Github user mgaido91 commented on the issue:
    @kiszk thanks for your great analysis. May I have just a couple of 
additional questions?
     1 - In all your tests, which compiler are you using? Because I see that 
you are linking to the Oracle docs and maybe you are using `javac` for your 
tests, but in my tests (made for other cases) I realized that `janinoc` works a 
bit differently and what is true for `javac` may not be for `janinoc`.
     2 - If the problem with array occurs when we go beyond 32767, what about 
creating many arrays with max size 32767? I see that this is not a definitive 
solution and still we have some limitations, but dividing the number of 
constant pool entries by 32767 looks a very good achievement to me.


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