Github user pwendell commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/RDD.scala ---
    @@ -1235,11 +1235,43 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassTag](
       /** A description of this RDD and its recursive dependencies for 
debugging. */
       def toDebugString: String = {
    -    def debugString(rdd: RDD[_], prefix: String = ""): Seq[String] = {
    -      Seq(prefix + rdd + " (" + rdd.partitions.size + " partitions)") ++
    -        rdd.dependencies.flatMap(d => debugString(d.rdd, prefix + "  "))
    +    // Apply a different rule to the last child
    +    def debugChildren(rdd: RDD[_], prefix: String): Seq[String] = {
    +      val len = rdd.dependencies.length
    +      len match {
    +        case 0 => Seq.empty
    +        case 1 =>
    +          val d = rdd.dependencies.head
    +          debugString(d.rdd, prefix, 
d.isInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[_,_]], true)
    +        case _ =>
    +          val frontDeps = rdd.dependencies.take(len - 1)
    +          val endDep = rdd.dependencies.takeRight(1).head
    +          (frontDeps.flatMap(d => debugString(d.rdd, prefix, 
    +            ++ debugString(endDep.rdd, prefix, 
endDep.isInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[_,_]], true))
    +      }
    +    }
    +    // The first RDD in the dependency stack has no parents, so no need 
for a +-
    +    def firstDebugString(rdd: RDD[_]): Seq[String] = {
    +      val partitionStr = "(" + rdd.partitions.size + ")"
    +      val leftOffset = (partitionStr.length - 1)/2
    +      val nextPrefix = (" " * leftOffset) + "|" + (" " * 
(partitionStr.length - leftOffset))
    +      Seq(partitionStr + " " + rdd) ++ debugChildren(rdd, nextPrefix)
    +    }
    +    def shuffleDebugString(rdd: RDD[_], prefix: String = "", isLastChild: 
Boolean): Seq[String] = {
    +      val partitionStr = "(" + rdd.partitions.size + ")"
    +      val thisPrefix = prefix.replaceAll("\\|\\s+$", "")
    +      val leftOffset = (partitionStr.length - 1)/2
    +      val nextPrefix = (
    +        thisPrefix
    +        + (if (isLastChild) "  " else "| ")
    +        + (" " * leftOffset) + "|" + (" " * (partitionStr.length - 
    +      Seq(thisPrefix + "+-" + partitionStr + " " + rdd) ++ 
debugChildren(rdd, nextPrefix)
    +    }
    +    def debugString(rdd: RDD[_], prefix: String = "", isShuffle: Boolean = 
true, isLastChild: Boolean = false): Seq[String] = {
    +      if (isShuffle) { shuffleDebugString(rdd, prefix, isLastChild) }
    --- End diff --
    This if/else should be broken onto multiple 

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