Github user shivaram commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R ---
    @@ -2465,6 +2465,110 @@ setMethod("drop",
    +#' This function computes a histogram for a given SparkR Column.
    +#' @name histogram
    +#' @title Histogram
    +#' @param nbins the number of bins (optional). Default value is 10.
    +#' @param df the DataFrame containing the Column to build the histogram 
    +#' @param colname the name of the column to build the histogram from.
    +#' @return a data.frame with the histogram statistics, i.e., counts and 
    +#' @rdname histogram
    +#' @family DataFrame functions
    +#' @export
    +#' @examples 
    +#' \dontrun{
    +#' # Create a DataFrame from the Iris dataset
    +#' irisDF <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, iris)
    +#' # Compute histogram statistics
    +#' histData <- histogram(df, "colname"Sepal_Length", nbins = 12)
    +#' # Once SparkR has computed the histogram statistics, the histogram can 
    +#' # rendered using the ggplot2 library:
    +#' require(ggplot2)
    +#' plot <- ggplot(histStats, aes(x = centroids, y = counts))
    +#' plot <- plot + geom_histogram(data = histStats, stat = "identity", 
binwidth = 100)
    +#' plot <- plot + xlab("Sepal_Length") + ylab("Frequency")   
    +#' } 
    +          signature(df = "DataFrame", col = "characterOrColumn"),
    +          function(df, col, nbins = 10) {
    +            # Validate nbins
    +            if (nbins < 2) {
    +              stop("The number of bins must be a positive integer number 
greater than 1.")
    +            }
    +            # Round nbins to the smallest integer
    +            nbins <- floor(nbins)
    +            # Validate col
    +            if (is.null(col)) {
    +              stop("col must be specified.")
    +            }
    +            colname <- col
    +            x <- if (class(col) == "character") {
    +              if (!colname %in% names(df)) {
    +                stop("Specified colname does not belong to the given 
    +              }
    +              # Filter NA values in the target column and remove all other 
    +              df <- na.omit(df[, colname])
    +              getColumn(df, colname)
    +            } else if (class(col) == "Column") {
    +              # Append the given column to the dataset. This is to support 
Columns that
    +              # don't belong to the DataFrame but are rather expressions
    +              df$x <- col
    --- End diff --
    Do we need to check if `x` is a column name already present in the data 
frame ? For example I ran the code
    irisDF$x <- irisDF$Petal_Width + 2.0
    histogram(irisDF, irisDF$x, 8)
    and I got an error
    org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: resolved attribute(s) x#141 missing 
from Species#4,Sepal_Length#0,x#269,Petal_Width#3,Petal_Length#2,Sepal_Width#1 
in operator !Project 
 - 2.1) / 2.4) * 10000.0) as int) as double) / 10000.0) / 0.125) - CASE WHEN 
((((cast(cast((((x#141 - 2.1) / 2.4) * 10000.0) as int) as double) / 10000.0) / 
0.125) = cast(cast(((cast(cast((((x#141 - 2.1) / 2.4) * 10000.0) as int) as 
double) / 10000.0) / 0.125) as int) as double)) && NOT (x#141 = 2.1)) THEN 1.0 
ELSE 0.0 END) as int) AS bins#325]

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