Github user andrewor14 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/StaticMemoryManagerSuite.scala ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark
    +import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
    +import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock, reset, verify, when}
    +import org.mockito.Matchers.{any, eq => meq}
    +import{BlockId, BlockStatus, MemoryStore, 
    +class StaticMemoryManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
    +  private val conf = new SparkConf().set("", 
    +  test("basic execution memory") {
    +    val maxExecutionMem = 1000L
    +    val (mm, _) = makeThings(maxExecutionMem, Long.MaxValue)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireExecutionMemory(10L) === 10L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 10L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireExecutionMemory(100L) === 100L)
    +    // Acquire up to the max
    +    assert(mm.acquireExecutionMemory(1000L) === 890L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 1000L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireExecutionMemory(1L) === 0L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 1000L)
    +    mm.releaseExecutionMemory(800L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 200L)
    +    // Acquire after release
    +    assert(mm.acquireExecutionMemory(1L) === 1L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 201L)
    +    // Release beyond what was acquired
    +    mm.releaseExecutionMemory(maxExecutionMem)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +  }
    +  test("basic storage memory") {
    +    val maxStorageMem = 1000L
    +    val dummyBlock = TestBlockId("you can see the world you brought to 
    +    val dummyBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, BlockStatus)]
    +    val (mm, ms) = makeThings(Long.MaxValue, maxStorageMem)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireStorageMemory(dummyBlock, 10L, dummyBlocks) === 10L)
    +    // `ensureFreeSpace` should be called with the number of bytes 
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 10L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 10L)
    +    assert(dummyBlocks.isEmpty)
    +    assert(mm.acquireStorageMemory(dummyBlock, 100L, dummyBlocks) === 100L)
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 100L)
    +    // Acquire up to the max, not granted
    +    assert(mm.acquireStorageMemory(dummyBlock, 1000L, dummyBlocks) === 0L)
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 1000L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 110L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireStorageMemory(dummyBlock, 890L, dummyBlocks) === 890L)
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 890L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 1000L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireStorageMemory(dummyBlock, 1L, dummyBlocks) === 0L)
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 1L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 1000L)
    +    mm.releaseStorageMemory(800L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 200L)
    +    // Acquire after release
    +    assert(mm.acquireStorageMemory(dummyBlock, 1L, dummyBlocks) === 1L)
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 1L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 201L)
    +    mm.releaseStorageMemory()
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireStorageMemory(dummyBlock, 1L, dummyBlocks) === 1L)
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 1L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 1L)
    +    // Release beyond what was acquired
    +    mm.releaseStorageMemory(100L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +  }
    +  test("execution and storage isolation") {
    +    val maxExecutionMem = 200L
    +    val maxStorageMem = 1000L
    +    val dummyBlock = TestBlockId("ain't nobody love like you do")
    +    val dummyBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, BlockStatus)]
    +    val (mm, ms) = makeThings(maxExecutionMem, maxStorageMem)
    +    // Only execution memory should increase
    +    assert(mm.acquireExecutionMemory(100L) === 100L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 100L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireExecutionMemory(1000L) === 100L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 200L)
    +    // Only storage memory should increase
    +    assert(mm.acquireStorageMemory(dummyBlock, 50L, dummyBlocks) === 50L)
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 50L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 50L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 200L)
    +    // Only execution memory should be released
    +    mm.releaseExecutionMemory(133L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 50L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 67L)
    +    // Only storage memory should be released
    +    mm.releaseStorageMemory()
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +    assert(mm.executionMemoryUsed === 67L)
    +  }
    +  test("unroll memory") {
    +    val maxStorageMem = 1000L
    +    val dummyBlock = TestBlockId("lonely water")
    +    val dummyBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, BlockStatus)]
    +    val (mm, ms) = makeThings(Long.MaxValue, maxStorageMem)
    +    assert(mm.acquireUnrollMemory(dummyBlock, 100L, dummyBlocks) === 100L)
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 100L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 100L)
    +    mm.releaseUnrollMemory(40L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 60L)
    +    when(ms.currentUnrollMemory).thenReturn(60L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireUnrollMemory(dummyBlock, 500L, dummyBlocks) === 500L)
    +    // `` is 0.4, so the max unroll space is 
400 bytes.
    +    // Since we already occupy 60 bytes, we will try to ensure only 400 - 
60 = 340 bytes.
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 340L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 560L)
    +    when(ms.currentUnrollMemory).thenReturn(560L)
    +    assert(mm.acquireUnrollMemory(dummyBlock, 800L, dummyBlocks) === 0L)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 560L)
    +    // We already have 560 bytes > the max unroll space of 400 bytes, so 
no bytes are freed
    +    assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(ms, dummyBlock, 0L)
    +    // Release beyond what was acquired
    +    mm.releaseUnrollMemory(maxStorageMem)
    +    assert(mm.storageMemoryUsed === 0L)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Make a [[StaticMemoryManager]] and a [[MemoryStore]] with limited 
class dependencies.
    +   */
    +  private def makeThings(
    +      maxExecutionMem: Long,
    +      maxStorageMem: Long): (StaticMemoryManager, MemoryStore) = {
    +    val mm = new StaticMemoryManager(conf, maxExecutionMem, maxStorageMem)
    +    val ms = mock(classOf[MemoryStore])
    +    mm.setMemoryStore(ms)
    +    (mm, ms)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Assert that [[MemoryStore.ensureFreeSpace]] is called with the given 
    +   */
    +  private def assertEnsureFreeSpaceCalled(
    +      ms: MemoryStore,
    +      blockId: BlockId,
    +      numBytes: Long): Unit = {
    +    verify(ms).ensureFreeSpace(meq(blockId), meq(numBytes: 
java.lang.Long), any())
    +    reset(ms)
    --- End diff --
    yeah, it actually calls `ensureFreeSpace(1)` 3 times in total, but I need a 
way to assert that it's called exactly once after each acquire. I couldn't find 
another way to do this.

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