Github user andrewor14 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -244,48 +248,56 @@ private[spark] class CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend(
             val mem = getResource(offer.getResourcesList, "mem")
             val cpus = getResource(offer.getResourcesList, "cpus").toInt
             val id = offer.getId.getValue
    -        if (taskIdToSlaveId.size < executorLimit &&
    -            totalCoresAcquired < maxCores &&
    -            meetsConstraints &&
    -            mem >= calculateTotalMemory(sc) &&
    -            cpus >= 1 &&
    -            failuresBySlaveId.getOrElse(slaveId, 0) < MAX_SLAVE_FAILURES &&
    -            !slaveIdsWithExecutors.contains(slaveId)) {
    -          // Launch an executor on the slave
    -          val cpusToUse = math.min(cpus, maxCores - totalCoresAcquired)
    -          totalCoresAcquired += cpusToUse
    -          val taskId = newMesosTaskId()
    -          taskIdToSlaveId.put(taskId, slaveId)
    -          slaveIdsWithExecutors += slaveId
    -          coresByTaskId(taskId) = cpusToUse
    -          // Gather cpu resources from the available resources and use 
them in the task.
    -          val (remainingResources, cpuResourcesToUse) =
    -            partitionResources(offer.getResourcesList, "cpus", cpusToUse)
    -          val (_, memResourcesToUse) =
    -            partitionResources(remainingResources.asJava, "mem", 
    -          val taskBuilder = MesosTaskInfo.newBuilder()
    -            .setSlaveId(offer.getSlaveId)
    -            .setCommand(createCommand(offer, cpusToUse + 
extraCoresPerSlave, taskId))
    -            .setName("Task " + taskId)
    -            .addAllResources(cpuResourcesToUse.asJava)
    -            .addAllResources(memResourcesToUse.asJava)
    -          sc.conf.getOption("spark.mesos.executor.docker.image").foreach { 
image =>
    -            MesosSchedulerBackendUtil
    -              .setupContainerBuilderDockerInfo(image, sc.conf, 
    +        if (meetsConstraints) {
    +          if (taskIdToSlaveId.size < executorLimit &&
    +              totalCoresAcquired < maxCores &&
    +              mem >= calculateTotalMemory(sc) &&
    +              cpus >= 1 &&
    +              failuresBySlaveId.getOrElse(slaveId, 0) < MAX_SLAVE_FAILURES 
    +              !slaveIdsWithExecutors.contains(slaveId)) {
    +            // Launch an executor on the slave
    +            val cpusToUse = math.min(cpus, maxCores - totalCoresAcquired)
    +            totalCoresAcquired += cpusToUse
    +            val taskId = newMesosTaskId()
    +            taskIdToSlaveId.put(taskId, slaveId)
    +            slaveIdsWithExecutors += slaveId
    +            coresByTaskId(taskId) = cpusToUse
    +            // Gather cpu resources from the available resources and use 
them in the task.
    +            val (remainingResources, cpuResourcesToUse) =
    +              partitionResources(offer.getResourcesList, "cpus", cpusToUse)
    +            val (_, memResourcesToUse) =
    +              partitionResources(remainingResources.asJava, "mem", 
    +            val taskBuilder = MesosTaskInfo.newBuilder()
    +              .setSlaveId(offer.getSlaveId)
    +              .setCommand(createCommand(offer, cpusToUse + 
extraCoresPerSlave, taskId))
    +              .setName("Task " + taskId)
    +              .addAllResources(cpuResourcesToUse.asJava)
    +              .addAllResources(memResourcesToUse.asJava)
    +            sc.conf.getOption("spark.mesos.executor.docker.image").foreach 
{ image =>
    +              MesosSchedulerBackendUtil
    +                .setupContainerBuilderDockerInfo(image, sc.conf, 
    +            }
    +            // Accept the offer and launch the task
    +            logDebug(s"Accepting offer: $id with attributes: 
$offerAttributes mem: $mem cpu: $cpus")
    +            slaveIdToHost(offer.getSlaveId.getValue) = offer.getHostname
    +            d.launchTasks(
    +              Collections.singleton(offer.getId),
    +              Collections.singleton(, filters)
    +          } else {
    +            // Decline the offer
    +            logDebug(s"Declining offer: $id with attributes: 
$offerAttributes mem: $mem cpu: $cpus")
    +            d.declineOffer(offer.getId)
    -          // accept the offer and launch the task
    -          logDebug(s"Accepting offer: $id with attributes: 
$offerAttributes mem: $mem cpu: $cpus")
    -          slaveIdToHost(offer.getSlaveId.getValue) = offer.getHostname
    -          d.launchTasks(
    -            Collections.singleton(offer.getId),
    -            Collections.singleton(, filters)
             } else {
    -          // Decline the offer
    -          logDebug(s"Declining offer: $id with attributes: 
$offerAttributes mem: $mem cpu: $cpus")
    -          d.declineOffer(offer.getId)
    +          // This offer does not meet constraints. We don't need to see it 
    +          // Decline the offer for a long period of time.
    +          logDebug(s"Declining offer: $id with attributes: 
$offerAttributes mem: $mem cpu: $cpus"
    +              + s" for $rejectOfferDurationForUnmetConstraints")
    --- End diff --
    this needs to say `for X seconds`. Right now it looks like `Declining offer 
for 120`.

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