Github user Krimit commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/feature/Word2Vec.scala 
    @@ -194,6 +232,285 @@ final class Word2Vec @Since("1.4.0") (
       override def copy(extra: ParamMap): Word2Vec = defaultCopy(extra)
    +  /**
    +   * Similar to InitUnigramTable in the original code. Instead of using an 
array of size 100 million
    +   * like the original, we size it to be 20 times the vocabulary size.
    +   * We sacrifice memory here, to get constant time lookups into this 
array when generating
    +   * negative samples.
    +   */
    +  private def generateUnigramTable(normalizedWeights: Array[Double], 
tableSize: Int): Array[Int] = {
    +    val table = Array.fill(tableSize)(0)
    +    var a = 0
    +    var i = 0
    +    while (a < table.length) {
    +      table.update(a, i)
    +      if (a.toFloat / table.length >= normalizedWeights(i)) {
    +        i = math.min(normalizedWeights.length - 1, i + 1)
    +      }
    +      a += 1
    +    }
    +    table
    +  }
    +  private def generateVocab[S <: Iterable[String]](input: RDD[S]):
    +      (Int, Long, Map[String, Int], Array[Int]) = {
    +    val sc = input.context
    +    val words = input.flatMap(x => x)
    +    val vocab = => (w, 1L))
    +      .reduceByKey(_ + _)
    +      .filter{case (w, c) => c >= $(minCount)}
    +      .collect()
    +      .sortWith{case ((w1, c1), (w2, c2)) => c1 > c2}
    +    val totalWordCount =
    +    val vocabMap ={case ((w, c), i) =>
    +      w -> i
    +    }.toMap
    +    // We create a cumulative distribution array, unlike the original 
    +    // and use binary search to get insertion points. This should 
replicate the same
    +    // behavior as the table in original implementation.
    +    val weights = => scala.math.pow(x._2, power))
    +    val totalWeight = weights.sum
    +    val normalizedCumWeights = weights.scanLeft(0.0)(_ + _) => 
(x / totalWeight))
    +    val unigramTableSize =
    +      math.min(maxUnigramTableSize, unigramTableSizeFactor * 
    +    val unigramTable = generateUnigramTable(normalizedCumWeights, 
    +    (vocabMap.size, totalWordCount, vocabMap, unigramTable)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * This method implements Word2Vec Continuous Bag Of Words based 
implementation using
    +   * negative sampling optimization, using BLAS for vectorizing operations 
where applicable.
    +   * The algorithm is parallelized in the same way as the skip-gram based 
    +   * @param input
    +   * @return
    +   */
    +  private def fitCBOW[S <: Iterable[String]](input: RDD[S]): 
feature.Word2VecModel = {
    +    val (vocabSize, totalWordCount, vocabMap, uniTable) = 
    +    val negSamples = $(negativeSamples)
    +    assert(negSamples < vocabSize,
    +      s"Vocab size ($vocabSize) cannot be smaller than negative 
    +    val seed = $(this.seed)
    +    val initRandom = new XORShiftRandom(seed)
    +    val vectorSize = $(this.vectorSize)
    +    val syn0Global = Array.fill(vocabSize * 
vectorSize)(initRandom.nextFloat - 0.5f)
    +    val syn1Global = Array.fill(vocabSize * vectorSize)(0.0f)
    +    val sc = input.context
    +    val vocabMapbc = sc.broadcast(vocabMap)
    +    val unigramTablebc = sc.broadcast(uniTable)
    +    val window = $(windowSize)
    +    val digitSentences = input.flatMap{sentence =>
    +      val wordIndexes = sentence.flatMap(vocabMapbc.value.get)
    +      wordIndexes.grouped($(maxSentenceLength)).map(_.toArray)
    +    }.repartition($(numPartitions)).cache()
    +    val learningRate = $(stepSize)
    +    val wordsPerPartition = totalWordCount / $(numPartitions)
    +    logInfo(s"VocabSize: ${vocabMap.size}, TotalWordCount: 
    +    for {iteration <- 1 to $(maxIter)} {
    +      logInfo(s"Starting iteration: $iteration")
    +      val iterationStartTime = System.nanoTime()
    +      val syn0bc = sc.broadcast(syn0Global)
    +      val syn1bc = sc.broadcast(syn1Global)
    +      val partialFits = digitSentences.mapPartitionsWithIndex{ case (i_, 
iter) =>
    +        logInfo(s"Iteration: $iteration, Partition: $i_")
    +        logInfo(s"Numerical lib class being used : 
    +        val random = new XORShiftRandom(seed ^ ((i_ + 1) << 16) ^ 
((-iteration - 1) << 8))
    +        val contextWordPairs = iter.flatMap(generateContextWordPairs(_, 
window, random))
    +        val groupedBatches = contextWordPairs.grouped(batchSize)
    +        val negLabels = 1.0f +: Array.fill(negSamples)(0.0f)
    +        val syn0 = syn0bc.value
    +        val syn1 = syn1bc.value
    +        val unigramTable = unigramTablebc.value
    +        // initialize intermediate arrays
    +        val contextVector = Array.fill(vectorSize)(0.0f)
    +        val l2Vectors = Array.fill(vectorSize * (negSamples + 1))(0.0f)
    +        val gb = Array.fill(negSamples + 1)(0.0f)
    +        val hiddenLayerUpdate = Array.fill(vectorSize * (negSamples + 
    +        val neu1e = Array.fill(vectorSize)(0.0f)
    +        val wordIndices = Array.fill(negSamples + 1)(0)
    +        val time = System.nanoTime
    +        var batchTime = System.nanoTime
    +        var idx = -1L
    +        for (batch <- groupedBatches) {
    +          idx = idx + 1
    +          val wordRatio =
    +            idx.toFloat * batchSize /
    +            ($(maxIter) * (wordsPerPartition.toFloat + 1)) + ((iteration - 
1).toFloat / $(maxIter))
    +          val alpha = math.max(learningRate * 0.0001, learningRate * (1 - 
    +          if(idx % 10 == 0 && idx > 0) {
    +            logInfo(s"Partition: $i_, wordRatio = $wordRatio, alpha = 
    +            val wordCount = batchSize * idx
    +            val timeTaken = (System.nanoTime - time) / 1e6
    +            val batchWordCount = 10 * batchSize
    +            val currentBatchTime = (System.nanoTime - batchTime) / 1e6
    +            batchTime = System.nanoTime
    +            logInfo(s"Partition: $i_, Batch time: $currentBatchTime ms, 
batch speed: " +
    +              s"${batchWordCount / currentBatchTime * 1000} words/s")
    +            logInfo(s"Partition: $i_, Cumulative time: $timeTaken ms, 
cumulative speed: " +
    +              s"${wordCount / timeTaken * 1000} words/s")
    +          }
    +          val errors = for ((contextIds, word) <- batch) yield {
    +            // initialize vectors to 0
    +            initializeVector(contextVector)
    +            initializeVector(l2Vectors)
    +            initializeVector(gb)
    +            initializeVector(hiddenLayerUpdate)
    +            initializeVector(neu1e)
    +            val scale = 1.0f / contextIds.length
    +            // feed forward
    +            contextIds.foreach { c =>
    +              blas.saxpy(vectorSize, scale, syn0, c * vectorSize, 1, 
contextVector, 0, 1)
    +            }
    +            generateNegativeSamples(random, word, unigramTable, 
negSamples, wordIndices)
    +            wordIndices.view.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (wordId, i) =>
    +              blas.scopy(vectorSize, syn1, vectorSize * wordId, 1, 
l2Vectors, vectorSize * i, 1)
    +            }
    +            val rows = negSamples + 1
    +            val cols = vectorSize
    +            blas
    +              .sgemv("T", cols, rows, 1.0f, l2Vectors, 0, cols, 
contextVector, 0, 1, 0.0f, gb, 0, 1)
    +            (0 to gb.length-1).foreach {i =>
    +              val v = 1.0f / (1 + math.exp(-gb(i)).toFloat)
    +              val err = (negLabels(i) - v) * alpha
    +              gb.update(i, err)
    +            }
    +            // update for hidden -> output layer
    +            blas.sger(cols, rows, 1.0f, contextVector, 1, gb, 1, 
hiddenLayerUpdate, cols)
    +            // update hidden -> output layer, syn1
    +            wordIndices.view.zipWithIndex.foreach {case (w, i) =>
    +              blas.saxpy(vectorSize,
    +                1.0f,
    +                hiddenLayerUpdate,
    +                i * vectorSize,
    +                1,
    +                syn1,
    +                w * vectorSize,
    +                1)
    +            }
    +            // update for word vectors
    +            blas.sgemv("N", cols, rows, scale, l2Vectors, 0, cols, gb, 0, 
1, 1.0f, neu1e, 0, 1)
    +            // update input -> hidden layer, syn0
    +            contextIds.foreach { i =>
    +              blas.saxpy(vectorSize, 1.0f, neu1e, 0, 1, syn0, i * 
vectorSize, 1)
    +            }
    +   / alpha
    +          }
    +          logInfo(s"Partition: $i_, Average Batch Error = ${errors.sum / 
    +        }
    +        Iterator((0, syn0), (1, syn1))
    +      }
    +      val aggedMatrices = partialFits.reduceByKey{case (v1, v2) =>
    +        blas.saxpy(vocabSize, 1.0f, v2, 1, v1, 1)
    +        v1
    +      }.collect
    +      assert(aggedMatrices.length == 2)
    +      val norm = 1.0f / $(numPartitions)
    +      aggedMatrices.foreach {case (i, syn) =>
    +        blas.sscal(syn.length, norm, syn, 0, 1)
    +        if (i == 0) {
    +          // copy syn0
    +          blas.scopy(syn.length, syn, 0, 1, syn0Global, 0, 1)
    +        } else {
    +          // copy syn1
    +          blas.scopy(syn.length, syn, 0, 1, syn1Global, 0, 1)
    +        }
    +      }
    +      syn0bc.destroy(false)
    +      syn1bc.destroy(false)
    +      val timePerIteration = (System.nanoTime() - iterationStartTime) / 1e6
    +      logInfo(s"Total time taken per iteration: ${timePerIteration} ms")
    +    }
    +    digitSentences.unpersist()
    +    vocabMapbc.destroy()
    +    unigramTablebc.destroy()
    +    new feature.Word2VecModel(vocabMap, syn0Global)
    +  }
    +  private def initializeVector(v: Array[Float], value: Float = 0.0f): Unit 
= {
    --- End diff --
    Nit: From what I can tell ``value`` is never actually passed in, so it's 
always equal to ``0.0f``. Maybe call the method ``zeroVector`` and make that 
more explicit?

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