Github user jkbradley commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/tree/impl/LocalDecisionTree.scala ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +import org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.ImpurityStats
    +import org.apache.spark.util.collection.BitSet
    +/** Object exposing methods for local training of decision trees */
    +private[ml] object LocalDecisionTree {
    +  /**
    +   * Fully splits the passed-in node on the provided local dataset.
    +   * TODO(smurching): Accept a seed for feature subsampling
    +   *
    +   * @param node LearningNode to split
    +   */
    +  def fitNode(
    +      input: Array[BaggedPoint[TreePoint]],
    +      node: LearningNode,
    +      metadata: DecisionTreeMetadata,
    +      splits: Array[Array[Split]]): Node = {
    +    // The case with 1 node (depth = 0) is handled separately.
    +    // This allows all iterations in the depth > 0 case to use the same 
    +    // TODO: Check that learning works when maxDepth > 0 but learning 
stops at 1 node (because of
    +    //       other parameters).
    +    if (metadata.maxDepth == 0) {
    +      val impurityAggregator: ImpurityAggregatorSingle =
    +        input.aggregate(metadata.createImpurityAggregator())(
    +          (agg, lp) => agg.update(lp.datum.label, 1.0),
    +          (agg1, agg2) => agg1.add(agg2))
    +      val impurityCalculator = impurityAggregator.getCalculator
    +      return new 
    +        impurityCalculator.calculate(), impurityCalculator)
    +    }
    +    // Prepare column store.
    +    //   Note: rowToColumnStoreDense checks to make sure numRows < 
    +    val colStoreInit: Array[Array[Int]]
    +      = 
    +    val labels =
    +    // Train classifier if numClasses is between 1 and 32, otherwise fit a 
regression model
    +    // on the dataset
    +    if (metadata.numClasses > 1 && metadata.numClasses <= 32) {
    +      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Local training of a 
decision tree classifier is" +
    +        "unsupported; currently, only regression is supported")
    +    } else {
    +      // TODO(smurching): Pass an array of instanceWeights extracted from 
the input BaggedPoint?
    +      // Also, pass seed for feature subsampling
    +      trainRegressor(node, colStoreInit, labels, metadata, splits)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Locally fits a decision tree regressor.
    +   * TODO(smurching): Logic for fitting a classifier & regressor seems the 
same; only difference
    +   * is impurity metric. Use the same logic for fitting a classifier?
    +   *
    +   * @param rootNode Node to fit on the passed-in dataset
    +   * @param colStoreInit Array of columns of training data
    +   * @param metadata Metadata object
    +   * @param splits splits(i) = Array of possible splits for feature i
    +   * @return
    +   */
    +  def trainRegressor(
    +      rootNode: LearningNode,
    +      colStoreInit: Array[Array[Int]],
    +      labels: Array[Double],
    +      metadata: DecisionTreeMetadata,
    +      splits: Array[Array[Split]]): Node = {
    +    // Sort each column by feature values.
    +    val colStore: Array[FeatureVector] = { 
case (col, featureIndex) =>
    +      val featureArity: Int = 
metadata.featureArity.getOrElse(featureIndex, 0)
    +      FeatureVector.fromOriginal(featureIndex, featureArity, col)
    +    }
    +    val numRows = colStore.headOption match {
    +      case None => 0
    +      case Some(column) => column.values.size
    +    }
    +    // Create an impurityAggregator object containing info for 1 node (the 
root node).
    +    val fullImpurityAgg = metadata.createImpurityAggregator()
    +    labels.foreach(fullImpurityAgg.update(_))
    +    // Create a bitset describing the set of active (non-leaf) nodes; 
initially, only the
    +    // root node is active
    +    val initActive = new BitSet(1)
    +    initActive.set(0)
    +    var partitionInfo: PartitionInfo = new PartitionInfo(colStore,
    +      Array[Int](0, numRows), initActive, Array(fullImpurityAgg))
    +    // Initialize model.
    +    // Note: We do not use node indices.
    +    // Active nodes (still being split), updated each iteration
    +    var activeNodePeriphery: Array[LearningNode] = Array(rootNode)
    +    var numNodeOffsets: Int = 2
    +    // Iteratively learn, one level of the tree at a time.
    +    var currentLevel = 0
    +    var doneLearning = false
    +    while (currentLevel < metadata.maxDepth && !doneLearning) {
    +      // Compute best split for each active node.
    +      val bestSplitsAndGains: Array[(Option[Split], ImpurityStats)] =
    +        computeBestSplits(partitionInfo, labels, metadata, splits)
    +      /*
    +      // NOTE: The actual active nodes (activeNodePeriphery) may be a 
subset of the nodes under
    +      //       bestSplitsAndGains since
    +      assert(activeNodePeriphery.length == bestSplitsAndGains.length,
    +        s"activeNodePeriphery.length=${activeNodePeriphery.length} does 
not equal" +
    +          s" bestSplitsAndGains.length=${bestSplitsAndGains.length}")
    +      */
    +      // Update current model and node periphery.
    +      // Note: This flatMap has side effects (on the model).
    +      activeNodePeriphery = 
    +          bestSplitsAndGains, metadata.minInfoGain, 
    +      // We keep all old nodeOffsets and add one for each node split.
    +      // Each node split adds 2 nodes to activeNodePeriphery.
    +      // TODO: Should this be calculated after filtering for impurity??
    +      numNodeOffsets = numNodeOffsets + activeNodePeriphery.length / 2
    +      // Filter active node periphery by impurity.
    +      val estimatedRemainingActive = 
activeNodePeriphery.count(_.stats.impurity > 0.0)
    +      // TODO: Check to make sure we split something, and stop otherwise.
    +      doneLearning = currentLevel + 1 >= metadata.maxDepth || 
estimatedRemainingActive == 0
    +      if (!doneLearning) {
    +        val bestSplits: Array[Option[Split]] =
    +        // Aggregate bit vector (1 bit/instance) indicating whether each 
instance goes left/right
    +        val aggBitVector: RoaringBitmap = 
    +          bestSplits, numRows, splits)
    +        // Create a copy of our bitvector
    +        val bv = new BitSet(numRows)
    +        val iter = aggBitVector.getIntIterator
    +        while(iter.hasNext) {
    +          bv.set(
    +        }
    +        // Obtain a new partitionInfo instance describing our current 
training status; the offsets
    +        // of each node in our arrays of columns
    +        partitionInfo = partitionInfo.update(bv, numNodeOffsets, labels, 
    +      }
    +      currentLevel += 1
    +    }
    +    // Done with learning
    +    rootNode.toNode
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Find the best splits for all active nodes.
    +   *  - For each feature, select the best split for each node.
    +   *
    +   * @return  Array over active nodes of (best split, impurity stats for 
    +   *          where the split is None if no useful split exists
    +   */
    +  private[impl] def computeBestSplits(
    +      partitionInfo: PartitionInfo,
    +      labels: Array[Double],
    +      metadata: DecisionTreeMetadata,
    +      splits: Array[Array[Split]]): Array[(Option[Split], ImpurityStats)] 
= {
    +    // For each feature, select the best split for each node.
    +    // This will use:
    +    //  - labels (the labels column)
    +    // Returns:
    +    //   for each active node, best split + info gain,
    +    //     where the best split is None if no useful split exists
    +    partitionInfo match {
    +      case PartitionInfo(columns: Array[FeatureVector], nodeOffsets: 
    +        activeNodes: BitSet, fullImpurityAggs: 
Array[ImpurityAggregatorSingle]) => {
    +        // Iterate over the active nodes in the current level.
    +        val toReturn = new Array[(Option[Split], 
    +        val iter: Iterator[Int] = activeNodes.iterator
    +        var i = 0
    +        while (iter.hasNext) {
    +          // Our iterator iterates left-to-right across the active node 
    +          val nodeIndexInLevel =
    +          // Features for the current node start at fromOffset and end at 
    +          val fromOffset = nodeOffsets(nodeIndexInLevel)
    +          val toOffset = nodeOffsets(nodeIndexInLevel + 1)
    +          // Get the impurity aggregator for the current node
    +          val fullImpurityAgg = fullImpurityAggs(nodeIndexInLevel)
    +          // Get the best split for each feature for the current node
    +          // TODO(smurching): In PartitionInfo, keep track of which 
features are associated
    +          // with which nodes and subsample here
    +          val splitsAndStats =
    +   { col =>
    +              chooseSplit(col, labels, fromOffset, toOffset, 
fullImpurityAgg, metadata, splits)
    +            }
    +          // For the current node, we pick the feature whose best split 
results in maximal gain
    +          toReturn(i) = splitsAndStats.maxBy(_._2.gain)
    +          i += 1
    +        }
    +        toReturn
    +      }
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Choose the best split for a feature at a node.
    +   * TODO: Return null or None when the split is invalid, such as putting 
all instances on one
    +   *       child node.
    +   *
    +   * @return  (best split, statistics for split)  If the best split 
actually puts all instances
    +   *          in one leaf node, then it will be set to None.
    +   */
    +  private[impl] def chooseSplit(
    +      col: FeatureVector,
    +      labels: Array[Double],
    +      fromOffset: Int,
    +      toOffset: Int,
    +      fullImpurityAgg: ImpurityAggregatorSingle,
    +      metadata: DecisionTreeMetadata,
    +      splits: Array[Array[Split]]): (Option[Split], ImpurityStats) = {
    +    if (col.isCategorical) {
    +      if (metadata.isUnordered(col.featureIndex)) {
    +        val catSplits: Array[CategoricalSplit] = splits(col.featureIndex)
    +          .map(_.asInstanceOf[CategoricalSplit])
    +        chooseUnorderedCategoricalSplit(col.featureIndex, col.values, 
col.indices, labels,
    +          fromOffset, toOffset, metadata, col.featureArity, catSplits)
    +      } else {
    +        chooseOrderedCategoricalSplit(col.featureIndex, col.values, 
    +          labels, fromOffset, toOffset, metadata, col.featureArity)
    +      }
    +    } else {
    +      chooseContinuousSplit(col.featureIndex, col.values, col.indices, 
labels, fromOffset, toOffset,
    +        fullImpurityAgg, metadata, splits)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Find the best split for an ordered categorical feature at a single 
    +   *
    +   * Algorithm:
    +   *  - For each category, compute a "centroid."
    +   *     - For multiclass classification, the centroid is the label 
    +   *     - For binary classification and regression, the centroid is the 
average label.
    +   *  - Sort the centroids, and consider splits anywhere in this order.
    +   *    Thus, with K categories, we consider K - 1 possible splits.
    +   *
    +   * @param featureIndex  Index of feature being split.
    +   * @param values  Feature values at this node.  Sorted in increasing 
    +   * @param labels  Labels corresponding to values, in the same order.
    +   * @return  (best split, statistics for split)  If the best split 
actually puts all instances
    +   *          in one leaf node, then it will be set to None.  The impurity 
stats maybe still be
    +   *          useful, so they are returned.
    +   */
    +  private[impl] def chooseOrderedCategoricalSplit(
    +      featureIndex: Int,
    +      values: Array[Int],
    +      indices: Array[Int],
    +      labels: Array[Double],
    +      from: Int,
    +      to: Int,
    +      metadata: DecisionTreeMetadata,
    +      featureArity: Int): (Option[Split], ImpurityStats) = {
    +    // TODO: Support high-arity features by using a single array to hold 
the stats.
    +    // aggStats(category) = label statistics for category
    +    // aggStats(i) = label statistics for bin i
    +    val aggStats = 
    +      _ => metadata.createImpurityAggregator())
    +    var i = from
    +    while (i < to) {
    +      val cat = values(i)
    +      val label = labels(indices(i))
    +      aggStats(cat).update(label)
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +    // Compute centroids.  centroidsForCategories is a list: (category, 
    +    val centroidsForCategories: Seq[(Int, Double)] = if 
(metadata.isMulticlass) {
    +      // For categorical variables in multiclass classification,
    +      // the bins are ordered by the impurity of their corresponding 
    +      Range(0, featureArity).map { case featureValue =>
    +        val categoryStats = aggStats(featureValue)
    +        val centroid = if (categoryStats.getCount != 0) {
    +          categoryStats.getCalculator.calculate()
    +        } else {
    +          Double.MaxValue
    +        }
    +        (featureValue, centroid)
    +      }
    +    } else if (metadata.isClassification) { // binary classification
    +      // For categorical variables in binary classification,
    +      // the bins are ordered by the centroid of their corresponding 
    +      Range(0, featureArity).map { case featureValue =>
    +        val categoryStats = aggStats(featureValue)
    +        val centroid = if (categoryStats.getCount != 0) {
    +          assert(categoryStats.stats.length == 2)
    +          (categoryStats.stats(1) - categoryStats.stats(0)) / 
    +        } else {
    +          Double.MaxValue
    +        }
    +        (featureValue, centroid)
    +      }
    +    } else { // regression
    +      // For categorical variables in regression,
    +      // the bins are ordered by the centroid of their corresponding 
    +      Range(0, featureArity).map { case featureValue =>
    +        val categoryStats = aggStats(featureValue)
    +        val centroid = if (categoryStats.getCount != 0) {
    +          categoryStats.getCalculator.predict
    +        } else {
    +          Double.MaxValue
    +        }
    +        (featureValue, centroid)
    +      }
    +    }
    +    val categoriesSortedByCentroid: List[Int] = 
    +    // Cumulative sums of bin statistics for left, right parts of split.
    +    val leftImpurityAgg = metadata.createImpurityAggregator()
    +    val rightImpurityAgg = metadata.createImpurityAggregator()
    +    var j = 0
    +    val length = aggStats.length
    +    while (j < length) {
    +      rightImpurityAgg.add(aggStats(j))
    +      j += 1
    +    }
    +    var bestSplitIndex: Int = -1  // index into categoriesSortedByCentroid
    +    val bestLeftImpurityAgg = leftImpurityAgg.deepCopy()
    +    var bestGain: Double = 0.0
    +    val fullImpurity = rightImpurityAgg.getCalculator.calculate()
    +    var leftCount: Double = 0.0
    +    var rightCount: Double = rightImpurityAgg.getCount
    +    val fullCount: Double = rightCount
    +    // Consider all splits. These only cover valid splits, with at least 
one category on each side.
    +    val numSplits = categoriesSortedByCentroid.length - 1
    +    var sortedCatIndex = 0
    +    while (sortedCatIndex < numSplits) {
    +      val cat = categoriesSortedByCentroid(sortedCatIndex)
    +      // Update left, right stats
    +      val catStats = aggStats(cat)
    +      leftImpurityAgg.add(catStats)
    +      rightImpurityAgg.subtract(catStats)
    +      leftCount += catStats.getCount
    +      rightCount -= catStats.getCount
    +      // Compute impurity
    +      val leftWeight = leftCount / fullCount
    +      val rightWeight = rightCount / fullCount
    +      val leftImpurity = leftImpurityAgg.getCalculator.calculate()
    +      val rightImpurity = rightImpurityAgg.getCalculator.calculate()
    +      val gain = fullImpurity - leftWeight * leftImpurity - rightWeight * 
    +      if (leftCount != 0 && rightCount != 0 && gain > bestGain && gain > 
metadata.minInfoGain) {
    +        bestSplitIndex = sortedCatIndex
    +        System.arraycopy(leftImpurityAgg.stats, 0, 
    +          0, leftImpurityAgg.stats.length)
    +        bestGain = gain
    +      }
    +      sortedCatIndex += 1
    +    }
    +    val categoriesForSplit =
    +      categoriesSortedByCentroid.slice(0, bestSplitIndex + 
    +    val bestFeatureSplit =
    +      new CategoricalSplit(featureIndex, categoriesForSplit.toArray, 
    +    val fullImpurityAgg = leftImpurityAgg.deepCopy().add(rightImpurityAgg)
    +    val bestRightImpurityAgg = 
    +    val bestImpurityStats = new ImpurityStats(bestGain, fullImpurity, 
    +      bestLeftImpurityAgg.getCalculator, 
    +    if (bestSplitIndex == -1 || bestGain == 0.0) {
    --- End diff --
    Here, e.g., is where you might split a node, creating new child nodes

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