Github user dgingrich commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: python/pyspark/sql/ ---
    @@ -2367,6 +2380,151 @@ def range_frame_match():
    +class TypesTest(unittest.TestCase):
    +    def test_verify_type_ok_nullable(self):
    +        for obj, data_type in [
    +                (None, IntegerType()),
    +                (None, FloatType()),
    +                (None, StringType()),
    +                (None, StructType([]))]:
    +            _verify_type(obj, data_type, nullable=True)
    +            msg = "_verify_type(%s, %s, nullable=True)" % (obj, data_type)
    +            self.assertTrue(True, msg)
    +    def test_verify_type_not_nullable(self):
    +        import array
    +        import datetime
    +        import decimal
    +        MyStructType = StructType([
    +            StructField('s', StringType(), nullable=False),
    +            StructField('i', IntegerType(), nullable=True)])
    +        class MyObj:
    +            def __init__(self, **ka):
    +                for k, v in ka.items():
    +                    setattr(self, k, v)
    +        # obj, data_type, exception (None for success or Exception 
subclass for error)
    +        spec = [
    +            # Strings (match anything but None)
    +            ("", StringType(), None),
    +            (u"", StringType(), None),
    +            (1, StringType(), None),
    +            (1.0, StringType(), None),
    +            ([], StringType(), None),
    +            ({}, StringType(), None),
    +            (None, StringType(), ValueError),   # Only None test
    +            # UDT
    +            (ExamplePoint(1.0, 2.0), ExamplePointUDT(), None),
    +            (ExamplePoint(1.0, 2.0), PythonOnlyUDT(), ValueError),
    +            # Boolean
    +            (True, BooleanType(), None),
    +            (1, BooleanType(), TypeError),
    +            ("True", BooleanType(), TypeError),
    +            ([1], BooleanType(), TypeError),
    +            # Bytes
    +            (-(2**7) - 1, ByteType(), ValueError),
    +            (-(2**7), ByteType(), None),
    +            (2**7 - 1, ByteType(), None),
    +            (2**7, ByteType(), ValueError),
    +            ("1", ByteType(), TypeError),
    +            (1.0, ByteType(), TypeError),
    +            # Shorts
    +            (-(2**15) - 1, ShortType(), ValueError),
    +            (-(2**15), ShortType(), None),
    +            (2**15 - 1, ShortType(), None),
    +            (2**15, ShortType(), ValueError),
    +            # Integer
    +            (-(2**31) - 1, IntegerType(), ValueError),
    +            (-(2**31), IntegerType(), None),
    +            (2**31 - 1, IntegerType(), None),
    +            (2**31, IntegerType(), ValueError),
    +            # Long
    +            (2**64, LongType(), None),
    +            # Float & Double
    +            (1.0, FloatType(), None),
    +            (1, FloatType(), TypeError),
    +            (1.0, DoubleType(), None),
    +            (1, DoubleType(), TypeError),
    +            # Decimal
    +            (decimal.Decimal("1.0"), DecimalType(), None),
    +            (1.0, DecimalType(), TypeError),
    +            (1, DecimalType(), TypeError),
    +            ("1.0", DecimalType(), TypeError),
    +            # Binary
    +            (bytearray([1, 2]), BinaryType(), None),
    +            (1, BinaryType(), TypeError),
    +            # Date/Time
    +            (, 1, 2), DateType(), None),
    +            (datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4), DateType(), None),
    +            ("2000-01-02", DateType(), TypeError),
    +            (datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4), TimestampType(), None),
    +            (946811040, TimestampType(), TypeError),
    +            # Array
    +            ([], ArrayType(IntegerType()), None),
    +            (["1", None], ArrayType(StringType(), containsNull=True), 
    +            ([1, 2], ArrayType(IntegerType()), None),
    +            ([1, "2"], ArrayType(IntegerType()), TypeError),
    +            ((1, 2), ArrayType(IntegerType()), None),
    +            (array.array('h', [1, 2]), ArrayType(IntegerType()), None),
    +            # Map
    +            ({}, MapType(StringType(), IntegerType()), None),
    +            ({"a": 1}, MapType(StringType(), IntegerType()), None),
    +            ({"a": 1}, MapType(IntegerType(), IntegerType()), TypeError),
    +            ({"a": "1"}, MapType(StringType(), IntegerType()), TypeError),
    +            ({"a": None}, MapType(StringType(), IntegerType(), 
valueContainsNull=True), None),
    +            # Struct
    +            ({"s": "a", "i": 1}, MyStructType, None),
    +            ({"s": "a", "i": None}, MyStructType, None),
    +            ({"s": "a"}, MyStructType, None),
    +            ({"s": "a", "f": 1.0}, MyStructType, None),     # Extra fields 
    +            ({"s": "a", "i": "1"}, MyStructType, TypeError),
    +            (Row(s="a", i=1), MyStructType, None),
    +            (Row(s="a", i=None), MyStructType, None),
    +            (Row(s="a", i=1, f=1.0), MyStructType, None),   # Extra fields 
    +            (Row(s="a"), MyStructType, ValueError),     # Row can't have 
missing field
    +            (Row(s="a", i="1"), MyStructType, TypeError),
    +            (["a", 1], MyStructType, None),
    +            (["a", None], MyStructType, None),
    +            (["a"], MyStructType, ValueError),
    +            (["a", "1"], MyStructType, TypeError),
    +            (("a", 1), MyStructType, None),
    +            (MyObj(s="a", i=1), MyStructType, None),
    +            (MyObj(s="a", i=None), MyStructType, None),
    +            (MyObj(s="a"), MyStructType, None),
    +            (MyObj(s="a", i="1"), MyStructType, TypeError),
    +        ]
    +        for obj, data_type, exp in spec:
    +            msg = "_verify_type(%s, %s, nullable=False) == %s" % (obj, 
data_type, exp)
    +            if exp is None:
    +                try:
    +                    _verify_type(obj, data_type, nullable=False)
    +                except Exception as e:
    +                    traceback.print_exc()
    +                self.assertTrue(True, msg)
    --- End diff --
    IIRC that was required at some point, I think to get a test runner to pick 
up the test.  But I just tried removing it and tests ran with pytest and the 
Python3 unittest runner, so removed the line here and in 
`test_verify_type_ok_nullable`.  We should probably look at the full test suite 
output from Jenkins to make sure the tests are run under Python2.

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