordering object.
    +   */
    +  private[this] def createBoundOrdering(frameType: FrameType, offset: Int) 
= {
    +    frameType match {
    +      case RangeFrame =>
    +        // Use the entire order expression when the offset is 0.
    +        val (exprs, current, bound) = if (offset == 0) {
    +          val exprs =
    +          val projection = newMutableProjection(exprs, child.output)
    +          (windowSpec.orderSpec, projection(), projection())
    +        }
    +        // Use only the first order expression when the offset is non-null.
    +        else if (windowSpec.orderSpec.size == 1) {
    +          val sortExpr = windowSpec.orderSpec.head
    +          val expr = sortExpr.child
    +          val boundExpr = Add(expr, Cast(Literal.create(offset, 
IntegerType), expr.dataType))
    --- End diff --
    In case of a Range Frame the offset expresses by what amount we are going 
to change the current Row value. 1 PRECEDING translates to an offset of -1, and 
1 FOLLOWING to an offset of 1. In this case the value 2 would have lower bound 
1 and upper bound 3.
    The operator will produce a wrong result in this case, because the ordering 
is reversed. I'll have a look into this.

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