Github user HyukjinKwon commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer
    +import org.scalatest.Matchers
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Coalesce, CreateArray, 
CreateMap, CreateNamedStruct, Expression, GetArrayItem, GetArrayStructFields, 
GetMapValue, GetStructField, Literal}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Range
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.RuleExecutor
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
    +* Created by eyalf on 11/4/2016.
    +* SPARK-18601 discusses simplification direct access to complex types 
    +* i.e. {{{create_named_struct(square, `x` * `x`).square}}} can be 
simplified to {{{`x` * `x`}}}.
    +* sam applies to create_array and create_map
    +class ComplexTypesSuite extends PlanTest with Matchers{
    +  object Optimize extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] {
    +    val batches =
    +      Batch("collapse projections", FixedPoint(10),
    +          CollapseProject) ::
    +      Batch("Constant Folding", FixedPoint(10),
    +          NullPropagation,
    +          ConstantFolding,
    +          BooleanSimplification,
    +          SimplifyConditionals,
    +          SimplifyCreateStructOps,
    +          SimplifyCreateArrayOps,
    +          SimplifyCreateMapOps) :: Nil
    +  }
    +  val idAtt = ('id).long.notNull
    +  lazy val baseOptimizedPlan = Range(1L, 1000L, 1, Some(2), idAtt :: Nil)
    +  val idRef = baseOptimizedPlan.output.head
    +//  val idRefColumn = Column("id")
    +//  val struct1RefColumn = Column("struct1")
    +  implicit class ComplexTypeDslSupport(e : Expression) {
    +    def getStructField(f : String): GetStructField = {
    +      e should be ('resolved)
    +      e.dataType should be (a[StructType])
    +      val structType = e.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
    +      val ord = structType.fieldNames.indexOf(f)
    +      ord shouldNot be (-1)
    +      GetStructField(e, ord, Some(f))
    +    }
    +    def getArrayStructField(f : String) : Expression = {
    +      e should be ('resolved)
    +      e.dataType should be (a[ArrayType])
    +      val arrType = e.dataType.asInstanceOf[ArrayType]
    +      arrType.elementType should be (a[StructType])
    +      val structType = arrType.elementType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
    +      val ord = structType.fieldNames.indexOf(f)
    +      ord shouldNot be (-1)
    +      GetArrayStructFields(e, structType(ord), ord, 1, 
    +    }
    +    def getArrayItem(i : Int) : GetArrayItem = {
    +      e should be ('resolved)
    +      e.dataType should be (a[ArrayType])
    +      GetArrayItem(e, Literal(i))
    +    }
    +    def getMapValue(k : Expression) : Expression = {
    +      e should be ('resolved)
    +      e.dataType should be (a[MapType])
    +      val mapType = e.dataType.asInstanceOf[MapType]
    +      k.dataType shouldEqual mapType.keyType
    +      GetMapValue(e, k)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  test("explicit") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateNamedStruct("att" :: idRef :: Nil).getStructField("att") as 
    +   )
    +    rel.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(StructField("outerAtt", LongType, nullable = false) :: 
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel
    +    val expected = as "outerAtt")
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  ignore("explicit - deduced att name") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateNamedStruct("att" :: idRef :: Nil).getStructField("att")
    +   )
    +    rel.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField("named_struct(att, id AS `att`).att", LongType, 
nullable = false) :: Nil
    +     )
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel
    +    val expected = as "named_struct(att, id 
AS `att`).att")
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  test("collapsed") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateNamedStruct("att" :: idRef :: Nil) as "struct1"
    +   )
    +    rel.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField(
    +          "struct1",
    +          StructType(StructField("att", LongType, false) :: Nil),
    +          false
    +       ) :: Nil
    +     )
    +    val struct1Ref = rel.output.head
    +    val rel2 ="att").as("struct1Att"))
    +    rel2.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField("struct1Att", LongType, false) :: Nil
    +     )
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel2
    +    val expected =
    + as "struct1Att" )
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  test("collapsed2") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateNamedStruct(
    +        Literal("att1") :: idRef ::
    +        Literal("att2") :: (idRef * idRef) ::
    +        Nil) as "struct1"
    +   )
    +    rel.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField(
    +          "struct1",
    +          StructType(
    +            StructField("att1", LongType, false) ::
    +            StructField("att2", LongType, false) :: Nil
    +         ),
    +          false
    +       ) :: Nil
    +     )
    +    val structRef = rel.output.head
    +    val rel2 =
    +      structRef.getStructField("att1").as("struct1Att1"),
    +      structRef.getStructField("att2").as("struct1Att2"))
    +    rel2.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField("struct1Att1", LongType, false) ::
    +        StructField("struct1Att2", LongType, false) ::
    +        Nil
    +     )
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel2
    +    val expected =
    +        idRef as "struct1Att1",
    +        (idRef * idRef) as "struct1Att2"
    +     )
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  ignore("collapsed2 - deduced names") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateNamedStruct(
    +        Literal("att1") :: idRef ::
    +        Literal("att2") :: (idRef * idRef) ::
    +        Nil
    +     ) as "struct1"
    +   )
    +    rel.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField(
    +          "struct1",
    +          StructType(
    +            StructField("att1", LongType, false) ::
    +            StructField("att2", LongType, false) :: Nil
    +         ),
    +          false
    +       ) :: Nil
    +     )
    +    val structRef = rel.output.head
    +    val rel2 =
    +      structRef.getStructField("att1"),
    +      structRef.getStructField("att2"))
    +    rel2.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField("struct1.att1", LongType, false) ::
    +        StructField("struct1.att2", LongType, false) ::
    +        Nil
    +     )
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel2
    +    val expected =
    +        idRef as "struct1.att1",
    +        (idRef * idRef) as "struct1.att2"
    +     )
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  test("simplified array ops") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateArray(
    +        CreateNamedStruct(
    +          Literal("att1") :: idRef ::
    +          Literal("att2") :: (idRef * idRef) ::
    +          Nil
    +       ) ::
    +        CreateNamedStruct(
    +          Literal("att1") :: (idRef + 1L) ::
    +            Literal("att2") :: ((idRef + 1L) * (idRef + 1L)) ::
    +            Nil
    +       ) ::
    +        Nil
    +     ) as "arr"
    +   )
    +    rel.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField(
    +          "arr",
    +          ArrayType(
    +            StructType(
    +              StructField("att1", LongType, false) ::
    +              StructField("att2", LongType, false) ::
    +              Nil
    +           ),
    +            false
    +         ),
    +          nullable = false
    +       ) :: Nil
    +     )
    +    val arrRef = rel.output.head
    +    val rel2 =
    +      arrRef.getArrayStructField("att1") as "a1",
    +      arrRef.getArrayItem(1) as "a2",
    +      arrRef.getArrayItem(1).getStructField("att1") as "a3",
    +      arrRef.getArrayStructField("att1").getArrayItem(1) as "a4"
    +   )
    +    rel2.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField("a1", ArrayType(LongType, false), nullable = false) ::
    +          StructField("a2",
    +            StructType(
    +              StructField("att1", LongType, nullable = false) ::
    +              StructField("att2", LongType, nullable = false) ::
    +              Nil
    +           ),
    +            nullable = true
    +         ) ::
    +          StructField("a3", LongType, nullable = true) ::
    +          StructField("a4", LongType, nullable = true) ::
    +          Nil
    +     )
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel2
    +    val expected =
    +        CreateArray(idRef :: idRef + 1L :: Nil) as "a1",
    +        CreateNamedStruct(
    +          "att1" :: (idRef + 1L) ::
    +          Literal("att2") :: ((idRef + 1L) * (idRef + 1L)) ::
    +          Nil
    +       ) as "a2",
    +        (idRef + 1L) as "a3",
    +        (idRef + 1L) as "a4"
    +     )
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  test("simplify map ops") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateMap(
    +        Literal("r1") ::
    +        CreateNamedStruct(Literal("att1") :: idRef :: Nil) ::
    +        Literal("r2") ::
    +        CreateNamedStruct(Literal("att1") :: (idRef + 1L) :: Nil)
    +        :: Nil
    +     ) as "m"
    +   )
    +    rel.schema shouldEqual
    +      StructType(
    +        StructField(
    +          "m",
    +          MapType(
    +            StringType,
    +            StructType(StructField ("att1", LongType, nullable = false) :: 
    +            valueContainsNull = false
    +         ),
    +          nullable = false
    +       )
    +        :: Nil
    +     )
    +    val mapRef = rel.output.head
    +    val rel2 =
    +      mapRef.getMapValue("r1") as "a1",
    +      mapRef.getMapValue("r1").getStructField("att1") as "a2",
    +      mapRef.getMapValue("r32") as "a3",
    +      mapRef.getMapValue("r32").getStructField("att1") as "a4"
    +   )
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel2
    +    val expected =
    +        CreateNamedStruct("att1" :: idRef:: Nil) as "a1",
    +        idRef as "a2",
    +        Literal.create(
    +          null,
    +          StructType(
    +            StructField("att1", LongType, nullable = false) :: Nil
    +         )
    +       ) as "a3",
    +        Literal.create(null, LongType) as "a4"
    +     )
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  test("simplify map ops, constant lookup, dynamic keys") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateMap(
    +        idRef :: (idRef + 1L) ::
    +        (idRef + 1L) :: (idRef + 2L) ::
    +        (idRef + 2L) :: (idRef + 3L) ::
    +        Literal(13L) :: idRef ::
    +        (idRef + 3L) :: (idRef + 4L) ::
    +        (idRef + 4L) :: (idRef + 5L)::
    +        Nil
    +     ).getMapValue(13L) as "a"
    +   )
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel
    +    val expected =
    +      Coalesce(
    +        CreateMap(
    +          idRef :: (idRef + 1L) ::
    +            (idRef + 1L) :: (idRef + 2L) ::
    +            (idRef + 2L) :: (idRef + 3L) ::
    +            Nil
    +       ).getMapValue(13L) ::
    +        idRef ::
    +        Nil
    +     ) as "a"
    +   )
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  test("simplify map ops, dynamic lookup, dynamic keys, lookup is 
equivalent to one of the keys") {
    +    val rel =
    +      CreateMap(
    +        idRef :: (idRef + 1L) ::
    +        (idRef + 1L) :: (idRef + 2L) ::
    +        (idRef + 2L) :: (idRef + 3L) ::
    +        (idRef + 3L) :: (idRef + 4L) ::
    +        (idRef + 4L) :: (idRef + 5L)::
    +        Nil
    +     ).getMapValue(idRef + 3L) as "a"
    +   )
    +    val optimized = Optimize execute rel
    +    val expected =
    +      Coalesce(
    +        CreateMap(
    +          idRef :: (idRef + 1L) ::
    +            (idRef + 1L) :: (idRef + 2L) ::
    +            (idRef + 2L) :: (idRef + 3L) ::
    +            Nil
    +       ).getMapValue(idRef + 3L) ::
    +          (idRef + 4L) ::
    +          Nil
    +     ) as "a"
    +   )
    +    comparePlans(optimized, expected)
    +  }
    +  test("simplify map ops, no positive match") {
    --- End diff --
    Missed newline here :)

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