Github user JoshRosen commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -154,6 +163,297 @@ object JdbcUtils extends Logging {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't get JDBC type for 
    +  /**
    +   * Maps a JDBC type to a Catalyst type.  This function is called only 
    +   * the JdbcDialect class corresponding to your database driver returns 
    +   *
    +   * @param sqlType - A field of java.sql.Types
    +   * @return The Catalyst type corresponding to sqlType.
    +   */
    +  private def getCatalystType(
    +      sqlType: Int,
    +      precision: Int,
    +      scale: Int,
    +      signed: Boolean): DataType = {
    +    val answer = sqlType match {
    +      // scalastyle:off
    +      case java.sql.Types.ARRAY         => null
    +      case java.sql.Types.BIGINT        => if (signed) { LongType } else { 
DecimalType(20,0) }
    +      case java.sql.Types.BINARY        => BinaryType
    +      case java.sql.Types.BIT           => BooleanType // @see JdbcDialect 
for quirks
    +      case java.sql.Types.BLOB          => BinaryType
    +      case java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN       => BooleanType
    +      case java.sql.Types.CHAR          => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.CLOB          => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.DATALINK      => null
    +      case java.sql.Types.DATE          => DateType
    +      case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL
    +        if precision != 0 || scale != 0 => DecimalType.bounded(precision, 
    +      case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL       => DecimalType.SYSTEM_DEFAULT
    +      case java.sql.Types.DISTINCT      => null
    +      case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE        => DoubleType
    +      case java.sql.Types.FLOAT         => FloatType
    +      case java.sql.Types.INTEGER       => if (signed) { IntegerType } 
else { LongType }
    +      case java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT   => null
    +      case java.sql.Types.LONGNVARCHAR  => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY => BinaryType
    +      case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR   => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.NCHAR         => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.NCLOB         => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.NULL          => null
    +      case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC
    +        if precision != 0 || scale != 0 => DecimalType.bounded(precision, 
    +      case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC       => DecimalType.SYSTEM_DEFAULT
    +      case java.sql.Types.NVARCHAR      => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.OTHER         => null
    +      case java.sql.Types.REAL          => DoubleType
    +      case java.sql.Types.REF           => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.ROWID         => LongType
    +      case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT      => IntegerType
    +      case java.sql.Types.SQLXML        => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.STRUCT        => StringType
    +      case java.sql.Types.TIME          => TimestampType
    +      case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP     => TimestampType
    +      case java.sql.Types.TINYINT       => IntegerType
    +      case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY     => BinaryType
    +      case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR       => StringType
    +      case _                            => null
    +      // scalastyle:on
    +    }
    +    if (answer == null) throw new SQLException("Unsupported type " + 
    +    answer
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Takes a [[ResultSet]] and returns its Catalyst schema.
    +   *
    +   * @return A [[StructType]] giving the Catalyst schema.
    +   * @throws SQLException if the schema contains an unsupported type.
    +   */
    +  def getSchema(resultSet: ResultSet, dialect: JdbcDialect): StructType = {
    +    val rsmd = resultSet.getMetaData
    +    val ncols = rsmd.getColumnCount
    +    val fields = new Array[StructField](ncols)
    +    var i = 0
    +    while (i < ncols) {
    +      val columnName = rsmd.getColumnLabel(i + 1)
    +      val dataType = rsmd.getColumnType(i + 1)
    +      val typeName = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(i + 1)
    +      val fieldSize = rsmd.getPrecision(i + 1)
    +      val fieldScale = rsmd.getScale(i + 1)
    +      val isSigned = {
    +        try {
    +          rsmd.isSigned(i + 1)
    +        } catch {
    +          // Workaround for HIVE-14684:
    +          case e: SQLException if
    +          e.getMessage == "Method not supported" &&
    +            rsmd.getClass.getName == 
"org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveResultSetMetaData" => true
    +        }
    +      }
    +      val nullable = rsmd.isNullable(i + 1) != 
    +      val metadata = new MetadataBuilder()
    +        .putString("name", columnName)
    +        .putLong("scale", fieldScale)
    +      val columnType =
    +        dialect.getCatalystType(dataType, typeName, fieldSize, 
    +          getCatalystType(dataType, fieldSize, fieldScale, isSigned))
    +      fields(i) = StructField(columnName, columnType, nullable,
    +      i = i + 1
    +    }
    +    new StructType(fields)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Convert a [[ResultSet]] into an iterator of Catalyst Rows.
    +   */
    +  def resultSetToRows(resultSet: ResultSet, schema: StructType): 
Iterator[Row] = {
    +    val inputMetrics =
    +    val encoder = RowEncoder(schema).resolveAndBind()
    +    val internalRows = resultSetToSparkInternalRows(resultSet, schema, 
    +  }
    +  private[spark] def resultSetToSparkInternalRows(
    +      resultSet: ResultSet,
    +      schema: StructType,
    +      inputMetrics: InputMetrics): Iterator[InternalRow] = {
    +    new NextIterator[InternalRow] {
    +      private[this] val rs = resultSet
    +      private[this] val getters: Array[JDBCValueGetter] = 
    +      private[this] val mutableRow = new 
SpecificMutableRow( => x.dataType))
    +      override protected def close(): Unit = {
    +        try {
    +          rs.close()
    +        } catch {
    +          case e: Exception => logWarning("Exception closing resultset", e)
    +        }
    +      }
    +      override protected def getNext(): InternalRow = {
    +        if ( {
    +          inputMetrics.incRecordsRead(1)
    +          var i = 0
    +          while (i < getters.length) {
    +            getters(i).apply(rs, mutableRow, i)
    +            if (rs.wasNull) mutableRow.setNullAt(i)
    +            i = i + 1
    +          }
    +          mutableRow
    +        } else {
    +          finished = true
    +          null.asInstanceOf[InternalRow]
    +        }
    +      }
    +    }
    +  }
    +  // A `JDBCValueGetter` is responsible for getting a value from 
`ResultSet` into a field
    +  // for `MutableRow`. The last argument `Int` means the index for the 
value to be set in
    +  // the row and also used for the value in `ResultSet`.
    +  private type JDBCValueGetter = (ResultSet, MutableRow, Int) => Unit
    +  /**
    +   * Creates `JDBCValueGetter`s according to [[StructType]], which can set
    +   * each value from `ResultSet` to each field of [[MutableRow]] correctly.
    +   */
    +  private def makeGetters(schema: StructType): Array[JDBCValueGetter] =
    + => makeGetter(sf.dataType, sf.metadata))
    +  private def makeGetter(dt: DataType, metadata: Metadata): 
JDBCValueGetter = dt match {
    +    case BooleanType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        row.setBoolean(pos, rs.getBoolean(pos + 1))
    +    case DateType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        // DateTimeUtils.fromJavaDate does not handle null value, so we 
need to check it.
    +        val dateVal = rs.getDate(pos + 1)
    +        if (dateVal != null) {
    +          row.setInt(pos, DateTimeUtils.fromJavaDate(dateVal))
    +        } else {
    +          row.update(pos, null)
    +        }
    +    // When connecting with Oracle DB through JDBC, the precision and 
scale of BigDecimal
    +    // object returned by ResultSet.getBigDecimal is not correctly matched 
to the table
    +    // schema reported by ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision and 
    +    // If inserting values like 19999 into a column with NUMBER(12, 2) 
type, you get through
    +    // a BigDecimal object with scale as 0. But the dataframe schema has 
correct type as
    +    // DecimalType(12, 2). Thus, after saving the dataframe into parquet 
file and then
    +    // retrieve it, you will get wrong result 199.99.
    +    // So it is needed to set precision and scale for Decimal based on 
JDBC metadata.
    +    case DecimalType.Fixed(p, s) =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        val decimal =
    +          nullSafeConvert[java.math.BigDecimal](rs.getBigDecimal(pos + 1), 
d => Decimal(d, p, s))
    +        row.update(pos, decimal)
    +    case DoubleType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        row.setDouble(pos, rs.getDouble(pos + 1))
    +    case FloatType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        row.setFloat(pos, rs.getFloat(pos + 1))
    +    case IntegerType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        row.setInt(pos, rs.getInt(pos + 1))
    +    case LongType if metadata.contains("binarylong") =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        val bytes = rs.getBytes(pos + 1)
    +        var ans = 0L
    +        var j = 0
    +        while (j < bytes.size) {
    +          ans = 256 * ans + (255 & bytes(j))
    +          j = j + 1
    +        }
    +        row.setLong(pos, ans)
    +    case LongType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        row.setLong(pos, rs.getLong(pos + 1))
    +    case ShortType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        row.setShort(pos, rs.getShort(pos + 1))
    +    case StringType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        // TODO(davies): use getBytes for better performance, if the 
encoding is UTF-8
    +        row.update(pos, UTF8String.fromString(rs.getString(pos + 1)))
    +    case TimestampType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        val t = rs.getTimestamp(pos + 1)
    +        if (t != null) {
    +          row.setLong(pos, DateTimeUtils.fromJavaTimestamp(t))
    +        } else {
    +          row.update(pos, null)
    +        }
    +    case BinaryType =>
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        row.update(pos, rs.getBytes(pos + 1))
    +    case ArrayType(et, _) =>
    +      val elementConversion = et match {
    +        case TimestampType =>
    +          (array: Object) =>
    +            array.asInstanceOf[Array[java.sql.Timestamp]].map { timestamp 
    +              nullSafeConvert(timestamp, DateTimeUtils.fromJavaTimestamp)
    +            }
    +        case StringType =>
    +          (array: Object) =>
    +            array.asInstanceOf[Array[java.lang.String]]
    +              .map(UTF8String.fromString)
    +        case DateType =>
    +          (array: Object) =>
    +            array.asInstanceOf[Array[java.sql.Date]].map { date =>
    +              nullSafeConvert(date, DateTimeUtils.fromJavaDate)
    +            }
    +        case dt: DecimalType =>
    +          (array: Object) =>
    +            array.asInstanceOf[Array[java.math.BigDecimal]].map { decimal 
    +              nullSafeConvert[java.math.BigDecimal](
    +                decimal, d => Decimal(d, dt.precision, dt.scale))
    +            }
    +        case LongType if metadata.contains("binarylong") =>
    +          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported array element " 
    +            s"type ${dt.simpleString} based on binary")
    +        case ArrayType(_, _) =>
    +          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nested arrays unsupported")
    +        case _ => (array: Object) => array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]]
    +      }
    +      (rs: ResultSet, row: MutableRow, pos: Int) =>
    +        val array = nullSafeConvert[Object](
    +          rs.getArray(pos + 1).getArray,
    +          array => new GenericArrayData(elementConversion.apply(array)))
    +        row.update(pos, array)
    +    case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type 
    +  }
    +  private def nullSafeConvert[T](input: T, f: T => Any): Any = {
    --- End diff --
    Actually, I don't think that we can do this because I don't think that 
there's a way to set an upper type bound to say that `U` must be a nullable 
object, so you have to do a dangerous `null.asInstanceOf` cast. And since we're 
not working with primitives here there's no savings on boxing, etc. Therefore, 
I'd prefer to just leave this unchanged since it's a carryover from the old 

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