Github user mengxr commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/feature/Word2Vec.scala ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
    +* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    +* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    +* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    +* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    +* Add a comment to this line
    +* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    +* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    +* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    +* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    +* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    +* limitations under the License.
    +package org.apache.spark.mllib.feature
    +import scala.util.{Random => Random}
    +import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
    +import scala.collection.mutable
    +import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.{getInstance => blas}
    +import org.apache.spark._
    +import org.apache.spark.rdd._
    +import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
    +import org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner
    + *  Entry in vocabulary 
    + */
    +private case class VocabWord(
    +  var word: String,
    +  var cn: Int,
    +  var point: Array[Int],
    +  var code: Array[Int],
    +  var codeLen:Int
    + *  Vector representation of word
    + */
    +class Word2Vec(
    +    val size: Int,
    +    val startingAlpha: Double,
    +    val window: Int,
    +    val minCount: Int) 
    +  extends Serializable with Logging {
    +  private val EXP_TABLE_SIZE = 1000
    +  private val MAX_EXP = 6
    +  private val MAX_CODE_LENGTH = 40
    +  private val MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH = 1000
    +  private val layer1Size = size 
    +  private val modelPartitionNum = 100
    +  private var trainWordsCount = 0
    +  private var vocabSize = 0
    +  private var vocab: Array[VocabWord] = null
    +  private var vocabHash = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Int]
    +  private var alpha = startingAlpha
    +  private def learnVocab(dataset: RDD[String]) {
    +    vocab = dataset.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
    +      .map(w => (w, 1))
    +      .reduceByKey(_ + _)
    +      .map(x => VocabWord(x._1, x._2, new Array[Int](MAX_CODE_LENGTH), new 
Array[Int](MAX_CODE_LENGTH), 0))
    +      .filter( >= minCount)
    +      .collect()
    +      .sortWith((a, b)=> >
    +    vocabSize = vocab.length
    +    var a = 0
    +    while (a < vocabSize) {
    +      vocabHash += vocab(a).word -> a
    +      trainWordsCount += vocab(a).cn
    +      a += 1
    +    }
    +    logInfo("trainWordsCount = " + trainWordsCount)
    +  }
    +  private def createExpTable(): Array[Double] = {
    +    val expTable = new Array[Double](EXP_TABLE_SIZE)
    +    var i = 0
    +    while (i < EXP_TABLE_SIZE) {
    +      val tmp = math.exp((2.0 * i / EXP_TABLE_SIZE - 1.0) * MAX_EXP)
    +      expTable(i) = tmp / (tmp + 1)
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +    expTable
    +  }
    +  private def createBinaryTree() {
    +    val count = new Array[Long](vocabSize * 2 + 1)
    +    val binary = new Array[Int](vocabSize * 2 + 1)
    +    val parentNode = new Array[Int](vocabSize * 2 + 1)
    +    val code = new Array[Int](MAX_CODE_LENGTH)
    +    val point = new Array[Int](MAX_CODE_LENGTH)
    +    var a = 0
    +    while (a < vocabSize) {
    +      count(a) = vocab(a).cn
    +      a += 1
    +    }
    +    while (a < 2 * vocabSize) {
    +      count(a) = 1e9.toInt
    +      a += 1
    +    }
    +    var pos1 = vocabSize - 1
    +    var pos2 = vocabSize
    +    var min1i = 0 
    +    var min2i = 0
    +    a = 0
    +    while (a < vocabSize - 1) {
    +      if (pos1 >= 0) {
    +        if (count(pos1) < count(pos2)) {
    +          min1i = pos1
    +          pos1 -= 1
    +        } else {
    +          min1i = pos2
    +          pos2 += 1
    +        }
    +      } else {
    +        min1i = pos2
    +        pos2 += 1
    +      }
    +      if (pos1 >= 0) {
    +        if (count(pos1) < count(pos2)) {
    +          min2i = pos1
    +          pos1 -= 1
    +        } else {
    +          min2i = pos2
    +          pos2 += 1
    +        }
    +      } else {
    +        min2i = pos2
    +        pos2 += 1
    +      }
    +      count(vocabSize + a) = count(min1i) + count(min2i)
    +      parentNode(min1i) = vocabSize + a
    +      parentNode(min2i) = vocabSize + a
    +      binary(min2i) = 1
    +      a += 1
    +    }
    +    // Now assign binary code to each vocabulary word
    +    var i = 0
    +    a = 0
    +    while (a < vocabSize) {
    +      var b = a
    +      i = 0
    +      while (b != vocabSize * 2 - 2) {
    +        code(i) = binary(b)
    +        point(i) = b
    +        i += 1
    +        b = parentNode(b)
    +      }
    +      vocab(a).codeLen = i
    +      vocab(a).point(0) = vocabSize - 2
    +      b = 0
    +      while (b < i) {
    +        vocab(a).code(i - b - 1) = code(b)
    +        vocab(a).point(i - b) = point(b) - vocabSize
    +        b += 1
    +      }
    +      a += 1
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Computes the vector representation of each word in 
    +   * vocabulary
    +   * @param dataset an RDD of strings
    +   * @return a Word2VecModel
    +   */
    +  def fit(dataset:RDD[String]): Word2VecModel = {
    +    learnVocab(dataset)
    +    createBinaryTree()
    +    val sc = dataset.context
    +    val expTable = sc.broadcast(createExpTable())
    +    val V = sc.broadcast(vocab)
    +    val VHash = sc.broadcast(vocabHash)
    +    val sentences = dataset.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).mapPartitions 
    +      iter => { new Iterator[Array[Int]] {
    +          def hasNext = iter.hasNext
    +          def next = {
    +            var sentence = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
    +            var sentenceLength = 0
    +            while (iter.hasNext && sentenceLength < MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH) {
    +              val word = VHash.value.get(
    +              word match {
    +                case Some(w) => {
    +                  sentence += w
    +                  sentenceLength += 1
    +                }
    +                case None => 
    +              }
    +            }
    +            sentence.toArray
    +          }
    +        }
    +      }
    +    }
    +    val newSentences = sentences.repartition(1).cache()
    +    val temp = Array.fill[Double](vocabSize * 
layer1Size)((Random.nextDouble - 0.5) / layer1Size)
    +    val (aggSyn0, _, _, _) =
    +      // TODO: broadcast temp instead of serializing it directly or 
initialize the model in each executor
    +      newSentences.aggregate((temp.clone(), new Array[Double](vocabSize * 
layer1Size), 0, 0))(
    +        seqOp = (c, v) => (c, v) match { case ((syn0, syn1, lastWordCount, 
wordCount), sentence) =>
    +          var lwc = lastWordCount
    +          var wc = wordCount 
    +          if (wordCount - lastWordCount > 10000) {
    +            lwc = wordCount
    +            alpha = startingAlpha * (1 - wordCount.toDouble / 
(trainWordsCount + 1))
    +            if (alpha < startingAlpha * 0.0001) alpha = startingAlpha * 
    +            logInfo("wordCount = " + wordCount + ", alpha = " + alpha)
    +          }
    +          wc += sentence.size
    +          var pos = 0
    +          while (pos < sentence.size) {
    +            val word = sentence(pos)
    +            // TODO: fix random seed
    +            val b = Random.nextInt(window)
    +            // Train Skip-gram
    +            var a = b
    +            while (a < window * 2 + 1 - b) {
    +              if (a != window) {
    +                val c = pos - window + a
    +                if (c >= 0 && c < sentence.size) {
    +                  val lastWord = sentence(c)
    +                  val l1 = lastWord * layer1Size
    +                  val neu1e = new Array[Double](layer1Size)
    +                  //HS
    +                  var d = 0
    +                  while (d < vocab(word).codeLen) {
    +                    val l2 = vocab(word).point(d) * layer1Size
    +                    // Propagate hidden -> output
    +                    var f = blas.ddot(layer1Size, syn0, l1, 1, syn1, l2, 1)
    +                    if (f > -MAX_EXP && f < MAX_EXP) {
    +                      val ind = ((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP 
/ 2.0)).toInt
    +                      f = expTable.value(ind)
    +                      val g = (1 - vocab(word).code(d) - f) * alpha
    +                      blas.daxpy(layer1Size, g, syn1, l2, 1, neu1e, 0, 1)
    +                      blas.daxpy(layer1Size, g, syn0, l1, 1, syn1, l2, 1)
    +                    }
    +                    d += 1
    +                  }
    +                  blas.daxpy(layer1Size, 1.0, neu1e, 0, 1, syn0, l1, 1)
    +                }
    +              }
    +              a += 1
    +            }
    +            pos += 1
    +          }
    +          (syn0, syn1, lwc, wc)
    +        },
    +        combOp = (c1, c2) => (c1, c2) match { case ((syn0_1, syn1_1, 
lwc_1, wc_1), (syn0_2, syn1_2, lwc_2, wc_2)) =>
    +          val n = syn0_1.length
    +          blas.daxpy(n, 1.0, syn0_2, 1, syn0_1, 1)
    +          blas.daxpy(n, 1.0, syn1_2, 1, syn1_1, 1)
    +          (syn0_1, syn0_2, lwc_1 + lwc_2, wc_1 + wc_2)
    +        })
    +    val wordMap = new Array[(String, Array[Double])](vocabSize)
    +    var i = 0
    +    while (i < vocabSize) {
    +      val word = vocab(i).word
    +      val vector = new Array[Double](layer1Size)
    +      Array.copy(aggSyn0, i * layer1Size, vector, 0, layer1Size)
    +      wordMap(i) = (word, vector)
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +    val modelRDD = sc.parallelize(wordMap, 
modelPartitionNum).partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(modelPartitionNum))
    +    new Word2VecModel(modelRDD)
    +  }
    +* Word2Vec model
    +class Word2VecModel (val _model:RDD[(String, Array[Double])]) extends 
Serializable {
    +  val model = _model
    +  private def distance(v1: Array[Double], v2: Array[Double]): Double = {
    +    require(v1.length == v2.length, "Vectors should have the same length")
    +    val n = v1.length
    +    val norm1 = blas.dnrm2(n, v1, 1)
    +    val norm2 = blas.dnrm2(n, v2, 1)
    +    if (norm1 == 0 || norm2 == 0) return 0.0
    +    blas.ddot(n, v1, 1, v2,1) / norm1 / norm2
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Transforms a word to its vector representation
    +   * @param word a word 
    +   * @return vector representation of word
    +   */
    --- End diff --
    remove empty line

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