Github user jkbradley commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/clustering/LDA.scala ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +import org.apache.spark.Logging
    +import org.apache.spark.annotation.{Experimental, Since}
    +import{SchemaUtils, Identifiable}
    +import{Estimator, Model}
HasFeaturesCol, HasSeed, HasMaxIter}
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.{DistributedLDAModel => 
    +    EMLDAOptimizer => OldEMLDAOptimizer, LDA => OldLDA, LDAModel => 
    +    LDAOptimizer => OldLDAOptimizer, LocalLDAModel => OldLocalLDAModel,
    +    OnlineLDAOptimizer => OldOnlineLDAOptimizer}
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{VectorUDT, Vectors, Matrix, Vector}
    +import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, DataFrame, Row}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, monotonicallyIncreasingId, udf}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
    +private[clustering] trait LDAParams extends Params with HasFeaturesCol 
with HasMaxIter
    +  with HasSeed with HasCheckpointInterval {
    +  /**
    +   * Param for the number of topics (clusters). Must be > 1. Default: 10.
    +   * @group param
    +   */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  final val k = new IntParam(this, "k", "number of clusters to create",
    +  /** @group getParam */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def getK: Int = $(k)
    +  /**
    +   * Concentration parameter (commonly named "alpha") for the prior placed 
on documents'
    +   * distributions over topics ("theta").
    +   *
    +   * This is the parameter to a Dirichlet distribution, where larger 
values mean more smoothing
    +   * (more regularization).
    +   *
    +   * If set to a singleton vector [-1], then docConcentration is set 
automatically. If set to
    +   * singleton vector [alpha] where alpha != -1, then alpha is replicated 
to a vector of
    +   * length k in fitting. Otherwise, the [[docConcentration]] vector must 
be length k.
    +   * (default = [-1] = automatic)
    +   *
    +   * Optimizer-specific parameter settings:
    +   *  - EM
    +   *     - Currently only supports symmetric distributions, so all values 
in the vector should be
    +   *       the same.
    +   *     - Values should be > 1.0
    +   *     - default = uniformly (50 / k) + 1, where 50/k is common in LDA 
libraries and +1 follows
    +   *       from Asuncion et al. (2009), who recommend a +1 adjustment for 
    +   *  - Online
    +   *     - Values should be >= 0
    +   *     - default = uniformly (1.0 / k), following the implementation from
    +   *       [[]].
    +   * @group param
    +   */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  final val docConcentration = new DoubleArrayParam(this, 
    +    "Concentration parameter (commonly named \"alpha\") for the prior 
placed on documents'" +
    +      " distributions over topics (\"theta\").", validDocConcentration)
    +  /** Check that the docConcentration is valid, independently of other 
Params */
    +  private def validDocConcentration(alpha: Array[Double]): Boolean = {
    +    if (alpha.length == 1) {
    +      alpha(0) == -1 || alpha(0) >= 1.0
    +    } else if (alpha.length > 1) {
    +      alpha.forall(_ >= 1.0)
    +    } else {
    +      false
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /** @group getParam */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def getDocConcentration: Array[Double] = $(docConcentration)
    +  /**
    +   * Alias for [[getDocConcentration]]
    +   * @group getParam
    +   */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def getAlpha: Array[Double] = getDocConcentration
    +  /**
    +   * Concentration parameter (commonly named "beta" or "eta") for the 
prior placed on topics'
    +   * distributions over terms.
    +   *
    +   * This is the parameter to a symmetric Dirichlet distribution.
    +   *
    +   * Note: The topics' distributions over terms are called "beta" in the 
original LDA paper
    +   * by Blei et al., but are called "phi" in many later papers such as 
Asuncion et al., 2009.
    +   *
    +   * If set to -1, then topicConcentration is set automatically.
    +   *  (default = -1 = automatic)
    +   *
    +   * Optimizer-specific parameter settings:
    +   *  - EM
    +   *     - Value should be > 1.0
    +   *     - default = 0.1 + 1, where 0.1 gives a small amount of smoothing 
and +1 follows
    +   *       Asuncion et al. (2009), who recommend a +1 adjustment for EM.
    +   *  - Online
    +   *     - Value should be >= 0
    +   *     - default = (1.0 / k), following the implementation from
    +   *       [[]].
    +   * @group param
    +   */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  final val topicConcentration = new DoubleParam(this, 
    +    "Concentration parameter (commonly named \"beta\" or \"eta\") for the 
prior placed on topic'" +
    +      " distributions over terms.", (beta: Double) => beta == -1 || beta 
>= 0.0)
    +  /** @group getParam */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def getTopicConcentration: Double = $(topicConcentration)
    +  /**
    +   * Alias for [[getTopicConcentration]]
    +   * @group getParam
    +   */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def getBeta: Double = getTopicConcentration
    +  /**
    +   * Optimizer or inference algorithm used to estimate the LDA model, 
specified as a
    +   * [[LDAOptimizer]] type.
    +   * Currently supported:
    +   *  - Online Variational Bayes: [[OnlineLDAOptimizer]] (default)
    +   *  - Expectation-Maximization (EM): [[EMLDAOptimizer]]
    +   * @group param
    +   */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  final val optimizer = new Param[LDAOptimizer](this, "optimizer", 
"Optimizer or inference" +
    +    " algorithm used to estimate the LDA model")
    +  /** @group getParam */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def getOptimizer: LDAOptimizer = $(optimizer)
    +  // Developers should override these setOptimizer() methods.  These are 
defined here to
    +  // ensure identical behavior when setting the optimizer using a String.
    +  /** @group setParam */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def setOptimizer(value: LDAOptimizer): this.type = set(optimizer, value)
    +  /**
    +   * Set [[optimizer]] by name (case-insensitive):
    +   *  - "online" = [[OnlineLDAOptimizer]]
    +   *  - "em" = [[EMLDAOptimizer]]
    +   * @group setParam
    +   */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def setOptimizer(value: String): this.type = value.toLowerCase match {
    +    case "online" => setOptimizer(new OnlineLDAOptimizer)
    +    case "em" => setOptimizer(new EMLDAOptimizer)
    +    case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
    +      s"LDA was given unknown optimizer '$value'.  Supported values: em, 
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Output column with estimates of the topic mixture distribution for 
each document (often called
    +   * "theta" in the literature).  Returns a vector of zeros for an empty 
    +   *
    +   * This uses a variational approximation following Hoffman et al. 
(2010), where the approximate
    +   * distribution is called "gamma."  Technically, this method returns 
this approximation "gamma"
    +   * for each document.
    +   * @group param
    +   */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  final val topicDistributionCol = new Param[String](this, 
"topicDistribution", "Output column" +
    +    " with estimates of the topic mixture distribution for each document 
(often called \"theta\"" +
    +    " in the literature).  Returns a vector of zeros for an empty 
    +  setDefault(topicDistributionCol -> "topicDistribution")
    +  /** @group getParam */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  def getTopicDistributionCol: String = $(topicDistributionCol)
    +  /**
    +   * Validates and transforms the input schema.
    +   * @param schema input schema
    +   * @return output schema
    +   */
    +  protected def validateAndTransformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType 
= {
    +    SchemaUtils.checkColumnType(schema, $(featuresCol), new VectorUDT)
    +    SchemaUtils.appendColumn(schema, $(topicDistributionCol), new 
    +  }
    + * :: Experimental ::
    + * Model fitted by [[LDA]].
    + *
    + * @param vocabSize  Vocabulary size (number of terms or terms in the 
    + * @param oldLocalModel  Underlying spark.mllib model.
    + *                       If this model was produced by 
[[OnlineLDAOptimizer]], then this is the
    + *                       only model representation.
    + *                       If this model was produced by [[EMLDAOptimizer]], 
then this local
    + *                       representation may be built lazily.
    + * @param sqlContext  Used to construct local DataFrames for returning 
query results
    + */
    +class LDAModel private[ml] (
    +    @Since("1.6.0") override val uid: String,
    +    @Since("1.6.0") val vocabSize: Int,
    +    @Since("1.6.0") protected var oldLocalModel: Option[OldLocalLDAModel],
    +    @Since("1.6.0") @transient protected val sqlContext: SQLContext)
    +  extends Model[LDAModel] with LDAParams with Logging {
    +  override def validateParams(): Unit = {
    +    if (getDocConcentration.length != 1) {
    +      require(getDocConcentration.length == getK, s"LDA docConcentration 
was of length" +
    +        s" ${getDocConcentration.length}, but k = $getK.  docConcentration 
must be either" +
    +        s" length 1 (scalar) or an array of length k.")
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /** Returns underlying spark.mllib model */
    +  @Since("1.6.0")
    +  protected def getModel: OldLDAModel = oldLocalModel match {
    +    case Some(m) => m
    +    case None =>
    +      // Should never happen.
    --- End diff --
    That seems hard to do with DistributedLDAModel, for which we don't want to 
collect the topicsMatrix unless we have to.  It might work if LDAModel were 
abstract, but I don't see a good way when LDAModel is concrete.

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