Github user shubhamchopra commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/feature/Word2VecCBOWSolver.scala ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.{getInstance => blas}
    +import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.feature
    +import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
    +import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom
    +object Word2VecCBOWSolver extends Logging {
    +  // learning rate is updated for every batch of size batchSize
    +  private val batchSize = 10000
    +  // power to raise the unigram distribution with
    +  private val power = 0.75
    +  private val MAX_EXP = 6
    +  case class Vocabulary(
    +    totalWordCount: Long,
    +    vocabMap: Map[String, Int],
    +    unigramTable: Array[Int],
    +    samplingTable: Array[Float])
    +  /**
    +   * This method implements Word2Vec Continuous Bag Of Words based 
implementation using
    +   * negative sampling optimization, using BLAS for vectorizing operations 
where applicable.
    +   * The algorithm is parallelized in the same way as the skip-gram based 
    +   * We divide input data into N equally sized random partitions.
    +   * We then generate initial weights and broadcast them to the N 
partitions. This way
    +   * all the partitions start with the same initial weights. We then run N 
    +   * estimations that each estimate a model on a partition. The weights 
    +   * from each of the N models are averaged and rebroadcast the weights.
    +   * This process is repeated `maxIter` number of times.
    +   *
    +   * @param input A RDD of strings. Each string would be considered a 
    +   * @return Estimated word2vec model
    +   */
    +  def fitCBOW[S <: Iterable[String]](
    +      word2Vec: Word2Vec,
    +      input: RDD[S]): feature.Word2VecModel = {
    +    val negativeSamples = word2Vec.getNegativeSamples
    +    val sample = word2Vec.getSample
    +    val Vocabulary(totalWordCount, vocabMap, uniTable, sampleTable) =
    +      generateVocab(input, word2Vec.getMinCount, sample, 
    +    val vocabSize = vocabMap.size
    +    assert(negativeSamples < vocabSize, s"Vocab size ($vocabSize) cannot 
be smaller" +
    +      s" than negative samples($negativeSamples)")
    +    val seed = word2Vec.getSeed
    +    val initRandom = new XORShiftRandom(seed)
    +    val vectorSize = word2Vec.getVectorSize
    +    val syn0Global = Array.fill(vocabSize * 
vectorSize)(initRandom.nextFloat - 0.5f)
    +    val syn1Global = Array.fill(vocabSize * vectorSize)(0.0f)
    +    val sc = input.context
    +    val vocabMapBroadcast = sc.broadcast(vocabMap)
    +    val unigramTableBroadcast = sc.broadcast(uniTable)
    +    val sampleTableBroadcast = sc.broadcast(sampleTable)
    +    val windowSize = word2Vec.getWindowSize
    +    val maxSentenceLength = word2Vec.getMaxSentenceLength
    +    val numPartitions = word2Vec.getNumPartitions
    +    val digitSentences = input.flatMap { sentence =>
    +      val wordIndexes = sentence.flatMap(vocabMapBroadcast.value.get)
    +      wordIndexes.grouped(maxSentenceLength).map(_.toArray)
    +    }.repartition(numPartitions).cache()
    +    val learningRate = word2Vec.getStepSize
    +    val wordsPerPartition = totalWordCount / numPartitions
    +    logInfo(s"VocabSize: ${vocabMap.size}, TotalWordCount: 
    +    val maxIter = word2Vec.getMaxIter
    +    for {iteration <- 1 to maxIter} {
    +      logInfo(s"Starting iteration: $iteration")
    +      val iterationStartTime = System.nanoTime()
    +      val syn0bc = sc.broadcast(syn0Global)
    +      val syn1bc = sc.broadcast(syn1Global)
    +      val partialFits = digitSentences.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (i_, 
iter) =>
    +        logInfo(s"Iteration: $iteration, Partition: $i_")
    +        val random = new XORShiftRandom(seed ^ ((i_ + 1) << 16) ^ 
((-iteration - 1) << 8))
    +        val contextWordPairs = iter.flatMap { s =>
    +          val doSample = sample > Double.MinPositiveValue
    +          generateContextWordPairs(s, windowSize, doSample, 
sampleTableBroadcast.value, random)
    +        }
    +        val groupedBatches = contextWordPairs.grouped(batchSize)
    +        val negLabels = 1.0f +: Array.fill(negativeSamples)(0.0f)
    +        val syn0 = syn0bc.value
    +        val syn1 = syn1bc.value
    +        val unigramTable = unigramTableBroadcast.value
    +        // initialize intermediate arrays
    +        val contextVec = new Array[Float](vectorSize)
    +        val l2Vectors = new Array[Float](vectorSize * (negativeSamples + 
    +        val gb = new Array[Float](negativeSamples + 1)
    +        val neu1e = new Array[Float](vectorSize)
    +        val wordIndices = new Array[Int](negativeSamples + 1)
    +        val time = System.nanoTime
    +        var batchTime = System.nanoTime
    +        var idx = -1L
    +        for (batch <- groupedBatches) {
    +          idx = idx + 1
    +          val wordRatio =
    +            idx.toFloat * batchSize /
    +              (maxIter * (wordsPerPartition.toFloat + 1)) + ((iteration - 
1).toFloat / maxIter)
    +          val alpha = math.max(learningRate * 0.0001, learningRate * (1 - 
    +          if(idx % 10 == 0 && idx > 0) {
    +            logInfo(s"Partition: $i_, wordRatio = $wordRatio, alpha = 
    +            val wordCount = batchSize * idx
    +            val timeTaken = (System.nanoTime - time) / 1e6
    +            val batchWordCount = 10 * batchSize
    +            val currentBatchTime = (System.nanoTime - batchTime) / 1e6
    +            batchTime = System.nanoTime
    +            logDebug(s"Partition: $i_, Batch time: $currentBatchTime ms, 
batch speed: " +
    +              s"${batchWordCount / currentBatchTime * 1000} words/s")
    +            logDebug(s"Partition: $i_, Cumulative time: $timeTaken ms, 
cumulative speed: " +
    +              s"${wordCount / timeTaken * 1000} words/s")
    +          }
    +          val errors = for ((contextIds, word) <- batch) yield {
    +            // initialize vectors to 0
    +            zeroVector(contextVec)
    +            zeroVector(l2Vectors)
    +            zeroVector(gb)
    +            zeroVector(neu1e)
    +            val scale = 1.0f / contextIds.length
    +            // feed forward
    +            contextIds.foreach { c =>
    +              blas.saxpy(vectorSize, scale, syn0, c * vectorSize, 1, 
contextVec, 0, 1)
    +            }
    +            generateNegativeSamples(random, word, unigramTable, 
negativeSamples, wordIndices)
    +            Iterator.range(0, wordIndices.length).foreach { i =>
    +              Array.copy(syn1, vectorSize * wordIndices(i), l2Vectors, 
vectorSize * i, vectorSize)
    +            }
    +            // propagating hidden to output in batch
    +            val rows = negativeSamples + 1
    +            val cols = vectorSize
    +            blas.sgemv("T", cols, rows, 1.0f, l2Vectors, 0, cols, 
contextVec, 0, 1, 0.0f, gb, 0, 1)
    +            Iterator.range(0, negativeSamples + 1).foreach { i =>
    +              if (gb(i) > -MAX_EXP && gb(i) < MAX_EXP) {
    +                val v = 1.0f / (1 + math.exp(-gb(i)).toFloat)
    +                // computing error gradient
    +                val err = (negLabels(i) - v) * alpha
    +                // update hidden -> output layer, syn1
    +                blas.saxpy(vectorSize, err, contextVec, 0, 1, syn1, 
wordIndices(i) * vectorSize, 1)
    +                // update for word vectors
    +                blas.saxpy(vectorSize, err, l2Vectors, i * vectorSize, 1, 
neu1e, 0, 1)
    +                gb.update(i, err)
    +              } else {
    +                gb.update(i, 0.0f)
    +              }
    +            }
    +            // update input -> hidden layer, syn0
    +            contextIds.foreach { i =>
    +              blas.saxpy(vectorSize, 1.0f, neu1e, 0, 1, syn0, i * 
vectorSize, 1)
    +            }
    +   / alpha
    +          }
    +          logInfo(s"Partition: $i_, Average Batch Error = ${errors.sum / 
    +        }
    +        Iterator.tabulate(vocabSize) { index =>
    +          (index, syn0.slice(index * vectorSize, (index + 1) * vectorSize))
    +        } ++ Iterator.tabulate(vocabSize) { index =>
    +          (vocabSize + index, syn1.slice(index * vectorSize, (index + 1) * 
    +        }
    +      }
    +      val aggedMatrices = partialFits.reduceByKey { case (v1, v2) =>
    +        blas.saxpy(vectorSize, 1.0f, v2, 1, v1, 1)
    +        v1
    +      }.collect()
    +      val norm = 1.0f / numPartitions
    +      aggedMatrices.foreach {case (index, v) =>
    +        blas.sscal(v.length, norm, v, 0, 1)
    +        if (index < vocabSize) {
    +          Array.copy(v, 0, syn0Global, index * vectorSize, vectorSize)
    +        } else {
    +          Array.copy(v, 0, syn1Global, (index - vocabSize) * vectorSize, 
    +        }
    +      }
    +      syn0bc.destroy(false)
    +      syn1bc.destroy(false)
    +      val timePerIteration = (System.nanoTime() - iterationStartTime) / 1e6
    +      logInfo(s"Total time taken per iteration: ${timePerIteration} ms")
    +    }
    +    digitSentences.unpersist()
    +    vocabMapBroadcast.destroy()
    +    unigramTableBroadcast.destroy()
    +    sampleTableBroadcast.destroy()
    +    new feature.Word2VecModel(vocabMap, syn0Global)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Similar to InitUnigramTable in the original code.
    +   */
    +  private def generateUnigramTable(normalizedWeights: Array[Double], 
tableSize: Int): Array[Int] = {
    +    val table = new Array[Int](tableSize)
    +    var index = 0
    +    var wordId = 0
    +    while (index < table.length) {
    +      table.update(index, wordId)
    +      if (index.toFloat / table.length >= normalizedWeights(wordId)) {
    +        wordId = math.min(normalizedWeights.length - 1, wordId + 1)
    +      }
    +      index += 1
    +    }
    +    table
    +  }
    +  private def generateVocab[S <: Iterable[String]](
    +      input: RDD[S],
    +      minCount: Int,
    +      sample: Double,
    +      unigramTableSize: Int): Vocabulary = {
    +    val sc = input.context
    +    val words = input.flatMap(x => x)
    +    val sortedWordCounts = => (w, 1L))
    +      .reduceByKey(_ + _)
    +      .filter{case (w, c) => c >= minCount}
    +      .collect()
    +      .sortWith{case ((w1, c1), (w2, c2)) => c1 > c2}
    +      .zipWithIndex
    +    val totalWordCount =
    +    val vocabMap ={case ((w, c), i) =>
    +      w -> i
    +    }.toMap
    +    val samplingTable = new Array[Float](vocabMap.size)
    +    if (sample > Double.MinPositiveValue) {
    +      sortedWordCounts.foreach { case ((w, c), i) =>
    +        val samplingRatio = sample * totalWordCount / c
    +        samplingTable.update(i, (math.sqrt(samplingRatio) + 
    +      }
    +    }
    +    val weights ={ case((_, x), _) => 
scala.math.pow(x, power)}
    +    val totalWeight = weights.sum
    +    val normalizedCumWeights = weights.scanLeft(0.0)(_ + _) => 
x / totalWeight)
    +    val unigramTable = generateUnigramTable(normalizedCumWeights, 
    +    Vocabulary(totalWordCount, vocabMap, unigramTable, samplingTable)
    +  }
    +  private def zeroVector(v: Array[Float]): Unit = {
    +    var i = 0
    +    while(i < v.length) {
    +      v.update(i, 0.0f)
    +      i+= 1
    +    }
    +  }
    +  private def generateContextWordPairs(
    +      sentence: Array[Int],
    +      window: Int,
    +      doSample: Boolean,
    +      samplingTable: Array[Float],
    +      random: XORShiftRandom): Iterator[(Array[Int], Int)] = {
    +    val reducedSentence = if (doSample) {
    +      sentence.filter(i => samplingTable(i) > random.nextFloat)
    +    } else {
    +      sentence
    +    }
    + { case (word, i) =>
    +      val b = window - random.nextInt(window) // (window - a) in original 
    +      // pick b words around the current word index
    +      val start = math.max(0, i - b) // c in original code, floor ar 0
    +      val end = math.min(reducedSentence.length, i + b + 1) // cap at 
sentence length
    +      // make sure current word is not a part of the context
    +      val contextIds = reducedSentence.view.zipWithIndex.slice(start, end)
    +        .filter{case (_, pos) => pos != i}.map(_._1)
    +      (contextIds.toArray, word)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  // This essentially helps translate from uniform distribution to a 
    +  // resembling uni-gram frequency distribution.
    +  private def generateNegativeSamples(
    +      random: XORShiftRandom,
    +      word: Int,
    +      unigramTable: Array[Int],
    +      numSamples: Int,
    +      arr: Array[Int]): Unit = {
    +    assert(numSamples + 1 == arr.length,
    +      s"Input array should be large enough to hold ${numSamples} negative 
    +    arr.update(0, word)
    +    var i = 1
    +    while (i <= numSamples) {
    +      val negSample = unigramTable(random.nextInt(unigramTable.length))
    --- End diff --
    I agree with the analysis. I did initially implement it using the binary 
search method you suggested. Changing to this reduce that complexity to 
constant time, and I saw 5%-10% performance gain from it. I do agree about the 
space savings
    To answer your questions:
    1. I have run it at scale, on wikipedia dump and some other data sets.
    2. This broadcast doesn't take too long, and happens only once at startup. 
Note that the weights are also collected and broadcasted every iteration, and 
they are also similar in size (1e6 vocab x 100 dimensions x 4bytes ~ 400Mb). 
    3. Typical vocab sizes can be 500k-1e6. As a comparison [GloVe 
Vectors]( vocab sizes range from 400k 
for wikipedia to 2e6 for web-crawl and such.


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