Github user tgravescs commented on the issue:
    this seems really really specific to the scripts being in the hadoop conf 
directory and the user using default mapping.  I assume the hadoop confs on the 
nodemanagers have a different config then the gateways?  I know this can happen 
but if this is the case shouldn't it just be using the hadoop conf dir on the 
cluster vs us copying it from the gateway? this is kind of the opposite problem 
you were trying to solve with SPARK-2669.  yes and there can be a whole mix of 
these but to me that just seems like bad cluster setup.   You should either be 
expecting to use gateways side configs or nodemanager side configs not a mix of 
    What if I have the paths different but they aren't on in the hadoop conf 
dir?  I assume it breaks then also and this doesn't handle it.  
    I'm hesitant to start doing this as it opens it up for us doing this for 
any/all hadoop configs.
    Users can also just override by setting

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